"Optimism is Cowardice"
"Optimism is Cowardice"
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Wha did he mean by this?
Seriously what did he mean
everyone who is considered a cuck today, Liberals in all senses, Atheists, Materialists, Bourgeois, Marxists, (((Conservatives))), anyone non-Germanic is a coward.
Liberal CIA agent spotted
Wew lad..
In a nutshell, Spengler believed that cultures went through stages of maturation. Like the seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Winter being death.
Spengler concluded that this death, the death of a culture (typically a 1000 year span - among the great cultures) was inevitable and laid out his case for why.
In this Spengler meant that being optomistic about culture reversing its path... avoiding winter, was not just foolish, but was also an act of cowardice.
Courage is acting in the face of death.
All of us die. Life will never be without pain. We can choose to run away from death. Or we can choose to live glorious lives in the face of death. There is honor in death. There is glory in facing the odds.
Spengler was so convinced of the death of the West (and he's been right so far), that he perceived the hope of limitless life for the west (as a culture - recognizable to the ideals of past) as cowardice.
I hope this helps a little.
>civilizations rise and fall in neat bubbles
Only German autism would come up with this. The Kali Yuga makes more Sense,
What's Kali Yuga?
The noises your mom was making as I injected my brown genes into her fertile womb about nine months before your birth :^)
I loved this man in Breaking Bad
He was a fool
why not CIA nigger
Well autocratic monarchies did die, and the ultra right absolute rule did too.
Jesus Christ Marie... they are minerals
well I'm a coward then, because the only thing that gets me through life is believing we'll break the cycle by magically developing a new energy source and having the singularity and transhumanism. without that, I might as well kill myself now instead of suffering through the soulcrushing decline of the west and industrial civilization for the rest of my lifetime. the dark age to come, and the fact that future civilizations will never have fossil fuels and our technological height, is too depressing to think of
it's not depressing, its fucking cool, our civilization will be looked back on like a race of elder gods in the future
be glad you're part of the 0.00000001% of all humans who ever existed or will exist to be able to wipe your ass with toilet paper
I dunno about singularity or transhumanism, but peak oil will not be the death of anything anytime soon seeing as how we have fucktons of non-conventional sources of oil and nations are already working on non-fossil fuel based sources of power.
Sorry bud, toilet paper and industrial civilization aren't dying anytime soon if ever.
>our civilization will be looked back on like a race of elder gods in the future
In the Spenglerian tradition people will look back at our culture and wonder why we spent so much time and resources pursuing so much nonsense, the same way we look at Romans sending entire ecosystems into the grinder of public entertainment, or rounding up an endless supply of "criminals" (not even given a trial) and scapegoats in order to feed a system put in place to placate jaded, bored, impoverished Romans who existed solely by the grace of the government dole.
In the near term they'll look up to us in terms of "we didn't let roving packs of gangs, religious nuts, and mafia dons reestablish order through violence".
In the long term though, they will see us as an age of extravagance, decadence, waste, and decline, an age dedicated to ruinous hero-worship. Though in this age it is not the warrior but the "businessman" as a heroic ideal which we have to go to ever greater and increasing lengths to prop up, even as technological improvement drives this antiquated notion further and further into the past.
Since this is a Spengler thread we'll assume what he says is true. John Calhoun's mouse utopia experiment ties in with Spengler's civilization model in that the Winter stage is when people's lives become too cushy because of too long a period of wealth and prosperity, the Pax Romana or Pax Americana for example, and they become decadent and weak; the males become withdrawn and emasculate, the females become aggressive and independent. In this stage the culture tears itself apart through civil strife and civil war before eventually being reborn as a new culture. Whether industrial civilization can survive, renewable energy or not, is doubtful. The massive civil and foreign wars awaiting our civilization in the coming centuries will likely set our "technology level" back to the 18th-19th century permanently. All it takes is one particularly devastating war (especially with modern technology), one a Winter stage civilization can't bounce back from, and industrial civilization is finished forever.
Am I the only one who actually wants industrial civilization to destroy itself? The idea of the earth going through hundreds of medieval-level civilizations seems pretty based to me. All those forms of art, religion, and tradition- all those wars fought for honor- what man would eventually evolve into under such circumstances.
Seems pretty based. Technological civ is overrated, and seems like it can only end in Brave New World fashion.
>>Since this is a Spengler thread we'll assume what he says is true.
Nah fuck that shit. There's no proof that we're headed towards civil war and permanent regression in technology so therefore spengler can fuck himself with a curtain rod sideways.
>we'll assume what he says is true
We can meta-discuss Spengler on his literary merit and historical significance without necessarily needing to buy it.
If Spengler is to be believed (and keep in mind that he wrote as though he were thinking about post-war Germany) Then we are actually on the cusp of transitioning into the Caesar-phase and still transitioning out of the Money-phase. In Spengler's tradition money becomes power, and the previous era dominated by ideas is bought out by the commercial elite which eventually can no longer keep the lid on a rising tide of populism which explodes in the form of blood-politics.
This is an era of relatively peaceful extortion where a culture gradually chokes itself out of existence in an overzealous rush to preserve itself against changing demographics (the same way that control of the illicit drug industry passes from one ethnic gang to the next.)The age coming will not be one of war but one of cultural stagnation, gradually diminishing population, and economic hardship while the forces of blood-politics gradually consumes itself as their alliance of hatred gradually unravels and eats itself alive. The wars and mass migrations come towards the end of this era, which for us will be several centuries in the future, as it lasted centuries for the Romans.
They didn't actually regress technologically in the "dark" ages, it's just that their economy had fallen so far into the toilet that there was nobody left wealthy enough to fund large infrastructure projects so most of the knowledge that gets "lost" is related to logistics, such as knowing the most efficient way to lay out a sewer. Certain technologies like metallurgy continued to improve in sophistication but for the large mass of humanity life was being stuck at the lowest economic rung of society
Imagine your current existence but shittier because gas is $30 dollars a gallon and there's no centralized electricity or water and the only jobs are menial labor bitchwork for a meal ticket rather than a paycheck and you're just too poor to go much further than the block upon which you live and are employed because that would violate your work-contract that you signed with your landlord, who is also your employer in the shitty, dangerous factory you are employed to work in, who sometimes makes you grab a rifle and play security detail as well, because in this age of misery and lack of public utilities like schools and police, roving packs of bandits are a thing again.
You're a big agency
And what of the concept of "Someone's fortune is someone else's misfortune"?
There is a limited amount of "thing". When you have the good fortune of having acquired more "thing", someone else has lost their share, for it to go to you.
Spengler's civilization model is based on the commonalities of all major civilizations in history. You know that old saying, "we study history so we don't repeat it". Spengler is more like, "we study history to predict the future". Our civilization is almost guaranteed to fall into civil war and severe economic strife in the next few centuries, the same as every other late stage civilization in Spengler's model that has existed.
Give this a read
What does that even mean?
If it's willful ignorance, he's right.