Is God real?
Is God real?
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God is real within you, and within the universe. Is there a man in the sky? Probably not. But that doesnt mean there isnt a God within every living thing and within the collective conscious
If god is real why am i still on this website after 4 years
>woooo god is inside you woooooOOoo xD
Depends. Some gods are entirely falsifiable. Especially ones where lots of claims are made about them.
The only ones that can't really be falsified are vague deistic ideas and things of that nature. But the Abrahamic god Hindu gods, etc., can be proven 100% to be bullshit for any rational person.
we got more evidence for the big bang theory than some book written by dirty arabics, but whatever you wanna believe in man go for it
Yeah, that's probably bogus.
Just feel good mumbo jumbo!
God is a stupid word and spelled backwards is dog. A large majority of people who believe in god, don't believe in science!
Yes, there is some kind of thing. Nothing would exist unless, something happenef. You could call that something god if you want. We just have no clue as to what it is!
I believe in the Big Bang Theory
God said bang and it happened
The unmoved mover hypothesis can be extended to two bodies, as one needs to exert effort to create, it itself being distinct yet similar to the divine essence of reality. So there are at least two aspects of a creator force, which can be called God. That is accepting, of course, there being a definite beginning of creation.
If there can be a God within every living things, why not a Devil as well? Or a succubus?
No one sane would say with certainty.
But given all available data, it's unlikely a god exists as many believe. But they're only believers, not thinkers, so their mindless opinions are worthless.
I don't know
Can you repeat the question?
prove it
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth
God said "Bang, Bang!"
>Here come the vague interpretations that adapt to my argument lol
If "God" exists, then who created God? Checkmate, Christians (fairy tale believers)
Is God a big guy?
And Stephen King said a giant turtle created the universe
fucking prove it
what is critical thinking
The world we experience with our senses is the one and only true reality. If we are to believe this then it is impossible for god to exist in this purely materialistic world.
He is real, he just replied.
That's a pretty dumb question, tho
who gives a shit? wether he exists or not, it's clear we can't comunicate with him, nor he with us. So he's as good as inexistent.
It could be possible for the great manitou to communicate with us, but like you said, how can anyone know for certain?
aw hell naw what up god
if you're god and not trolling pls make my oneitis my gf pls i beg come on man i only mastrubate 3 times a day there are guys in my class that do it like 10 times a day not even lying come on man pls
for us
>tfw I know the significance of octaves in Christianity
Thanks be to God!
>can be proven 100% to be bullshit
Do it
>But the Abrahamic god Hindu gods, etc., can be proven 100% to be bullshit for any rational person.
Alright then, go ahead and do it.
>Cricket noises intensify
Issue. "entirely falsifiable" depends on severe grammatical emphasis.
If the gods have a psychology loop inserted for breaking their OODA...
Well you're only falsifying a minor set of a set. The gods could have loop within loop with atrocities painted in the most lurid red for the newborn mewlings rising from their paradise of Pandemonium.
Are leprechauns real?
Existence must logically precede consciousness, so there is no all-creating entity. One might logically accept the possibility of some entity that created things within an already pre-existing universe, but this is just a highly-advanced alien being as opposed to God.
>Existence must logically precede consciousness
^This basically is the main reason I don't believe we live in a god created universe. Although I personally wouldn't try to argue this is a logical necessity. Pure logic based arguments aside, all the evidence we have points to intelligence / consciousness emerging as one of the latest features of existence in every example we have available to look at. And intelligence / consciousness depends heavily on more preexisting biological scaffolding than any other feature of existence we know of. This makes intelligence / consciousness the worst candidate possible for a preexisting and timeless ground of reality that allows our universe to come into being. What you need for that ground of reality is a state that's the least built up and least dependent on preexisting scaffolding, the opposite of what intelligence / consciousness is.
No, the "materialistic" world we experiecne is a reuslt of compelx systems involving non human "observations".
Materia is a reuslt of our perception as well as the result of the perception of machines but theirs is different and thus perceives reality differently.
God exists but he is nothing like any human religion, actually in a million years after we are extinct, another intelligent form of life will evolve, form tribes, and one of THEIR desert shamans will receive a vision of the True God, not Jesus, sucks to be a homo sapiens I guess and have it all wrong.
>implying "truth" is objective
prove these claims
I am merely a herald, a prophet who points to the future lord.
yeah and you need to prove it if you don't want to look like a fucking retard
Our species is too unevolved to be able to comprehend, the True Lord is waiting to reveal himself to his Chosen People in 1 million years from now.
Hold back man, he's got a point
and you can comprehend it? You lack so much self awareness you completely fail to realize how much of a cop out that is
Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger.
Who cares. His will would be just another obstacle between myself and my own will.
If you dick around with God he tends to dick back, and his dick is much bigger than yours.
