What's really hidden in the Vatican archives?

What's really hidden in the Vatican archives?

If we learned of its contents would it change/destroy the world?

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a lot of forbidden books, mostly early science works, pornography and a few books on satanism that don't actually work of course... probably a few copies of the malleus maleficarum

If I'm going to guess, it's probably original copies of every single book the Catholic Church banned when it had the power to do so.

99% boring shit only interesting to extreme specialists, like most manuscript collections.

There are some pretty weird things in there, so wouldn't surprise me.


That for example.

It's not exactly Area 51.

What if the Vatican is actually in Alexandria, and the one in Rome is a facsimile to deceive the masses?

What if the Pope is actually the mummified remains of Akhenaton returned to life?

What if Christians have actually been worshiping an Egyptian sun god all this time?

I thought they already have, Isn't Horus essentially the same as Jesus

No. Just no.

We worship the God of gods. The All, the Father, he who is Infinite upon himself,

>Isn't Horus essentially the same as Jesus

All savior myths are similar, but that doesn't mean they are the same.

Implying the "real" Vatican in Alexandria isn't just a decoy to distract from the real Vatican beneath the Sphinx.

Supposedly you can actually go down to the bowels of the Vatican and see the spot where Peter was crucified.

Legend has it, Pope Urban II just took pages of the archives and wiped his ass with them everytime he had to poop.

When the archives were being moved to France, Clement saw them, gasped, and said, "sancta excremento!!" he then blessed them and so they remain.

And so we now have the saying Holy Shit, which derives from the archives that Pope Urbam shat on.



Zeitgeist. What a shill of a movie. Better reading on these subjects would be murdock. She recently died, it's a huge loss for the authenticity of Jesus argument. Luckily she had written many books. Take it with a grain of salt and check references, but overall it will give you more insight into theseveral types of analogs!

A friend of mine, a Jesuit priest, worked there for seven years. When he came back, I asked him the same question. He smiled and said there's the Arc of the covenant there. I chuckled. What does it look like, I asked. Just a big, heavy box full of light, he said. I laughed. He laughed too, holding his cup with his fifth and sixth finger.

Every pope named Urban is a fucker. I don't think there's a single good Urban.

Urban II

Deus Vult

I have fond feelings about the Crusades, as any proper Catholic should, but in the long run they probably did more harm than good to the Church.

Makes me mad the people back then had so little foresight. The Catholics should have done everything in their power to keep Jerusalem

It was expensive, user. The kings got tired of losing blood and treasure to something that ultimately didn't materially benefit them.

That said, I am a supporter of a Christian-held Jerusalem. Some day it will happen, even if that day is the Last Day.

Is there a chance the archives will ever be opened

You can go see them for yourself if you have a good reason

"holy shit" comes from Hindus having cows poop in their homes for religious reasons. Literal "holy shit."

I don't reckon they would consider curiosity to be a good enough reason

No they wouldn't. Generally you need to be a scholar in some field that has an interest in the stuff they keep there

Most archives are the same.

the truth of the history of Christ

Its connection with the creation of Islam.


A big chunk of them have already been digitised and released online.

It's just some shit which is really important and not available elsewhere.

Original letters, orders, documents, art pieces, codexes etc.

Maybe some things which are vital that are yet to be fully understood.

I image people who are expecting some grand reveal of some ancient secret are going to be very disappointed.

They could release the entire thing online tomorrow, fully catalogued and listed and it would still take decades for most of it to be transcribed and translated from the walls of medieval text 99% of it is going to be.

Here are a couple of videos which show the kind of stuff they store:



Vatican probably has all the historical documents from the age of exploration/colonialism.

For example, knowledge of Kerala's school of mathematics. Or the Buddhist/Hindu vs Jesuit missionary knowledge gatherings.

Western giants like Hume, Kant, Fermat, Liebniz, Newton might be influenced by non-Europeans.

We know for certainty Schopenhauer was influenced by Buddhism as he makes direct references. But what of others who either didn't know it was Buddhism they were studying or didn't want to admit it?

We know Newton was influenced by Hermeticism.

Oh shot son a of a god like Jesus is son of god like 100% the same

>dey stol dere knahwledge from us!

Dad rite nigga ain't no whitey can into no mathmaticks and fisycs. Dey need Africans to do it fo dem.

>Gutentag invented printing press
k e k

Probably boring shit.