We're all the Japs in China baby murdering rapists? Surely there's a number of soldiers and officers who opposed or spoke out to the war crimes.
All I ever hear about the Nips in WWII is that they're savages who gave no shits about human life.
We're all the Japs in China baby murdering rapists? Surely there's a number of soldiers and officers who opposed or spoke out to the war crimes.
All I ever hear about the Nips in WWII is that they're savages who gave no shits about human life.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nip military had this rather interesting feature that allowed lower ranking officers to kill their superiors if they didn't show acceptable levels of fanaticism.
Imperial Japan is a hell of a drug.
I'm interested, source?
Imperial Japan wasn't really a society that was conducive to "speaking out."
The difference is most didn't consider Chinese/Southeast Asians as human.
This wasn't China but General Yamashita was convicted even though he was personally against committing atrocities - he was convicted for failing to prevent his subordinates from doing so. This became the Yamashita standard by which other generals would be judged, and indicates the inability of the higher ranking officers to assert their authority. Also, generals seen as sympathetic were often sidelined and reassigned to insignificant posts, so some of the blame can be laid at the feet of the top brass, which had consolidated power to bring an end to factionalism within the military through purges.
Doesn't really answer your question about the actual perpetrators though, I would assume it was something to do with the Imperial fanaticism and the stress of fighting against guerilla forces. Many have speculated that the Nanjing Massacre was in retaliation to the unexpected difficulty the Japanese encountered in the siege of Shanghai which left them far behind schedule.
raping and killing Chinese in the thousands is part of their culture you racist
>All I ever hear about the Nips in WWII is that they're savages who gave no shits about human life.
Hm. Same with Germans. They were a monolithic baby murdering rapist block too. I wonder why.
Both were subhuman scum that should had been killed to last man, woman, and child.
Clearly a conspiracy to discredit the glorious Japanese empire and prevent them from revising article 9 so that they'll remain a dependent bitch of the American military forever instead of a proud ethnically pure and independent nation
The Heer don't get that much of a bad reputation anymore. The SS are used as a scapegoat and branded as baby-killing monsters while the Wehrmacht gets off mostly scot-free.
Japan entered into WW2 to free Asia from western influences and create a greater East Asian co-prosperity sphere. They were forced by smelly Jewish Americans to attack and bomb them when their key supply lines were cut off. Korea and Chinese were much happier under Japanese occupation than shitty communism or American's bitch.
Why would the US continue to sell resources to the Japanese knowing full well they were using said resources to act against America's interests? Go to bed, Tojo.
I hate this myth. Modern day Japan actually has a very capable navy. They aren't dependent on the US.
Because America and the west wanted to keep exploiting asian colonies and resources. China used to be strong but got ruined by Britain over opium. Japan too had to be forcibly opened for business by Commodore Perry. Russia too wanted to steal chinese land and have a warm water port which would open up Japan and the rest of Asia up to even more shit
I see
So a little like the article 26 of the German constitution with the same result?
Actually you have the timeline reversed. SS bad, Heer good is the older view, so Germany could be rearmed without anyone protesting. Nowadays we know all German soldiers ate babies
No point in having a navy if we can't use it to defend ourself collectively alongside our allies. Why should Japan be forced into this weak position ? Japan should be a normal nation like other countries not a weak American bitch. They are still building more shitty bases on Okinawa so that American soldiers can kidnap and rape little girls.
chinese are subhumans that deserved to be genocided by glorious Japanese
>Why should Japan be forced into this weak position
They aren't.
Then why does Japan face so much international criticism for trying to be like the us and have its own military with the ability to actually use it?
Because Japan of 2017 is exactly same bloodthristy empire of cannibals and slavers as it was back in 1941.
And what has the us military achieved since Korean war (which they didn't even win)
Lets see:
>1 collapsed superpower due to forcing them into an arms race that they couldn't win
>dozens of unstable 3rd world shitholes turned into even more unstable 3rd world shitholes
>continuing keeping sure that western europe and parts of east asia stay in america's sphere of influence
>memeign battleships up as relevant weapons of war well after they become 100% obsolete
Why is this country trusted with a military and not Japan? Japan has a direct threat from communists in China talking our senkaku islands and Koreans taking our land too
Unlike you USA knows when to side with the winning team and commits its war crimes against people that no one gives fuck up about.
