What exactly is the one true religion?
I'm thinking it's Christianity but I'm not quite sure.
What exactly is the one true religion?
I'm thinking it's Christianity but I'm not quite sure.
A small few people of 12 million control the entire planet and have narrowly escaped annihilation many times, clearly god is helping them out.
If there are separate covenants between Jews and Gentiles then it is possible that both Judaism and Christianity are both the true religion at the same time.
Its relative to which religion you belong to
You're thinking Christianity because you grew up in the west.
Judaism Is more recent than Christianity though. And the original Jews were indeed annihilated and ethnically cleansed from the history of the earth, all modern so-called Jews being converts.
From the face* of the earth
Judaism is many thousands of years old, and Jews both a) allowed to be converts and b) according to genetic evidence are indeed descended from middle-eastern probably Israelites.
>6 million years old
No. Judaism is based on the Talmud and a medieval forgery called the Kabbalah.
>genetic evidence
If I got a dime for every time conclusive genetic studies pointing that modern Jews are descendants from X are conduced I'd have 6 million dollars.
These books could help give you discernment OP.
>No. Judaism is based on the Talmud and a medieval forgery called the Kabbalah.
No, it's actually based on the old testament.
>If I got a dime for every time conclusive genetic studies pointing that modern Jews are descendants from X are conduced I'd have 6 million dollars.
You seem to have some kind of agenda against Jews.
God has an agenda against Jews.
One thing that worked for me is this. Let the atheists tell you what the true religion is. When atheists say they are against religion they don't mean religion in general, they mean Christianity and only Christianity.
Now repeat this exercise, only substitute "atheists" with gays, commies, denegerates, and wicked people in general. When you have finished the list you will have figured out which one is the true religion by seeing that all the answers point to the same one.
I would have to disagree, seeing that they're still around. Even after all these atfempts at genocide. Kinda sounds like God's chosen to me.
It really is amazing to watch leftists defend Islam and attack Christianity simultaneously.
>let me tell you what you believe
>God has an agenda against Jews
>Jews still exist despite 6 million attempted genocides.
>Jews run the planet
>Jews BTFO Arabs every day with no end in sight.
How can anyone believe in any religion when not only is there no proof for any religion but the best predictor for religion is what religion your parents are?
Is the truth behind the purpose of the universe and life itself determined by where you're born?
He keeps them around as an example.
That's precisely what Jews believe as well.
An example of what? Success in the face of adversity?
>You will become a thing of horror, a byword and an object of ridicule among all the peoples where the LORD will drive you.
Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.
As the original Christ killers.
Congratulations, you fell for the jew lies
Mods, please lock this thread. /x/ is seeping into our rational historical discussion board again.
>Don't piss off god.
Jews already know this very well.
So God rewards those who kill Him and/or His son?
You missed the point entirely. But then again you're probably a reprobate.
Then they ought to repent.
I got the point. It's just that the point is fallacious and warrants ridicule.
They're already keeping the law, user.
Unless you mean to suggest they accept Jesus the false messiah.
The ridicule of a reprobate is merit before Christ.
God's goodness is like the Sun whose warmth shines on both the righteous and the wicked.
However, all without the Holy Spirit will suffer the second death.
They're deluding themselves; no man can keep the law perfectly and Jesus Christ is in fact the Son of God.
That sounds like an awfully convenient excuse to me.
>no man can keep the law perfectly
You're quite right. This however does not mean we shouldn't try.
>Jesus Christ is in fact the Son of God.
God in fact has no son.
Your stiff-neckedness is regrettable.
You're in fact a kike.
Jesus is His Son.
Great comeback.
Is he really though?
I dunno about that... Judaism and Islam are fucked up too.
But he's not.
Your ad hoc excuses are regrettable.
Atheists are not against Islam. See they denounce their own hero Richard Dawkins after he criticized Islam.
Do you really want to bring Latin into it m8?
No. That's liberals. If you're okay with lumping atheists with a retarded demographic, I'm sure you're okay with me calling you a baby raping murderous racist.
>Atheists are not against Islam
American faglord atheists arent because they dont know it.
*tips Kippah*
Repent Chaim.
CouldnĀ“t agree more friend, these Humanities threads never seem to stop.
I couldn't care less what you call me. Atheism is God denying and hence its primarily directed against God's true religion in Christianity.
Isn't Trainspotting basically a Christian existentialist novel?
So you do rape babies then?
It logically follows that if you're Christian, you rape babies.
>being evil
>following the prince of darkness
They are punished. They just don't know it,
>Christian so uncomfortable with his religion lifting ideas off Judaism he pretends that it died in 70AD
I don't think true religion is. It's alike making description of one object from different view points. Every man will do different description. Also, anyway religion it's faith, there is no facts
maybe we haven't found it yet