Which group of people truly deserved to be feeded to lions by Romans?
Christians? Zaelots? Slave rebels? Carthaginians? Other?
People who deserved to die in Collosseum
>feeded to
You deserve the Colosseum treatment
well sorry english is not my first language, Mr Touchy Assface
no one, it was absolutely barbaric
There is nothing wrong with barbarism
Did it even happen?
The lions did literally nothing wrong.
there you got what you came for, now fuck off
This. Although the Jews were the ones paying people to be thrown in the coliseum.
ok then, it was wrong to feed people to lions because it was needlessly cruel, and the fact that it was done as a form of mass entertainment is telling that Roman culture was sick in that people enjoyed to watch others suffer
>Roman culture was sick in that people enjoyed to watch others suffer
This hasn't changed for humanity in general.
Yes it did, the Bestiarii was like a half time show between the gladiator fights. Though it wasn't always just vicious animals killing and eating unarmed prisoners, there were beast hunters who killed the animals in bizarre ways like one trainer who was famous for a trick where he would kill a lion from horseback with a single throw of a javelin. There was even one trainer who had trained horses to rape the prisoners, no idea how he managed that.
Didn't they apparently train chimps to rape little girls?
they didn't have any knowledge of chimps
so no
>excluding nogs
People like OP
I mean watching someone get torn to shreds by one of the greatest predators does sound interesting. It would definitely expand your view on human lion interactions.
Goddamn the Romans were fucking savages. How insane must it have been to watch a group of lightly armed men fight a full grown bengal tiger to the death?
Gladiatorial sport sounds like equal parts NFL and Faces of Death.
Literally every ancient culture had some form of fighting pits or arenas.
Romans are not specifically cruel as opposed to others of their time, they just happened to be the most powerful, but you'll find cruelty in every part of the world and people who enjoy watching it the same.
It's not much different than our violence porn in our pop culture or even boxing/mma in that the same sort of grotesque intrigue that lives in the heart of every man inspires it all equally.
only a small portion of the games were lethal because they were actual executions.
gladiatorial combats usually didn't end in death, only the first strike/knockdown, and other shows including races, juggling, comedians and theater happened all day when there weren't any fights going on.
Damnatio Ad Bestias was reserved for the scummiest scum so no one would feel bad about a serial child rapist/killer or a traitor/spy got thrown in.