Why do nonwhites love Hitler so much?
Why do nonwhites love Hitler so much?
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Why wouldn't they?
Most of the world hasn't been brainwashed yet.
Cite a source for your proposition?
Hitler is popular in India because he fought the British, that's literally it. There isn't really any understanding of the larger context or what the crimes of the nazi regime were.
In Japan I think it mostly has to do with a love for the Nazi aesthetic and not Hitler per se. Though they themselves have some huge blind spots. A few years ago the manga adaptation of the diary of Anne Frank was a MASSIVE hit in Japan because it really spoke to their own sense of victimhood about what happened to their country. There was really no understanding about how during the war Japan created countless Anne Franks in their conquered territories.
In the Muslim World it's unironically because they hate Jews and like Hitler for killing them.
Elsewhere, a combination of two things. One, ignorance of his atrocities- he's usually just seen as a regular European conqueror in the same light as Caesar or Napoleon, a strong leader, hence why you have Hitler ice cream shops in Vietnam and Duterte comparing himself to Hitler. Imperial Japan pretty much occupies the culture niche there that Nazi Germany occupies in the West. Two, paired with one is the fact that he was fighting the hated colonizers of the British, French, and Dutch; many in the third world think that Hitler was basically just doing to Europeans what Europeans were doing to Asians. Which he kinda was, if you're talking about him in the context of THOSE countries and ignoring the Eastern Front and Holocaust (plus Poles and Belarusians weren't colonizing anything).
This is also why the Japanese were initially welcomed by the populations of the colonies they conquered (except for the Filipinos, who already had self-rule and were scheduled for independence soon, so they never really bought Japan's shtick)
I thought this was just a meme until my history professor brought in a guest lecturer who related a story about some students he was teaching in Hawaii. Two of them were Japanese (as in, Japanese-Japanese, not Americans) and three Korean (same). One of the books he assigned them was a monograph on the Nanking Massacre. When it came time to turn in their reports, the two Japanese students were in tears after reading the book and talking about how they never knew about any of that- their history of the war basically just skipped straight from Pearl Harbor to the atomic bombs with heavy emphasis put on the suffering of Japan. This made the three Korean students really angry and they ended up ranting about how much they hated Japanese people to the two students for the first fifteen minutes of class.
He relates another story about how an official from the Japanese embassy, a member of the Japanese Ministry of Defense, was invited to give a presentation to his class about modern Chinese-Japanese relations. He got mad and started yelling at the class when one of them asked him if WW2 colored modern perceptions at all. This turned into a rant about how Nanking was the work of Chinese collaborators and all war crimes were just fabrications designed to slander glorious Nippon.
Because Hitler wanted to improve them as much they wish to improve themselves.
Because they hate shitskins and want a white+asian world.
>Hitler is popular in India because he fought the British, that's literally it. There isn't really any understanding of the larger context or what the crimes of the nazi regime were.
to be fair. In India we know that hitler targeted and killed ethnic non germans. What we are surprised about it why the west claims it was the worst thing ever because even while the holocaust was going on in europe, the bengal famine was decimating farmers in India.
well do you understand? What's so different about Hitler is that Europe had never seen genocide that was done in such a scientific and industrial manner, and really the world never has again since then, sure there have been genocides but never ones carried out in such a way. It really showed the dangers of nationalism and autocratic strongmen who peddle in easy answers. I really hope its not a lesson we've forgotten.
Well, shit. I guess that a shitty third world nation suffering famine is far more important to history than the second world war. It isn't like that would be of any real consequence to people, unlike a very historically small famine in only one particular part of the world.
>industrial scale killing, starting from ahving roving bands of paramilitaries entering villages and shooting them up and turned into the concentration camp situation is the same as retarded economic mismanagement by a government
hmmmm really made me :thinking:
Also to be fair, as an Australian student we were never taught about the massive rape that happened in post-ww2 Japan, conducted by allied troops that included Australians. Just like how Japan doesn't teach its students about comfort women or 731 or the bataan.
Gotta keep the spooks alive I suppose.
>Europe had never seen genocide that was done in such a scientific and industrial manner, and really the world never has again since then
lol, what are you talking about, fag
remember the Great Purge (3 million people killed)
remember the Polish Operation (200,000 Polish people killed)
remember Holomodor (11 million Ukrainian deaths)
remember Soviet Union's forced resettlement of "enemies of workers" (6 million people resettled of whom 1.5 million died due to inhumane conditions and treatment)
remember "reeducation experiments" of Pitești prison
remember Dekulakization (11 million deaths)
all of those combined(and more that I didn't mention) are called the Red Holocaust with 60 million documented victims and additional tens of millions of victims.
>m-m-muh holocaust
morality. look at their historical heroes belonging to middle ages and before, then look at european heroes of middle ages and before; why they are loved, how people remember them and etc. now look at the europeans, it will give you the answer.
Japs were on his side, so I assume they would be slightly more likely to be neo-nazis than, say, Brits.
I'm Muslim and I can confirm this. Some Muslim thought exterminating jews was a good thing, but a TRUE muslim wouldn't even think like that
spook. you or other people dont think so because of their better education and by stating that "a more educated muslim wouldnt think like that" you state that education comes before being muslim in terms of a good morality. which would be nice for you to recognize
Also Indian people are the true Aryans.
>a TRUE muslim wouldn't even think like that
God, fuck off, you retard.
>remember Holomodor (11 million Ukrainian deaths)
>Dekulakization (11 million deaths)
Great Way to prove you are not from around here, and that you do not have any knowledge on the topic
>implying the holocaust actually happened
>no true scotsman fallacy
Fuck off
I guess most people didn't know that Islam has a hidden system. I wanna explain but we're here to talk about why Hitler loved by nonwhites so I'm gonna refrain myself