>He's not even being ironic
It was sort of required if an infantryman wanted to up his position to officer or something, you'd get punished for not doing it, they believed many of them would starve to death anyway, and other soldiers would kill them anyway.
It was nothing more than an attempt to not lose morale to the horrors of war, although your japanese peasant who grew up eating dirt and leaves might not give a shit either way.
>We're all the Japs in China baby murdering rapists?
No I'm pretty sure I'm not japanese, I've never been to China and I've done neither baby murdering or necrophile prepubescent raping.
Besides, it all happened way before I was born.
More seriously, here's Karl Friday talking about stuff related to that,
Past tense is key here senpai
>no I'm not Japanese
>bla bla blahhh
Go to /pol/ senpai
>hating germans is /pol/
If your writing "were" "we're", you should expect that you're post will be derided.
Stupid joke aside, Friday's text is the only thing of merit in the post.
>Why should Japan be forced into this weak position ?
Did you even read OP or look at that pic?
Last thing I want to see is a resurgence of Imperialist Japan - mind you that'd entail nukes and a war with China.
I don't even like them being as armed as they are. You can tell Trump I don't care if they are paying "their fair share" - I will double my taxes to fund their defense, so long as it means they are disarmed!
Just let them be peaceful little makers of anime and sex robots. They're adorable this way, but under all that pacified makeup, those are the eyes of fucking sharks.
Would you want a bigger Bundeswehr?
Meh, as /pol/ is so fond of pointing out, Germany has found other ways to destroy Europe. (Not that Japanese exported consumer culture hasn't had some negative impacts. Though yes, I'll pay to keep Germany down too.)
I wish there was a way to pay the Soviets to disarm as well. They have way too much hardware for my comfort.
Hell, just take half military budget and spend it on bribing these nations to disarm - at this point, it's cheaper to bribe than to threaten.
>who gave no shits about human life.
It's called war.
Remember the 400 gorillion innocent chinese killed by japanese savages, laowai!
>Then why does Japan face so much international criticism for trying to be like the us
The country that criticizes Japan's military the most is unsurprisingly China. That's not really "international criticism."
>its own military with the ability to actually use it?
Japan does have that. Japan has a very solid green water Navy. They aren't dependent on the US anymore than Britain or the Netherlands are.
>They aren't dependent on the US anymore than Britain or the Netherlands are.
Actually, they seem to be quite a bit less so, with, arguably, the fourth strongest military on the planet.
...and the second largest fleet of destroyers in the world to boot:
Which is more than a little worrisome. Though, I suppose, there's no doubt that the US has them in check, for now, and they aren't nuclear armed, yet.
We're fucked when they get those Gundams though.
No they don't, and yes they are. That navy has no offensive capability, no carriers, and substandard armament on the ships themselves. They're only "good" because nobody else is even trying.
They can handle themselves day to day, but unless they amend their constitution AND reform their military, they're going to remain dependent on the US navy to keep the Chinese away for the foreseeable future.
The only nation on the planet with more than two aircraft carriers is the US, so if that's their standards, no one else has a navy.
Meanwhile, Japan has more destroyers than China, Russia, Britain, and well - any nation other than the US.
Partly because of Japanese habit of classing everything outside of submarines as destroyer.
Find me something here that doesn't look like a destroyer here to you:
Keep in mind it's the US that assembles the list yonder (), not Japan.
>That navy has no offensive capability
Not sure what you mean by that, but it doesn't matter because Japan doesn't really want offensive capability anyway.
>no carriers
They have some pretty dank helicopter carriers actually. Other than that they don't really need aircraft carriers because their biggest rival is right up in their face so they can rely on land-based fighter jets. Building large carriers for fixed-wing aircraft would be a waste of limited resources better spent on land-based aviation.
>substandard armament on the ships themselves
You're gonna have to elaborate on this.
No tomahawks, at least the last time I checked.
Meanwhile the commanders of 731 walked free. Nuremberg was a sham.
lol, and the massive psyop on the entire german population at the end of the war to make them hate themselves.
And fucking Japanese have the audacity to pull this whole "murkans were rayciss against us, we dindu nuffin, they wud neba had dun dem tingz to the germans cuz they beez wite an sheeit".
Fuck all slants. Fuck the Buddha up his fat gold ass too.