I dunno, I have a pretty decent cock
Wait what if God is female with a big dick though...
just kidding haha
back up your claims, because it's getting really obvious that you just made that shit up. Nutjobs like you are the reason no god discussion will ever be taken seriously. If you had any idea of what you're talking about you wouldn't be dancing around the idea of proof. I am amazed retards like you are even capable of operating a computer.
i like this idea. and the idea that god is really just the collective will of all lifeforms.
but in reality god is a hypothesis that i can never see being properly proved right or wrong. so to me it is a useless question and not worth bothering myself with, other than for the fun of making up weird theories.
but i believe the essence of god is just the feelings of spirituality that seems integrated into our brains. so although we will likely never figure out whether god is real I believe that we can eventually figure out what drives the spirituality behind it and why it and similar things in various religions are such prevalent theories
God, as I conceive and have interacted with, is an entity separate from all lifeforms. He is not against or inherently with the actions of his designs, and has wholesale slaughtered his own creation before.
He is a being which interacts with his population as a being. As a divine entity with a will and character of his own.
To be honest, if there existed someone who he blessed and everyone was against that person, hypothetically, he would side with just that person.
It doesn't mater if you don't believe me, since our race was never meant to experience the True God in any way, we are merely a precursor for the Enlightened One's to receive the gift later.
Certainly not one that any human has come up with.
Yet you still can't prove anything you're saying nor can you explain how you reached this conclusion, despite you claiming god is too much to comprehend anyway. You made it up, and you keep denying you made it up. Actually kill yourself.
yeah i dunno, ive had a religious experience too where I felt god but it didnt seem like he had much of a character or a human-like will, but rather the all-knowing, omnipresent god who is beyond the human understanding of morality/good and evil.
but i still dont "believe" in god even if I have felt god before for reasons mentioned in my last post, and the god I felt isnt even necessarily my favorite theory for what god is.
Is that true?
Why can't people conjoin science and religion? Is it impossible?
"conjoining" science and religion is just conjuring god of the gaps arguments over and over again and hoping people don't pay attention
OEC's are retards. The same type of people who tried to attribute lightning to the gods in ages past.
Absolutely, God is only not obvious to those that reject Him.
Fuck off sperglord. Fallibility is a non-concept only present in bad philosophy.
Because science is garbage philosophy while religion is a somewhat meaningless term for something all-encompassing.
'Conjoining' the two in the current year, as so many idiots try to do, is only to make religion further subservient to the secular state and its official faith.
Why does everyone have to be so ducking yes or no. Why can't we all agree that agnosticism is the wisest and most rational thing to be.
Because it isn't.
Because it is dishonest.
Because rationality doesn't exist.
Because agnosticism is positivism and fucking irrational.
>rationality is a spook
>math is a spook
>gender is a spook
getting real sick of this shit
What the fuck is wrong with people? Why do you believe in some magical sky man?!
How do you even operate a computer?
What has one thing to do with the other?
reality is absurd enough as it is
the idea of a magic sky man isn't any more far fetched than life itself.
You have to believe in Him to get eternal happiness you sperg
hey guys, so i kind of believe that there might be some kind of higher power, but i don't really have emotional connection to it, no religion makes me feel moved. but of course i do my best to do good things and avoid bad things.
so will i go to heaven ?
lol @ phoneposters
You seem kinda mad about something.
I do belive in a creator of the universe, but i don't necessarily call him "god". My life has been filleddd with cases of EXTREME luck, things i simply can't dismiss as luck.
It's not a spook, it merely does not exist.
Fuck off back to leshit with your dishonesty. hurr durr i doubt everything except my le senses and le science and le media and le leshit because these are obviously all self-evidently OBJECTIVELY true
t. hatman
You don't do good things, you only do bad.
specify which one you mean
Just tell me what to do
Dubs mean it's true.
>Is God real?
Yes. The principle of causality leads me to this conclusion.
Then what caused God?
God is neither the chain of causality, nor is he a part of this chain. He is the one who allows for causality to exist, dummy. That's what the principle of causality is.
Who told you God required a cause?
Who told you God is a created being?
Find that person and bitch slap them for lying to you.
So everything is continuous except for God then? Based on what?
>Based on what?
Based on the fact that causality can't run without God. Causality itself is an evident innerworldly principle. It is self explanatory from inside the system. Otherwise the single part of the system would stand alone for themselves and would have no relationship to each other. The joke now is that it can not exist in itself and necessarily needs something that holds it together. The conclusion is that this something can not be a part of it and needs to be outside of it. The existence of God is an extrapolation from the principle of causality.
Newton says otherwise.
Was a Christian
Doesn't matter. His physics say otherwise.
Epicurus did it thousands of years ago.
I think you didn't get my point.
Start proving from a smaller person. Try ask: Is ghost real?