Is communism just nationalism/facism for poor countries?
China, Russian and Vietnam were tired of being laughing stock of the world and getting cucked by other countries so they used it as way to unite the country and kick out all the foreigners.
Is communism just nationalism/facism for poor countries?
China, Russian and Vietnam were tired of being laughing stock of the world and getting cucked by other countries so they used it as way to unite the country and kick out all the foreigners.
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You're kinda onto something here OP.
Fascism is why real communism never happened.
Can't have socialism/communism with bullshit nationalism fucking it up.
It just becomes shit.
Except to me, Nationalism usually means caring for your fellow countrymen, and Communism sure didn't do that.
replace Russia with Cuba
>Can't have socialism/communism with bullshit nationalism fucking it up.
Modern day China and Vietnam seem to be doing quite well combining nationalism with communism. Although ofcourse you could argue their communism isnt communism.
Not sure about Vietnam, but Chinese "communism" isn't communism by any means except for the iconography.
>laughing stock of the world
>Is communism just nationalism/facism for poor countries?
Fascism is for poor countries too.
>mistakes communism and liberalism for communism and nationalism
>any support of your ingroup, race or nation is nationalism
You do know we are talking about russia in the early 1900s and not present Russia right?
By no measure was Russia the laughing stock of the world back then.
Turkey? Yes. Russia? No.
Life became a shitton better under Communism in Russia than what it was under the czar tho.
>By no measure was Russia the laughing stock of the world back then.
They became the laughing stock of europe after btfo by Japan.
>They became the laughing stock of europe after btfo by Japan
They lost the war but they were far from BTFO. And they didn't become the laughing stock of the world. Feel free to prove me otherwise if you can provide a source.
Russia? A laughing stock of the world?
You do realize that Imperial Russia had remained a legitimate great power all up until the moment she stopped existing?
>Legitimate power
Couldn't even give her soldiers fucking weapons to fight with.
I think so too. I'm from the Balkans, and communist era is regarded as a time when the country was strong against outside influences. Local fascists were looked upon as traitors who sided with the ones who wanted to conquer and genocide us.
same thing with latin american communists and socialists. they want to protect their national economies against the super powerful US capitalists, and having a capitalist system is actually making it easy for the foreigners.
So basically in the end it's all the same shit. Good to know.
Did you replied to wrong post, or are you a retard?
I always say that "Stalinism is just fascism with a suckier economic policy"
Life was by no means better under communism, especially with the civil war and the millions of deaths caused by forced collectivisation and de-kulakisation processes. In the longer run, the general standard of living never compared to capitalist countries, but it wasn't terrible all the time either. It's very difficult to speculate on how it might have been if they hadn't undergone the revolution.
Even Alexander Zinovjev, someone who had to go exile for his critique of the soviet system through his writings, had to admit that the opportunities that opened up for the common people were something previously they couldn't even have dreamed of.
Even basic education was unattainable for most of the populace. Under Communism, not only did basic education become mandatory, something that would boost the literacy rates into first world levels in less than one generation, but also higher education became suddenly an option for everyone who had the desire and motivation.
Industry and urbanization is what lifted most of the populace out of what was serfdom in all but name. Yes, they lost their lands in collectivization. But what they gained in exchange was a chance of making something out of themselves.
This is corroborated by statistics of literacy and yes, even nutritional data, which was loosely kept track of.
Yes, the life in Russia didn't compare to those of the few richest countries of the world (Western Europe, US, Canada, Australia), but considering where they were at previously, and the jump they made, there is no way you could say they were worse off under Communism.
If you're going to quote me, then at least have the decency to quote my entire statement, subhuman. I've specifically spoken of Imperial Russia, not the Soviet Union during its first year in the war against Germany.
Certainly, it was in some ways improved, but at the cost of religious and ethnic repression and literally millions of lives. It was more than just the loss of land, it was the loss of their culture and heritage. And it was a broken promise, for the farmers were promised by Lenin that they would be rewarded with bread peace and land and receieved none of these things - what use is literacy in a country ruined by two world wars, a horrific civil war, the rebirth of the tsarist secret police in the proto-kgb under Dzerzhinsky, and complete authoritarian control by a government that relied on terror and control over information to control its people.
Russian navy was a joke, manned by drunks who got annihilated by the fucking nips who modernised years before the Russians despite their previous policy of isolation
They almost got annihilated by themselves, the fucking drunks.
Someone post the adventures of the Baltic fleet on their way to Tsushima.
Why suckier though? SSSR outproduced fascistic economies, despite rapid Axis advance forced Russians to relocate lots of its industry.
That's not an argument.
Communism sucks, but fascism sucks communism's dick (According to Deutsche Fräuleins, quite literally).
No you don't understand what actual communism is and you are mixing it up with State Capitalism which is understandable
come on, man, if you're going to post rip-offs of ancap ball, at least post one which isn't vague and off topic
It's an album you dolt
What does that have to do with you mentioning the Soviet Union in a discussion that covers Imperial Russia as its topic, you absolute subhuman?
Yes, ejaculate is very nutritious.
Communists have been quite open about their manipulation of nationalism in poor countries for the sake of the movement. There are probably quite a few Comintern directives about that.
>Regarding the political situation in the colonized world, the second congress of the Communist International stipulated that a united front should be formed between the proletariat, peasantry and national bourgeoisie in the colonial countries. Amongst the twenty-one conditions drafted by Lenin ahead of the congress was the 11th thesis which stipulated that all communist parties must support the bourgeois-democratic liberation movements in the colonies.
nigga you really think I want sit through a bunch of tired, uncreative rip-offs of a vastly more amusing meme which doesn't take itself nearly so seriously?
How about instead of hiding behind memes you actually answer his question?
What does that have to do with you mentioning the Soviet Union in a discussion that covers Imperial Russia as its topic, you absolute subhuman?
>Russian navy was a joke
Interesting assessment, so having a good navy is the only and main thing that defines some land a great power?
Nationalism can't be used in Ussr because it was populated by nation combined from few nations by opinion of ruling party, alike old fashion tribal alliance.
The USSR was just a Russian state masquerading as an union, all that Russification and such.
Weird, why was it used during Lenin's reign as counterweight to old Russian imperialism?
Don't forget the soft genocides and deportations.
Because unlike Stalin, Lenin was willing to make one-sided deals with Westerners, hence him being seen as the "good guy".
>I'm not going to scroll down I'm just going to call your post vague and off-topic
How are "one-sided deals" relevant to alphabetization of Siberian tribes?