16 cells Mk 41 VLS
2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × triple 324 mm torpedo tubes
12.7mm MG
Looks pretty destoyer-ee to me.
(Also, kinda in the opposite direction of what was claimed.)
Wouldn't be the first carrier to mount fairly hefty amount of conventional armaments to go along with its aircrafts.
Yeah, but a carrier is kinda of a step up from a destroyer, rather than a step down, broadly speaking.
Carrier yes, helicopter carrier no. One is a threat to other warships. The other is a target.
>not eliminating your enemy at the roots
Why even war if you're not playing for keeps?
Which requires the greater technological know-how, investment, engineering, and provides the greater strike range and intelligence gathering capabilities?
I think a navy with 12 destroyers, is a fraction behind a navy with 10 destroyers and 2 helicopter carriers.
Granted, that particular helicopter carrier is pretty small, on par with those of France and Egypt. Then again, it's better armed than many of their destroyers. (And using 'murika as the standard just ain't fair.)
You're correct, the Japanese Navy doesn't possess Tomahawks. But that's a matter of doctrine, not a matter of capability.
And it leaves them seriously lacking in offensive ability. Why doesn't matter.
Helicopter carriers are actually quite threatening if you're in a submarine. Helicopters are the kings of anti-submarine warfare (ASW). Those ships are designed as purpose-built anti-submarine platforms (although the inherent versatility of helicopters means that they can also be used for other things).
If they don't want offensive capability then the lack of it doesn't matter. What good would Tomahawks be for the Japanese navy?
It is literally impossible to win a war with no offensive ability.
>this is a japanese destroyer
So they were Orks?
>implying they dindu nuffin
>implying conspiracy and demonisation
The Germans conducted massacres all over the Balkans, in Yugoslavia and the Eastern front. Whole towns and villages fell victim to rape, firing squads and immolation.
>inb4 Only the SS, or it was because they were Slavs
Look up the massacres that happened in Greece.
That just upgrades their massacre list from slavs to turks&slavs.
Don't worry. Revenge is coming, you japanese cunt.
Very few countries have true offensive capability though. I'm not sure why Japan gets singled out for not having it. They have a very solid green water navy and I really don't see the lack of tomahawks as a big deficiency that needs to be corrected. They have plenty of anti-ship missiles and that's more important for Japan's situation.
>During the political turmoil of the 1930s, Yamamoto was a leading figure in the navy’s moderate “treaty faction,” known for its support of unpopular disarmament treaties. He criticized the mindlessly bellicose rhetoric of the ultranationalist right and opposed the radicals who used revolutionary violence and assassinations to achieve their ends. He despised the Japanese Army and its leaders, who subverted the power of civilian ministers and engineered military adventures in Manchuria and other parts of China.
>And yet even in the final weeks of peace, Yamamoto continued to urge that the wiser course was not to fight the United States at all. “We must not start a war with so little a chance of success,” he told Admiral Nagano. He recommended abrogating the Tripartite Pact and pulling Japanese troops out of China. Finally, he hoped that the emperor would intervene with a “sacred decision” against war. But the emperor remained silent.
This. Those dudes who assassinated the PM were basically ocnsidered heroes
You weren't reading my post. I meant that nuremberg wasnt really meant to mete out justice of any sort, just to ensure the board was stacked in the favour of the western powers. People like Yamashita got killed despite being the closest to dindu nuffin.
The whole precedent of "LMAO JUST DISOBEY ORDERS" fundamentally misunderstood what its like living in a totalitarian regime as well.
There was no room for speaking out, you'd fucking dishonor your entire family more than would even be conceivable, they'd probably fucking kill themselves over the guilt of imagining such shame.
The only ones who ever tried to really do anything nice and attempted to spare PoW's by giving them tasks or some shit to do instead of being executed were pretty much all japs that went to school in a western country. But again, there wasn't much they could do.
Killing babies is just propaganda BS. Same propaganda BS that German soldiers raped Belgian nuns and killed babies in WW1 (note WW1 not WW2). Not sure why you still believe the propaganda...
Take out the extreme propaganda BS and you'll see Japan did some bad things but its on par with other empires in their conquests.
