Bugisoft is ruining history
Bugisoft is ruining history
The ge doesn't claim to be historically accurate in any way, shape or form
This. Just game user :)
The only game that triggers me for it's historical accuracy is battlefield.
I've actually met so many people that are taking that game as historical fact due to battlefield games always being marketed as realistic.
This is what happens when decades of conditioning western gamers to the idea of "realism" as the only goal of gaming.
more like niggerfield
Battlefield and now this?
You westerners need to go.
We Asians will have to wipe you out along with the shitskins, you no longer deserve to live.
How long until a WW2 fps where you spend the entire game by gunning down nazi niggers?
>we wuz SS and sheet
>shooting niggers
That's racist
people getting triggered about black people in videogames are equally pathetic than videogame feminist or those who get triggered about whitewash shit
its just kids video_games
Well said user.
still, why would they make him black? why not native american? why not chinese, since they buy way more games than blacks
it's vikings vs knights vs samurai you autist
it's like mount and blade, it's a fantasy setting that resembles history
Because that would be too cool and ruin (((their))) agenda to make European history some niggerized clusterfuck.
The British ogre top right made me chuckle a little
There are no black vikings unless the player chooses to make their character black. Sensationalist nonsense. The female characters are the only thing worth complaining about aside from the terrible fantasy weapons and armor.
>Tfw DICE use the small number of Askari niggers fighting in Germany's colonies as an excuse to put two niggers in the German team but they wouldn't use the presence of a small number of sub-saharan Africans in the Free Arabian Legion in WW2 as an excuse to fill the Heer team up with niggers
That's not an Australian, it's a South African soldier. But in the full-release version the British scout wears a brodie helmet instead of a slouch cap.
>chinks buy more games
only their own games or F2P bullshit.
The chinese market is a fucking meme.
Too bad they didn't cover the African front. That shit would have probably been more in line with the original BF formula and it would have allowed for blacks no problem.
>Black Vikings
Damn black nazi