Did Ethiopians really make this?
Did Ethiopians really make this?
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nope. aliens
no, they're black.
some nordic vikings sailed there and built it for them, obviously, using their inherent european genius and fulfilling the white mans burden
Greeks and Romans did.
Yes. Aksum and Ethiopia were by far the most advanced part of Subsaharian Africa. They even developed a writing system.
Probably Greek or Syrian missionaries employing native work force.
Romans in the 13th century? besides the style doesn't match with any Roman or Greek style.
a black person could cure cancer, and develop a faster than light speed engine at the same time and have both processes heavily documented and peer reviewed, and there would still be some skinny fat white man around to try and take credit for it.
>''Wow a bunch of niggers built something!''
>this must be fake this was obviously built by aryan Nordic people
Roman style usually adapts to local environment. Roman ruins in MENA sometimes look different than what's found in Europe. Also is probably right. Could have been groups such as Syrians with them.
They modified the Phoenician script, they didn't come up with writing in a vacuum.
Nisibidi DID come about in a vacuum in Nigeria however, although it was driven to extinction due to Islamic invasion.
pseuds detected
Beta Israeli detected
probably given negros have never accomplished anything of significance in history.
it probably is, there is no way they could do that.
I'd just like a nigger to actually accomplish one significant thing.
If they did that people might actually respect them as equals.
You mean abyssiniana?
You guys realize they didn't technically "build" that right? They literally carved a church out of a giant rock because they didn't know how to into geometry and architecture. I absolutely believe that blacks carved that.
More reading
>This is a list of colossal sculptures that were carved in situ (or "in place"), sometimes referred to as "living rock". This list includes two colossal stones that were intended to be moved. However, they were never broken free of the quarry in which they were carved, and therefore they would be considered carved in situ. Most of these were carved in ancient times.
>Most of these were carved in ancient times.
>13th century Africa
Yep, that's Africans all right.
>They modified the Phoenician script, they didn't come up with writing in a vacuum.
I mean most civilizations didn't. Most took scripts already in use and modified them
Yeah because they built this without knowing geometry or architecture
you mean carved?
Its a fucking building mate
a recreation of one anyway
>They modified the Phoenician script
You're thinking of the Greeks. Ge'ez came from South Arabian language
Even this is way too complex for blacks. It requires skills, tools and discipline.
ethnic Ethiopian here. I was taught that it was constructed in the 12th century by the Zagwe dynasty.
It was
Named Lalibela after the king who built them Gebre Mesqel Lalibela
Ethiopians are white though.
Correct. Geometry is irrelevant when you're just carving shit.
>literal industrial-grade autism
This (almost)
In terms of their genetic make up, Ethiopians are 40% caucasian. However, this is only an average percentage. Northern tribes may contain higher variables while the opposite is true for the southern tribes
t. Veeky Forums haplogroup sexpert "reminder that every peoples who built giant mounds were white guys!"
>these people are considered white on Veeky Forums and yet modern Greeks aren't.
>>literal industrial-grade autism
Nice argument
Never claimed they were "white," brainlet.
>that pic
thanks for that valuable addition to my nordcuck folder.
>In terms of their genetic make up, Ethiopians are 40% caucasian. However, this is only an average percentage. Northern tribes may contain higher variables while the opposite is true for the southern tribes
this is about right. in terms of phenotype, we have a spectrum of arab-looking on one end, and black as hell on the other. We are all somewhere on that spectrum; most of us being in the middle. We can differ wildly even within the same family. I'm brown, my dad is yellow. My uncle is very black, and his son is very light. Genetics are weird
those are not habeshas mate
t. Veeky Forums haplogroups "REMINDER MUH CAUCASIAN IS EVERY PEOPLE EXCEPT SSAs" sexpert
That person belongs to the Omo zone which aren't the same as the Northern Ethnic groups which built this church
Eh, sorta they have a thing called the "Ethio-Somali" gene which is the majority on non African ancestery and the African component is Cushitic which is significantly different then the surrounding regions
> After partitioning the SNP data into African and non-African origin chromosome segments, we found support for a distinct African (Ethiopic) ancestry and a distinct non-African (Ethio-Somali) ancestry in HOA populations. The African Ethiopic ancestry is tightly restricted to HOA populations and likely represents an autochthonous HOA population. The non-African ancestry in the HOA, which is primarily attributed to a novel Ethio-Somali inferred ancestry component, is significantly differentiated from all neighboring non-African ancestries in North Africa, the Levant, and Arabia. The Ethio-Somali ancestry is found in all admixed HOA ethnic groups, shows little inter-individual variance within these ethnic groups, is estimated to have diverged from all other non-African ancestries by at least 23 ka, and does not carry the unique Arabian lactase persistence allele that arose about 4 ka. Taking into account published mitochondrial, Y chromosome, paleoclimate, and archaeological data, we find that the time of the Ethio-Somali back-to-Africa migration is most likely pre-agricultural.
people with high levels of Cushite genes have on average slim noses, slim cheekbones, and wiry hair. Which is why most research believe the Habeshas even with low levels of Ethio-Somali gene have caucasian features,
But why is Black needs to sync up with negroid but White doesn't need to sync up with caucasoid? Ethiopians and nubians seem to be a mix of Afro-asiatic and Black African. They are, for all meaningful intents and purposes, a black race. Black in this case is more cultural/spiritual than literal skin tone, as is White.
