I'll start
>it is illegal to kill yourself
LTT the most Orwellian laws ever enacted by your country
Other urls found in this thread:
what country is that?
Not even relevant. If you're already dead how does it affect you whether it was legal or not?
they will put you in prison if you survive
It's illegal because people die when they are killed.
If you commit suicide and are brought back or suck at killing yourself. You can be prosecuted!
>You can be prosecuted!
Can you argue that it was self defence.
You can go to jail in Britain for possessing the kind of porn the Tories don't like. Not just cp but stufc like spanking or bondage is banned too.
On a related note: due to the way computers work, if you view illegal content, you are also immediately guilty of owning and reproducing it too (because images you open get saved onto your hdd). So you can send someone to jail by tricking them to open a cp site.
>you can go to jail for having spanking/bondage porn
>you can send someone to jail by tricking them to open a cp site.
false, no judge or jury would convict
you don't understand anything about our legal system
Patriot act. Also Obama tried to make a law that would make news deemed false by the White House illegal.
The US
They posthumously sentence you to death
how long until trump enacts the same thing but on a mass scale with all organizations except fox and breitbart?
What makes you think that?
No? What the fuck? I've seen some pretty damn hardcore british porn
It is illegal to question the Holocaust. I wonder (((who))) was behind THAT law?
How long until Trump gasses the all the jews and builds the new world trade center from muslim bones?
European progressives who wanted to protect jews from future persecution.
good point
There's nothing wrong with laws against suicide except for how much self harm clinics cost, and you didn't even know about that.
Human life has value and humans will eventually be immortal. Deal with it deathcuck.
Name one good reason why suicide should be legal. "I am a gigantic faggot who doesn't want to live" is not a reason.
You are responsible for your own life.
Not the state.
By using extremely orwellian laws? Doesn't sound very progressive of them.
>You are responsible for your own life.
Then who is supposed to get rid of your corpse after you have taken your life?
Creating a database to Document Undocumented Workers.
>You can go to jail if you repeat a 40-year old joke on Twitter
Most countries have laws against suicide.
The laws are still on the books, and while not usually enforced, they sometimes are. Someone was taken to court for possessing bondage porn featuring breast damage.
It is even illegal to exist for you.
I heard that the person's family is penalized by not receiving any life insurance or inheritance. Don't quote me on it, though.
>Doesn't sound very progressive of them.
Did you just now learn that most 'progressives' are complete hypocrites?
The things Trump has said.
>"I am a gigantic faggot who doesn't want to live" is not a reason.
Why not? Why is it the state's place to arbitrate for you whether or not you're a gigantic faggot who doesn't want to live?
Cartoon loli porn is illegal.
You're destroying guvment property!
Why is it that neo-nazis and wannabe fascists always play the oppression card?
This as fuck.
You need to give the government money and papers when you get a new car.
Because neonazis, fascists and alt-rightists are hypocrites.
nice one
In Germany it's illegal to claim most of the refugees are actually economic migrants. This is considered hate speech, although there isn't even a law specifying what hate speech is supposed to be.
This is bullshit.
suicide doesn't effect inheritance but its a standard part of any life insurance contract that if you kill yourself its void, they also refuse to pay out if the person who had the policy was murdered by a person seeking to collect.
It's like burning down your own house to collect the insurance on it.
translate this to american please
that sounds like bullshit, do you have a source on that?
You are literally an idiot. Suicide is illegal for two reasons:
1. To discourage people from doing it.
2. So that the state/police can legally intervene to try and prevent it.
It has NOTHING to do with punishment. People who sucessfully commit suicide aren't even charged with a crime. People who attempt and fail are almost NEVER jailed or even put on trial.
Source: quora.com
This is entirely false
No. After a certain period of time (usually about 2 years), most life insurance companies usually will cover suicide if there is evidence that it was caused by mental illness and not intentionally done to collect the insurance.
Source: insuranceclarity.com
Literally all it takes is a fucking google search, I'm so sick of this board.