Japan is still a empire, user
That's not a destroyer you dumbfuck
>Killing babies is just propaganda BS
[Citation needed]
>didn't do anything worse than other empires
>Unit 731
>Nanking Massacre
>historical consensus from Pacific War Crime tribunal of over 200,000 civilians massacred in 2 weeks (will provide citation if asked)
>airdrop testing botulism and anthrax on random villages
>cutting off civilian limbs and reattaching them to different cut-off areas to see if they would reattach
Thousands of men, women and children interred at prisoner of war camps were subjected to vivisection, often without anesthesia and usually ending with the death of the victim.[19] Vivisections were performed on prisoners after infecting them with various diseases. Researchers performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body. These were conducted while the patients were alive because it was feared that the decomposition process would affect the results.[20] The infected and vivisected prisoners included men, women, children, and infants.[21]
Prisoners had limbs amputated in order to study blood loss. Those limbs that were removed were sometimes re-attached to the opposite sides of the body. Some prisoners had their stomachs surgically removed and the oesophagus reattached to the intestines. Parts of the brain, lungs, liver, etc., were removed from some prisoners.[19]
Japanese army surgeon Ken Yuasa suggests that the practice of vivisection on human subjects (mostly Chinese communists) was widespread even outside Unit 731,[6] estimating that at least 1,000 Japanese personnel were involved in the practice in mainland China.[22]
>OP picture literally shows a Japanese soldier impaling a child on his bayonet
>Killing babies is just propaganda BS
>Plague fleas, infected clothing and infected supplies encased in bombs were dropped on various targets. The resulting cholera, anthrax and plague were estimated to have killed around and possibly more than 400,000 Chinese civilians.[24] Tularemia was tested on Chinese civilians.[25]
>Unit 731 and its affiliated units (Unit 1644 and Unit 100 among others) were involved in research, development and experimental deployment of epidemic-creating biowarfare weapons in assaults against the Chinese populace (both civilian and military) throughout World War II. Plague-infested fleas, bred in the laboratories of Unit 731 and Unit 1644, were spread by low-flying airplanes upon Chinese cities, coastal Ningbo in 1940, and Changde, Hunan Province, in 1941. This military aerial spraying killed thousands of people with bubonic plague epidemics.[26]
>It is possible that Unit 731's methods and objectives were also followed in Indonesia, in a case of failed experiment designed to validate a conjured tetanus toxoid vaccine.[27]
Frostbite testing Edit
>Physiologist Yoshimura Hisato conducted experiments by taking captives outside, dipping various appendages into water, and allowing the limb to freeze. Once frozen, which testimony from a Japanese officer said "was determined after the 'frozen arms, when struck with a short stick, emitted a sound resembling that which a board gives when it is struck'",[28] ice was chipped away and the area doused in water. The effects of different water temperatures were tested by bludgeoning the victim to determine if any areas were still frozen. Variations of these tests in more gruesome forms were performed.[27]
I'm extremely triggered (fucking pissed since I'm Japanese-American and hate the net right) by a couple anons claiming "Imperial Japan was no worse than other empires" so I'm info dumping
>Doctors orchestrated forced sex acts between infected and non-infected prisoners to transmit the disease, as the testimony of a prison guard on the subject of devising a method for transmission of syphilis between patients shows:
>"Infection of venereal disease by injection was abandoned, and the researchers started forcing the prisoners into sexual acts with each other. Four or five unit members, dressed in white laboratory clothing completely cover the body with only eyes and mouth visible, handled the tests. A male and female, one infected with syphilis, would be brought together in a cell and forced into sex with each other. It was made clear that anyone resisting would be shot."[29]
>After victims were infected, they were vivisected at different stages of infection, so that internal and external organs could be observed as the disease progressed. Testimony from multiple guards blames the female victims as being hosts of the diseases, even as they were forcibly infected. Genitals of female prisoners that were infected with syphilis were called "jam filled buns" by guards.[30]
>Some children grew up inside the walls of Unit 731, infected with syphilis. A Youth Corps member deployed to train at Unit 731 recalled viewing a batch of subjects that would undergo syphilis testing: "one was a Chinese woman holding an infant, one was a White Russian woman with a daughter of four or five years of age, and the last was a White Russian woman with a boy of about six or seven."[30] The children of these women were tested in ways similar to their parents, with specific emphasis on determining how longer infection periods affected the effectiveness of treatments.