So there is something to that meme that their royal line came from Solomon?
>you now realize developing a writing system and stone buildings is seen as a major accomplishment for black """"civilizations""""
>But why is Black needs to sync up with negroid but White doesn't need to sync up with caucasoid?
A negroid is a nigger, period.
In simplictic words, Caucasians can be brown, tan, or white. It is not the skin that reflects race, it is the physical attributes that exemplify race. Thus, ethiopians may be considered a variation of caucasian people.
>They are, for all meaningful intents and purposes, a black race. Black in this case is more cultural/spiritual than literal skin tone, as is White.
Ethiopians are not, by all means, a cultural black people. They harbour Christianity, a language resultant from Arabic, and an unique cultural panache found nowhere else.
ethio-somali is a meme
>Blacks never did X
>Yes they did
But you wouldn't call an Arab White.
I knew someone would post that
That dude is a business student with no background in Genetics or Biology. His "articles" are laughable at best
The article is peer reviewed by actual professionals
Some backwards salty somali fuck doesn't stop hard evidence
Who is saying black people never did anything? They just never got remotely close in terms of the arts, sciences, architecture, written language, etc as compared with the ancient Mediterranean, Semitic, Indian, and Chinese people.
/pol/ every single day
Its part of their copy pasta
>getting close to someone in a written language
What the fuck does that even mean
all all honesty, im a layman with population genetics and im in the process of learning the basics. hes a great resource to me. I suppose when I learn more, then I'll be able to judge his content better.
Ok so why didn't they build more stone structures? They seemed to be getting pretty good at it. They ran out of stones or something?
It's hard to advance civilisation when you are immured within jungles, and blocked by hundreds of miles of unhospitable desert. Civilisation requires trade to survive; without it, you have no civil society.
Maybe a temporary one, but nothing lasting enough to progress the species.
Explain then how Europeans were able to circumscribe the entirety of Africa and Arabia to reach India for trading purposes, yet people on the Ivory Coast failed to trade in much more than slaves and gold.
You neglected to mention that Sub Saharan Africans have on average lower IQ than other races, with the exception of Australian aboriginals.
Dude I'm actually a student in Biology at a uni right now and that dude is literally akin to /pol/ guys using information they don't understand to jump to conclusions they that they already had.
He has some hard on that Horn of Africans are just semi Bantus/Nilo--saharan mixed with Arabs when the data shows that unequivocally not to be true. The genetic distance between Ethiopic( the african component of HOA) and Nilo-saharan is almost the same as the distance between European and South-Asian
Trust experts, not me, and certainly not a dude getting a business degree trying to understand topics that take YEARS of studying to truly comprehend
Why does every majority black nation, city and neighborhood immediately sinks to African standards of poverty, violence and crime, no matter if they are in Africa proper or the Caribbeans, Canada or Europe.
Why do Nigerians and Ghanians thrive more than Whites in British and American and even Japanese Academia?
Its just because of Affirmative action as to why they score higher than all whites?
Why do they need affirmative action in the first place? Why do they need to live in a white societies and study in white universities if they are so good in math? Also nice cherry pick.
If they built the pyramids I dont see why not.
>black person could cure cancer, and develop a faster than light speed engine at the same time and have both processes heavily documented and peer reviewed
no they couldn't.
Surely we should all be racing to study in Ghanian and Nigerian universities, those centers of excellency! Who doesn't know the many Nigerian and Ghanian contributions to science?
1. In the 1970s, China had one of the lowest IQs to be recorded. You know why? They were a poverty stricken, nation of farmers. Fortunately, capital began to flow into China, they developed; and as a result, their average IQ increased.
2. When one analyzes modern civilisation, one must reconcile the fact that it evolves in stages. Europe took advantage of its geography and the new world, thereby, becoming the force it is today. East Asia was second on this path of development, India is on its way. It is mere inevitability that Africa will develope; thus, their collective IQ will rise.
3. Society makes IQ, not the other way around. I know this is anecdotal, but I live in the DMV. I had a Somali friend plagued with mental illness, yet remarkably intelligent. He's now studying at Georgetown Law. American society allowed him to achieve his current status.