You're required to carry your ID card all the time when you're outside.
Random fringe cases where the person is found guilty of trying to harm others by commiting suicide or is intentionally doing it for the inusrance money (insurance fraud). The state never put someone on trial if teats are done and the attempt is found to be the result of a mental illness.
Random fringe cases where the person is found guilty of trying to harm others by commiting suicide or is intentionally doing it for the inusrance money (insurance fraud). The state would never put someone on trial if tests are done and the attempt is found to be the result of a mental illness.
And by "harming others" I mean trying to take others with him or attempting suicide by trying to force others to murder him.
It was explained to me at some point that the primary reason for this law is to have a basis on which to involve both emergency services AND police resources if there is a report that someone is trying to kill themselves, as well as have a warrant to search your property, etc.
I don't know how true that is, but that's what I thought it was intended for.
This is true, see my post here The law isn't some sort of "1984" totalitarian attempt to control the people. It literally exists to prevent suicide and so the state can help people with mental illnesses and their families recover.
>it is illegal to kill another person
> (because images you open get saved onto your hdd)
What the fuck why
Simply pointing out that you can't deny the holocaust or be thrown in jail certainly seems to ruffle your feathers
>1. To discourage people from doing it.
While everything else you've said is valid, I fail to see the reasoning here.
> Oh boy I would like to shoot myself in the head, but I would break the law if I do so.
It's not illegal to kill yourself in the US. It's treated as a mental health issue and you're likely to get committed if someone else notices you trying to kill yourself unsuccessfully, but there's no law against it.
Which US law are you talking about?
Believe it or not, things being illegal actually does discourage people from doing them.
No, they won't put you in prison if you survive.
It's illegal so they can remove your rights without having to go through the rigmarole of declaring you a non-competent, and thus fucking you for life, and instead can just slap you with a 51/50 - which isn't, technically, even a criminal offense.
They will probably toss you into holding until they can find a mental institution that can take you, but that's about it.
Granted, if you end up in a state mental institution, depending on the state, you might wish they dropped you in prison instead.
t. worked intake at a mental hospital for 5000 hours.
...On the other hand, several states and municipalities in the US have laws against walking on grass.
That's not Orwellian, that's just civilized.
"Racially aggravated public order offenses".
Aka arresting people for saying mean shit on twitter.
Wanting to kill yourself is a sign of psychological disease. It should be treated. Furthermore people susceptible to sudden bouts of depression (the kind of people who commit suicide) are perfectly happy functional people a lot of the time and of those who have attempted suicide in the past they are all thankful someone saved them.
When it comes to extreme acts such as suicide or murder, no, not really.
I mean speeding, yes - but if you're so upset you're ready to off someone or yourself? Potential legal consequences rarely come to mind.
...Save, in the case of murder, when it comes to the process of not getting caught, but given the potential for retribution, that'd be a thing whether there was a law involved or not.
Which law are you talking about?
>It should be emphasized that suicide is not against the law in most parts of the United States of America.
how could you possibly deny that it happened given the overwhelming primary sources to the contrary?
Yes really. "Laws don't deter crime" is just something libertarians say to try and convince you that laws are pointless or bad. But its all rhetoric, don't listen to them.
>tfw it was a thing
>thoughtcrime isn't orwellian
Anime in general should be illegal tbqh
Only if schizophrenia/multiple personality disorder was diagnosed on said persons!
Otherwise have fun convincing a judge/jury to accept that as a definite cause of said violent act, on said persons.
All drug and food prohibition laws.
Still, people must be paid to do this. Your estate or family will pay for these things, if you decide to commit suicide. I think the keyword here is commit.
Because, there has to be an investigation of your death. So the state can verify if you were murdered or in fact did commit suicide. Coroners,police,state workers all need to be paid in order for these things to happen. Not to mention bills you haven't paid and fees for burial/cremation.
You are a number, that number makes money for the state through taxes. The state needs to rectify this situation andake money off of you. Not to mention emotional turmoil that could effect loved ones and possibly cause the state more involvment.
