Stop listening to the Pope
Stop listening to the Pope
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>Stop listening to the person the Apostle Peter gave his authority to
How about no
Uncle Luther how many Jews did you baptize in the Elba river today?
I did Dr. Luther
Got rid of papist cuckoldry.
Was Jew-wise.
Find a flaw protip you can't.
I need at least 92 reasons why
Unbiblical, ahistorical meme
>Find a flaw
He wasn't a Calvinist
The two are almost identical.
They are quite different
What are the main differences?
Baptismal regeneration
Real presence
Oldie but always gets me damn.
Dumb Lutherposter
Cease your memes.
(OP) #
02/13/17(Mon)11:09:45 No.2358186
232 Replies / 24 Images
02/12/17(Sun)23:20:01 No.2356462
21 Replies / 8 Images
Stop listening to arch-heretics.
>ahistorical meme
Btw, same goes for these
Melanchthon made it up, Luther actually communicated his Theses within the church. He only made them public as the the papists refused to stop ripping of Christians in order to finance their godless lifestyles, probably not by nailing them to the church door tho.
So you're in agreement
>Melanchthon made it up
Peter Gay writes of the Puritans' standard reputation for "dour prudery" as a "misreading that went unquestioned in the nineteenth century", commenting how unpuritanical they were in favour of married sexuality, and in opposition to the Catholic veneration of virginity, citing Edward Taylor and John Cotton.[13]
Mary is venerated in the Catholic Church as Queen of Heaven and honoured in numerous Marian devotions.[17] The Catholic Church has defined four Marian dogmas: the Immaculate Conception, the dogma that Mary was conceived without original sin; her status as the Mother of God;[18] her perpetual virginity; and her bodily assumption into Heaven at the end of her earthly life.[19]
>implying german nationalism didn't start with luther
These threads are the cancer of Veeky Forums. Fuck off.
All false gospel
Who's surprised? protacuckism revolves around separating church from every aspect of life.
>implying that is a bad thing
Free love is a social movement that accepts all forms of love. The Free Love movement's initial goal was to separate the state from sexual matters such as marriage, birth control, and adultery. It claimed that such issues were the concern of the people involved, and no one else.[1]
On the contrary, in the time of the Reformation the reformers believed that there wasn't enough involvement of the church in peoples lives and that it was too lax, which led to the theocratic Calvinist states of the 17th century.
>not a meme