Where do you think Horners come from? I'm genuinely curious as to how I've never had a reason to doubt his stuff before. What he says is that Horners are a mix of a nilotic-like population (that no longer exists) and a West Eurasian population (that no longer exists). Going by my other reading, that eurasian population seems to have been a South Arabian one since there was a major language-shift to semitic at that same time. ~3k years ago.
I'm just trying to figure this out haha, its kind of driving me crazy
>The entire country of England is a cherry pick
As to affirmative action
Nigerians don't need it neither do most Africans
In fact certain unis in England has started using affirmative action towards white against blacks and asians because they have so few natives in high level science programs
Most of us don't go to Indian, or Bangladeshi or Iranian universities
Doesn't mean the students don't thrive in the West
The Country can have complex problems and the people can be fine btw
Quick post a list of Ghanaian and Nigerian inventions.
forgive shitty typing, on my phone
>Nigerians don't need it neither do most Africans
can confirm. Igbos in particular are smart as fuck.
B-but this one affirmative action dude is really smart he can tie his own shoelaces...
Where would we be today if it wasn't for the Ghanaian and Nigerian rocket scientists?
Fuck if I know
Probably some unique Horn Civ that developed unique phenotypes and certain genes due to the elevation of the highlands and the remoteness of the area
Mixed in with a extinct Eurasian nomadic group that is somewhat similar to Maghreb
At least that is what most data says
Who cares though. We will know more in the near future anyway due to better ways to extract DNA from old corpses
>Le I can't prove you wrong so I'll go on another completely separate tirade
Yes one AA student is akin to an entire nation worth of data showing that Nigerians score 24 points higher than whites in Math and English
Wow great argument
Dude nice try. There are a lot of lazy as fuck white kids in the unis these days, but we all know Africans can't even feed themselves.
(I don't why I'm falling for such bait)
Let me make this simple for you. Europeans had advance navigation technologies (thanks thousands of years of trade and progression), this allowed them to go far, far away! Niggers on the Ivory Coast had fishing boats, no civilisation, and no incentive to explore the seas!
Wow! Do you get it?
There are these things called average and outliers. There can be really smart black people, but it's just that on the average their IQ is lower than whites. This is a statistical fact. The thing is though that when a foreign country sends their people to study abroad, they're sending their best. The host nation on the other hand has their best, their average and their worst in the same sack, which obviously will bring down the average. But to conclude - based on the average of the best foreign students vs the national average of the host nation - that blacks are on average smarter than white Britons in math, is dumb, if not dishonest. Why don't you compare the national average of Ghana and Nigeria with the British average instead?
Why couldn't Africans invent something better than fishing boats? Why couldn't they trade among themselves? What makes African jungles impenetrable but the jungles of Southeast Asia perfectly habitable?
>fucking condensed, industrial-grade autism
>>Sure they have smart people in these decent societies, but in destitute, education strickend, Africa they have low IQs! Why dont you compare a develoed nation with schools, univerities, and institutions to some nigger-ridden waste hole? Tough luck next time kid!
1. Society make IQ
2. IQ is an underdeveloped science. Regardless, it has been proven to be extremely flexible and reliant on early education.
3. You wouldn't compare the firepower of an AR-15 to a fucking musket. So why would you compare the UK to Nigeria?
Look at the economies of Africa, most are growing: Ethiopia is averaging 10% growth. In due time (I say 150 years), they will catch up.
>The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study examined the IQ test scores of 130 black or interracial children adopted by advantaged white families. The aim of the study was to determine the contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the poor performance of black children on IQ tests as compared to white children. The initial study was published in 1976[1] by Sandra Scarr and Richard A. Weinberg. A follow-up study was published in 1992[2] by Richard Weinberg, Sandra Scarr and Irwin D. Waldman. Another related study investigating social adjustment in a subsample of the adopted black children was published in 1996.[3] One of the studies' findings was the IQs of adopted black children reared by white families did not differ significantly from that of black children raised by their biological parents.
>Why couldn't Africans invent something better than fishing boats?
But they did
>Why couldn't they trade among themselves?
But they did
To be fair, that study is highly flawed. Only a low IQ white would adopt a black baby.
Citation needed on those great trading ships they had.
What exactly kept them back then?
Or perhaps you could, instead of comparing the best foreign students with the national average of the host nation, compare the scores of black and white students of the same nation, and shall we use a developed nation at that?
>AFRICAN AMERICANS currently score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and mathematics tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. This gap appears before children enter kindergarten (figure 1-1), and it persists into adulthood. It has narrowed since 1970, but the typical American black still scores below 75 percent of American whites on most standardized tests. On some tests the typical American black scores below more than 85 percent of whites?
Your ignorance is actually quite exquisite. Sad!
>why didn't dem niggers make civilisation! Muh SE Asia!