No, that's not how it works. The burden is on you to come up with a reason why the state should start prohibiting something. As it stands today, suicide isn't against the law in most of the US so the majority of the posts in this thread are uninformed garbage.
It's no different from suicide being "illegal".
Cartoon child pornography is one of the clearest indicators of incredibly serious mental health problems which, if left untreated, will result in wider problems both for the budding pedophile and any nearby 3D children.
Making it illegal and thereby allowing the authorities to intervene is the humane thing to do.
>gasses all the Jews
Probably never, seeing as he might be the most pro-Israel president in history.
It'll be easier for him to gas them all if he gets them into one concentration country first.
Why would you poison consumers? Your reputation would tank and that's what keeps companies alive.
That being said, the AnCap memes are actually funny.
The poisoner in that meme scenario didn't want to keep a company alive, he just wanted to poison a town once and then sell them an antidote at 400% profit margin. Anyone who only wants to make a large profit once would have no incentive to preserve reputation. You see this a lot in practice with internet recreational drug vendors, it's called an exit scam, where they're going to abandon the business anyway so they take all the money of pending orders and don't fulfill them.
I didn't say laws don't deter crime.
But they do nothing to deter insanity.
I mean, if someone is earnestly trying to off themselves, do you really think, even for a moment, the law comes into it? Waddya gonna do, kill them?
I suppose it makes it less likely it'll be used as an attention grabbing tactic, but all suppressing that does is mask the underlying problem.
And while it may discourage premeditated murder - the very existence of the law enforcement mechanism making it more difficult to get away with - it does nothing to prevent murders of passion.
Gonna need some proof user
M8 you're a bit outdated, zerohedge.com
T./pol/ack whose never looked at German law or set foot in Germany.
What do you fucking hand the garbage man a check each week when they reach your house?
>pay for the month
>stand where you put your garbage cans
>kill self
>garbage man disposes of you with the rest of the trash
I see so many of you retards walking around so Il give you an example. Even if theres only one company that made shitty produce that was infected, sure their reputation will suffer but at the end of the day 5K people still died of disease from their food. Kys libtard.
In Canada a bill was passed that posits that a statement of truth can be hate speech if the right people dislike it.
Good thing it's completely legal in the west barring some shitholes like the UK.
There are conflicting accounts of Diogenes's death. He is alleged variously to have held his breath; to have become ill from eating raw octopus;[33] or to have suffered an infected dog bite.[34] When asked how he wished to be buried, he left instructions to be thrown outside the city wall so wild animals could feast on his body. When asked if he minded this, he said, "Not at all, as long as you provide me with a stick to chase the creatures away!" When asked how he could use the stick since he would lack awareness, he replied "If I lack awareness, then why should I care what happens to me when I am dead?"
Really gets the neurons firing
>>it is illegal to kill yourself
its a crime to destroy federal property.
Wait what.
I'm not that guy but it is true.
1-There was a case of a guy getting banned over toddlercon doujinshi.
2-There was a case of a guy who had cp found, but it wasn't saved, it was found cached in the ram, or something like that. They guy nearly went to prison until the defense explained to the judge how images auto-save themselves on the computer once viewed and the judge dismissed the case right there. It is not hard to imagine that maybe some poor idiot went trough the same and wasn't so lucky to get the judge to dismiss.
What is with the (((xxx))) stuff I'm seeing lately? Guessing they're "obvious sarcasm indicators" for (((extra stupid people))), because "regular quotes" aren't enough anymore?
Sheeeeeeet nigga
To "English", americuck. The US doesn't even have an official body that regulates language. "Ayy lmao" and "maymay" are as valid as the word "house" in your meme language.
It says:
"The prosecutor is asking for 2 years and 6 months in jail, plus 3 years of probation for making jokes about Carrero Blanco. Just that, jokes about a dictator."
>deny that the an ideology that actively genocided people despite primary sources.
>support an ideology that has historically overthrown the german state
>"Abloo bloo, why am I being persecuted.