>Missed LDOGE
>Missed HTML5
>Missed MOON
Victorious is only 1 sat right now on Nova, it's trading for 3 sats on Yobit.
This is the next moon mission. Sell walls thin.
>Missed LDOGE
>Missed HTML5
>Missed MOON
Victorious is only 1 sat right now on Nova, it's trading for 3 sats on Yobit.
This is the next moon mission. Sell walls thin.
Other urls found in this thread:
Made 1 btc this week by buying 1 sat coins. This is easy money.
Buying on nova, fuck yoshit
Fuck it, cutting my losses on ZEN and getting into this.
vty crashed ysterday, some dude bought at 1 and sold it all at 2.
It's bagholder-tier
>they said moon was for bag holders, went from 1 to 9
>they said html5 was shit coin for bag holders and went from 1 to 9 also
stay poor pajeet, im going in. Gonna make money on these 1 sat coins all day
See you on the moon
Sell walls are breaking, this shit is actually happening
More yobit pajeet scam shit
its already at 2 fucking sats
you guys keep posting this shit after you buy it all at 1. fuck you
se walls are huge too. have fun holding bags
Do not buy on yobit because
1) Fuck yobit
2) Cheaper on Nova
Fuck off discord cunt.
You're literally scamming people.
Anyone that isn't aware, all coins shilled on Veeky Forumsthat exist purely on yobit are people trying to take your money. They buy shit coins at 1sat, shillings on biz about 10 sat gains, then sell you their bags at 3-4sat. Do not buy higher than 1sat, you will lose money.
They said the same thing about HTML5, RDD, MOON, etc.
HTML5 literally had a 51% attack and it increased 9x in price. Have you even researched this coin and its benefits?
Can we break the 2 sat wall?
lmao check the site
Means nothing. Look at HTML5's site.
>missed moon
Moon is still going to moon u cuck
this shit isnt even on bittrex you shills
no bittrex no care
Well the 3sat wall has lowered to nearly 1 BTC.
2 sat wall sitting around .4 BTC.
We managed to move the coin to 2 sat yesterday. Can we take it to 4 and beyond today?
Well, why not. I'm in, let's go!
in for 2 sats on yobit. let's move this thing