You know what SE Asia had over the denizens of Ivory Coast? Well, hmm: domesticatable animals, navigable rivers, oh, and uh... trade, trade, TRADE!
You misunderstand my concept of trade and it's relation to civil society. In order for a region to retain civilisation, it must trade with the outside world. If you do not have a connection to the outside world, your development will be slow. Kongo niggers created trade within their sphere, but it took far too long (1700s)
But, hey, it happened
>It is true that the gap shrinks only a little when black and white children attend the same schools. It is also true that the gap shrinks only a little when black and white families have the same amount of schooling, the same income, and the same wealth.
But but but. They will go at incredible lengths. To deny the reality of racial diversity.
>the best foreign students
>the best foreign students
Kek complete bullshit
How do you know these are the best foreign students? Because they are higher than the average scores on their original nations?
No shit! thats what we mean by them having a better environment to grow and develop
But you know that just like you know that its a weak argument to say the are the "Best of the best of the best superior Nigerian genes!"
You have no proof of this and you pull this half concocted BS "answer" out of your ass.
They score better because they are raised better.
These scores get better over time when countries become more developed like China did.
if cancer/lightspeed involved peanuts, yes.
>"Among white Americans, the average IQ, as of a decade or so ago, was 103. Among Asian-Americans, it was 106. Among Jewish Americans, it was 113. Among Latino Americans, it was 89. Among African-Americans, it was 85. Around the world, studies find the same general pattern: whites 100, East Asians 106, sub-Sarahan Africans 70. One IQ table shows 113 in Hong Kong, 110 in Japan, and 100 in Britain. White populations in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States score closer to one another than to the worldwide black average. It's been that way for at least a century."
Yes, everyone knows that foreign developing countries send their worst and least promising students to study abroad.
>slaves are free
>they try to get into good schools, but get blocked
>this continues for generations till Brown v Topeka BoE
>even then, schools were slow to implement the decision (till late 60s)
>now you have this perennial dilemma with african Americans. Black parents couldn't get a decent education, poor as a result. They have kids which go to shit schools, and they become poor. Cycle continues until degenerate, thug culture developes.
Really simple concept to understand. And you would think people would catch on since it is prevalent in other societies (ones without niggers)
>>bu..but my muh low iq niggers! I superior! Listen to me!
Actually if there is someone who hasn't posted the slightest shred of evidence to support your claims, that one is you. A posted a lot of evidence refuting your arguments. It almost seems as if you have an agenda.
>what is the Niger River
Most animals can be domesticated, Africans simply didn't. Define "outside world", that sounds arbitrary. The Incas were isolated from the rest of the civilized world and had more advanced civilization and knowledge than Africa.
Anyone that has a chance would book it out of a 3rd world country with their kids for England
There is 0 proof that English Nigerians are any genetically superior innately than those native to Nigeria
Harvard study showed that Black Africans had an IQ of 89 with including refugee populations
Thats a bit higher than Lynns 70
>Anyone that has a chance would book it out of a 3rd world country with their kids for England
>There is 0 proof that English Nigerians are any genetically superior innately than those native to Nigeria
I don't know UK's laws, but in the USA, we have very specific requirements for our immigrants (aside from Mexicans for cheap labor but that's a different story). If you want to move here from Nigeria, you have to be smart, wealthy, or both.
Yawn. You're tiresome. Blacks are somehow the only group who can never seem to recover from slavery, colonization and racism, and this all over the world, including nations that never had black colonies or slaves.
>Nigerians score 24 points higher than English students in England
>t-these students are clearly the ubermensch superior Einsteins of Nigeria!
>Do you have any proof for that
>No but it fits with my beliefs
No you don't there is not a IQ requirement or a wealth one
Prove this
All African foreign students that I've ever know would be considered pretty elite in their society. Wealth does not equal intelligence but the cream rises to the top.
>what is the Niger River
Most animals can be domesticated, Africans simply didn't. Define "outside world", that sounds arbitrary. The Incas were isolated from the rest of the civilized world and had more advanced civilization and knowledge than Africa.
>Classical Era Inca, with fucking slingshots, were more advanced than Iron Age Songhai.
Of course, the Songhai were a prominent civilisation in Western Africa due to their immense trade routes with "outside world." Outside world meaning the civilisations of Eurasia...
>Most animals can be domesticated, Africans simply didn't
>yea, hold on guys, let me ride my zebra to the African bison ranch to harvest some milk. Oh, while I'm at it, let me slaughter my hippos and feed my giraffe
Oh wait, all of these animals are useless when domesticated. Also good luck domesticating hippos
I really, sincerely hope you are trolling me. If you are, you're doing a good job!
You're a funny little guy! I've had enough for today, I'll leave you in company of your straw men and Nigerian intellectuals.