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Does anyone have some good reading on the Lebanese civil war?
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Any recommendations for books on european monarchies?
Danubia is pretty good
The lebanese civil war is the most complicated thing you will ever hear or see about in history.
I suggest a Documentary. This one is non biased, and brings in all the politicians.
Also the only way i learned about the civil war was actually living in lebanon for 3 years of my life.
Are you lebanese ?
if so what part of lebanon ?
what political faction do you associate with.
what is your religion.
finally you arent lebanese then what are you ?
thats the documenatry
I'm not Lebanese, I just like modern middle east history
anyone got any good suggestions on books on the settlement of pre-revolution New England?
Recommend a book on the late period of Egypt
colonization of english america
british atlantic world
what aspect?
lebanon stuff
>late period of Egypt
what do you mean by this
From the 26th dynasty to the 30th
I'm mostly interested in how they rose and fell, how different kingdoms came to be and disappeared, how the different families perpetuated their claim to the throne, and so on.
were are you from ? what your ethnicity ?
also modern arab history is pretty sad if you ask me
division of no standard by the british.
lebanese christian fight ofr fascist idea that lebanon is only christian land.
arabs/muslim fight for a united arab nation.
israel is in there playing traps, mossad style
arabs are betraying each other,
if you are really interested in true middle eastern history look up a guy called antoin saadeh .
leader of the SSNP.
also contrary to what many say he wasnt anti-semitic. he was anti zionist.
in the ancient egyptian bibliography i have it says:
>The Late Period is less well-served and remains a relatively neglected area of study; the best scholarship is to be found in edited volumes, encyclopedias, and general historical overviews.
you'll find that in here if you ctrl f "late period"
that's so broad though. you'd be better off choosing one european state and studying it because i dont think a book can possibly cover all european monarchies. maybe though you'd be interested in how contemporaries thought of monarchies? you'd find that in this article for example (ctrl f monarch)
Pity the Nation by Robert Fisk
only book you'll need on the subject
Thank you for the link.
I know that's broad, I wasn't asking for a single book that explained all that, but instead a bunch of books on this subject, each one focusing on a kingdom or something like that.
Someone here recommended me Danubia, and it seems pretty interesting, for example.
what does it matter what his ethnicity is? he's just interested in reading a fucking book, which isn't surprising considering the similarities between whats happening in syria and what happened in lebanon. people are allowed to have an interest in the middle east even though they have no stake in it.
take a chill pill.
I was just curious.
now if you can go release your sexual energy back at /d/ that would be great while i wait for him to answer the question about whats his ethnicity.
Here's your definitive walk-though the American Civil War.
Shelby Foote was an American treasure.
also no similarity in he war. how old are you ? and what your ethnicity ?
Great overview/debate on the Military Revolution between the 15th-17th centuries. You could probably find all the articles on JSTOR, but most uni libraries will probably have a copy of the book or could easily get one on loan.
It isn't really a history of the Vietnam War it more so just covers the lives and different stories of soldiers in the 1st Infantry Division along with people who were at the University of Wisconsin during the DOW Chemical protest/riot.
If there was any history book I would ever recommend to someone, it would be this.
I didn't mean to be rude, I just think it's irrelevant and /int/tier. At the end of the day its up to that user to reveal his ethnicity or not, but I think on Veeky Forums people should be free to be anonymous without someone trying to investigate their religious or ethnic intent.
>how old are you ? and what your ethnicity ?
>no similarity in he war.
>proxy war for superpowers
>regional war involving all neighboring states
it is similar, the only difference is that syria is geostrategically more important and has a far larger population.
Canadian Born/ Lebanese ethnicity
i get it but those are kew conversation starters .. also debate starters especially when it comes to lebanese civil war topic.
basically most lebanese people i have met i have socially engineered to get the info i need before i open a touching topic.
Suggest me a book about the Cold War
well for britain and france you'll find endless books on their political history
Revolutionary England, 1642-1702
England, 1485-1642
Henry VIII
Louis XIV
The Reformation and Wars of Religion in France
France in the 16th Century
Early Modern Spain
Early Modern Portugal
Scandinavia (a lot on political/monarchical history)
>harder than ww1 causes
My sides
thank you user
Thanks a lot!
Can I get books about pre-Franco Falange, José Antonio Primo de Rivera and Sun Yat Sen?
History of Iran or something of the general Middle East
pic related
shia islam
iranian revolution
greater middle east
for a general work ive read, cleveland's modern middle east
Thanks a lot
Any recommendations on Robert E. Lee?
Good books centred on or featuring the Migration Period? I was thinking of this one
anything on the yugoslav wars?
dunno if that's good... do you mean the migration of germans into the german empire?
books about art?
any particular style or period?
Abstract expressionism or modern art in general
ill put it on pastebin tomorrow
I meant a bit later than that, I suppose closer to the time of the migrations of the early Slavic peoples. I should've clarified in the first place, but I'm looking more for books centred around the tribal societies of Europe, their transition into kingdoms and interaction with other tribes, kingdoms, nomadic peoples, etc.
I'm not even sure if that's around the right time or if I'm talking about the right thing, but that's why I'm trying to find good literature on it.
Looking for stuff on two kinda-related topics.
>The German Empire, especially the German Pacific colonies, but anything about Imperial Germany is cool
>French Indochina
Will reward with (You)s
Asad: The Struggle for the middle east covers it pretty deeply from Syria's perspective.