>Female prisoners were forced to become pregnant for use in experiments. The hypothetical possibility of vertical transmission (from mother to foetus or child) of diseases, particularly syphilis, was the stated reason for the torture. Foetal survival and damage to mother's reproductive organs were objects of interest. Though "a large number of babies were born in captivity", there has been no account of any survivors of Unit 731, children included. It is suspected that the children of female prisoners were killed or the pregnancies terminated.[30]
>While male prisoners were often used in single studies, so that the results of the experimentation on them would not be clouded by other variables, women were sometimes used in bacteriological or physiological experiments, sex experiments, and the victims of sex crimes. The testimony of a unit member that served as guard graphically demonstrates this reality:
>"One of the former researchers I located told me that one day he had a human experiment scheduled, but there was still time to kill. So he and another unit member took the keys to the cells and opened one that housed a Chinese woman. One of the unit members raped her; the other member took the keys and opened another cell. There was a Chinese woman in there who had been used in a frostbite experiment. She had several fingers missing and her bones were black, with gangrene set in. He was about to rape her anyway, then he saw that her sex organ was festering, with pus oozing to the surface. He gave up the idea, left and locked the door, then later went on to his experimental work."[30]
>Human targets were used to test grenades positioned at various distances and in different positions. Flame throwers were tested on humans. Humans were tied to stakes and used as targets to test germ-releasing bombs, chemical weapons, and explosive bombs.[31][32]
Other experiments Edit
>In other tests, subjects were deprived of food and water to determine the length of time until death; placed into high-pressure chambers until death; experimented upon to determine the relationship between temperature, burns, and human survival; placed into centrifuges and spun until death; injected with animal blood; exposed to lethal doses of x-rays; subjected to various chemical weapons inside gas chambers; injected with sea water; and burned or buried alive.[33]
Japanese are not necessarily any different than other people. But this shit actually happened and it's SIGNIFICANTLY worse than anything outside the Holocaust and Holomodor.
Some Japanese officers refused to commit these war crimes and cited the International Agreements in Geneva that Japan had signed. Just like in Nazi Germany, those who questioned the logic of the crazies in power (invading Soviets, attacking USA), were demoted/executed/imprisoned.
Just a little something extra
>Among the individuals in Japan after their 1945 surrender was Lieutenant Colonel Murray Sanders, who arrived in Yokohama via the American ship Sturgess in September 1945. Sanders was a highly regarded microbiologist and a member of America's military center for biological weapons. Sanders' duty was to investigate Japanese biological warfare activity. At the time of his arrival in Japan he had no knowledge of what Unit 731 was.[30] Until Sanders finally threatened the Japanese with bringing communism into the picture, little information about biological warfare was being shared with the Americans. The Japanese wanted to avoid the Soviet legal system so the next morning after the threat Sanders received a manuscript describing Japan's involvement in biological warfare.[50] Sanders took this information to General Douglas MacArthur, who was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers responsible for rebuilding Japan during the Allied occupations. MacArthur struck a deal with Japanese informants[51]—he secretly granted immunity to the physicians of Unit 731, including their leader, in exchange for providing America, but not the other wartime allies, with their research on biological warfare and data from human experimentation.[11] >American occupation authorities monitored the activities of former unit members, including reading and censoring their mail.[52] The U.S. believed that the research data was valuable. The U.S. did not want other nations, particularly the Soviet Union, to acquire data on biological weapons.[53]
Fucking hell.
Cold War era U.S.A was disgusting. And people think it was their golden age.
>/pol/ is one person
Why? Knowledge is not good or evil in and of itself. Had McArthur made a deal where they could keep on vivisecting people, you'd have a point.
But obtaining the data already in existence was not morally repugnant, and keeping it out of the hands of potential enemies was only common sense.
This is some hilariously broken "logic"
Literally same justification for torture
The problem wasn't just ethics, it was the massive amounts of junk "data" from their "experiments". Had they actually produced more useful data, I suspect the US would look the other way to get that information. But that's all history.
It's the same thing as with Paperclip really. If they did the it with nazis, I would think highly dubious that they wouldn't try to get some distateful japanese scientists on board too.
You really think that all they did was "keeping it out of hands of potential enemies"? McArthur didn't need to have japanese people torturing people for experiments, americans were the one doing it afterwards.