The title is sort of misleading as it focuses far more on modern Syrian history than Assad himself.
only stuff i can find on early slavs is in slavic languages. All the books in pic related touch on early slavs but not as directly as the eastern european scholarship sadly. Bottom left looks to me the most useful. Janet Martin dedicates a bit of time to describing early slavic tribes. The Cambridge history of russia also would have a few sections on it i would think. not least, the cambridge new medieval history does discuss everything you ask for, though maybe not in the greatest detail (i came away satisfied). you can find free downloads on bookzz.
>German Pacific colonies
making modern samoa. you want to know about the german colony in china too?
i'll post indochina for you tomorrow
pic for german colonialism
Thanks m8, I really do appreciate it. Have two (You)s
Also, yeah I wouldn't mind reading about German Tsingtao. But you don't need to go out of your way.
Veeky Forums newfag here, what's a good book on just general world history?
Anyone knows any books on Illyrians besides John Wilkes
you'll find books on tsingtao the german colonialism pic. here's stuff on indochina
Anyone know a good book about the military history of Medieval Europe? Bonus points for the Normans
theres more :^)
What happened? And what caused everything to level out afterwards?
Any recommendations for books on ancient Mesoptamian/Levant history?
Basically anything on the Akkadians and Canaanites through to the Persians
You're the best m8
end of bronze age
1177 B.C. by Eric E. Cline
>looking for
napoleonic era (focus on culture and mentality rather than "muh battles")
Sparta (again not really meme-tier "muh battle" or "muh unbreakable warriors" stuff)
"1177 B.C." talks about them up to 1177 BC but not in too much detail except some snippits like messages or notes from them or interactions between them and egypt or creta
weapon wise "greek fire, poison arrows and scorpion bombs" by adrienne mayor touches on them a bit too
can't think of any other book from the top of my head right now that would go into detail since I'm not focused on that era and region
but if nobody in this thread finds anything I'd suggest asking at your local university's history of the middle east department
heres a bibliography on sparta
I'll make you some pics for napoleon. its gonna be a lot
I'll make pics for you too
too add, i remember an user saying he didn't like paul cartledge's general work on sparta (by the looks of the bibliography he is one of the most prominent scholars of sparta). you may want to try the "new history" written by another guy. I also started reading the "spartan tradition in european thought" and just the first part alone discusses what we know about sparta, before going on to how contemporary greeks saw it, and afterwards (i'm guessing) how post-classical intellectuals perceived her and used her to justify all types of ideologies.
Found more works related to early slavs
Woops messed up text on the right. fixed it in this pic
I've seen this asked a lot in request threads and no one ever provides a sufficient recommendation (H.G. Wells and Spengler are good and all but not in step with the massive amounts of historical scholarship published since WWII). I usually recommend Robert Mark's Making of the Modern World, but as far as I know no anons have read it, making me think the events may be too unfamiliar or too uninteresting on an user's first go at it. I've also recommended McNeill's Rise of the West, and him and Marks seem to resemble world history textbooks I've read. McNeill starts with Mesopotamia onward so I'd think he'd be the best to get a rough historical framework for yourself. However, his narrative is also considered a bit traditional, and if nothing else a bit boring because it doesn't stray to far western civ linear history which draws a line from the mesopotamians to the persians, greeks, romans, the renaissance and down to the modern day. What I think I'll do, then, is make some more pics with books that deal with history on a global scale. It will be an eclectic list, but one which an user here can use to navigate a particular region of the world they're interested in. I'll have it ready in a few hours or so.
Anybody got a good book on the Flavian emperors? Fuck if I can find one.
A book on prehistory homo genus that isn't sapiens by harari.
sections on "modeling human divergence" "grand theories" "Microevolutionary Issues" "syntheses" "evolutionary context" and even "historiography" if you want to see how people have debated the question of human evolution over the centuries
thanks user
but tile and author are enough
reading on screens gives me headaches so I always buy them anyways
Best books on the history of the Space Race? Particularly of the Soviet program?
Thank you, kind sir. I have the Korolev book, will look into the others.
Give me a book that'll make me interested in reading history books once again, as I can't, for the life of me, have any interest in history anymore.
np here are a few more
sorry to hear that. i'm not sure i can help you, but what do you think would spark your interest? a sweeping account of history? a specific era? a biography? a social history?
Idk, something about European Prehistory maybe. Or prehistory of humans. I found this article interesting for a short while before I forgot about it.
well you'll find tons of works on the ancient near east in here. don't be deceived by the title, there are a lot more books than it suggests.
i will eventually make some pictures though so anons don't have to comb through these articles to find reading material on mesopotamia
these maybe
Crabtree, Pam J., and Douglas V. Campana. 2005. Exploring prehistory: How archaeology reveals our past. New York: McGraw-Hill.
>Integrates an analysis of world prehistory with discussions of methods and techniques.
Fagan, Brian. 2009. People of the earth: An introduction to world prehistory. 13th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
>This extended review of cultures and societies of the past around the world has become the standard over the last thirty years.
Childe, V. Gordon. 1928. The Danube in prehistory. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
>The most detailed cultural synthesis produced by Childe. In the preface (pp. v–vi), the author defines an archaeological culture as a complex of “certain types of remains—pots, implements, ornamentation, burial rites, house forms—constantly recurring together.”
or see
I once posed about this but only got one reply, I have a serious autism for Indochina and would very much appreciate some books about the Khmer Rouge, First and Second Indochina war, and the collapse of Royal Laos, etc. Some books about the Vietnam war from the North Vietnamese or Viet Kong perspective would be very nice as well.
Embers of War
Any (historical materialist) literature that covers a few short years in a great amount of detail.
Or any literature that concerns how humans have historically fought for power within Imperial courts. Anything that isn't just a series of fucking dates.