Why is it that it seems like the new Testament God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is just the kindest most merciful being you could ever imagine, but the Father in the Old Testament can come off across as down right psycopathic at times, with tests that he already knows the outcome to?
Why is it that it seems like the new Testament God...
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The Jews worship Yahweh. Yahweh is satan.
Gnosticism my dude
Fight the demiurge desu
Jesus could throw down when He wanted to.
That was proportional though, it wasn't a test of the God of the Old Testy asking Abraham to kill his son, or to wreck a man's life over a bet with Lucifer... What is the purpose of that? That just seems to be mean without reason. I can understand why Jesus lost his cool in that scenario, he didn't kill anyone either in throwing them out of the temple.
But the playing of tricks on people and stuff like that in the old testy just doesn't seem like the God of the New Testament at all.
because none of that shit is real and was written iver thousands of years by people in vastly different political, social and economic realities.
That's funny you say that, since the concept of eternal damnation and boundless punishment is introduced with Jesus.
>Why is it that it seems like the new Testament God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is just the kindest most merciful being you could ever imagine
Does he? He calls a begging Canaanite woman a dog, he loses his shit in the temple and drives out the moneychangers with a whip, he straight up tells his opponents that they are going to burn in hell many times.
Their purpose is to instruct us about faith and God's sovereignty.
Someone wrote a book called Yahweh the Two Faced God.
Because religion is and always has been a method for controlling the masses, you fuckwad
Because that's not true.
Jesus IS the God of the Old Testament.
The "OT God is cruel!" meme seriously needs to end. It has been debunked many times.
Yeah, no. Jesus is a CUNT, he straight up threatens people with eternal fire if they refuse to worship him. At least in the OT, you can die to get away from Yahweh.
Yeah, just because Yahweh lies, murders, cheats, is insanely jealous and petty, and genocides whole peoples for the sins of a few doesn't mean he's anything but 2100% good and moral. How do I now? Because the Bible tells me that he's good and moral :^)
>historical and cultural context? nah fuck that
>lemme just regurgitate atheist lies
here's your reply
How does it feel being wrong?
dont bother, neo-atheists are ignorant and irrational
Because Christianity doesn't follow the old testament and worships a false messiah and the highly edited teachings of his disciples
It's not bait though, it's the truth. Yeshua is a false messiah who instead of saving anyone, died. And the religion that his followers spawned is so removed from the Tanakh that it's barely even recognisable
>facts are bait
That link doesnt refute that picture, it tries to refute the seventh chapter of hitchens book "god is not great" but you just copied and pasted an article, if you really cared you would've refuted the picture.
>making broad generalisations
>believing that religion is rational
>my God-hating nonsensical ramblings are facts
>calls someone out for making a broad generalization
>makes a broad generalization himself
When did I say that I was atheist? I follow the Tanakh, not the new testament
>Christians have no answer to this.
You dont believe your own religion is rational?
Top kek
>Using shitty facebook memes
Wew lad
Christians BTFO
I'm pretty sure it's just God being a petty unjust, jealous and psychotic mf.
But what do I know?
Thats just because you're using logic, and christians cant use that.
Christians got real quiet when i got here so i shitposted a little bit, but im not all of those.
Are you denying that god genocided people in the OT? Wow, what a surprise, a Christian liar!
>god almighty is limited to our cultural norms
You poor stupid prick.
Because vengence is easy, but compassion is right
>they are able to see the biblical "god" as evil.
How about you recognize that youre dealing with the demiurge and read about gnosticism?
>wreck a man's life over a bet with Lucifer
That book isn't literal
As for the test's of faith, Christ demanded tests of faith from his followers regularly. Asking Peter to walk out into the stormy water was asking him to essentially commit suicide, but to believe that God would see him through.
>As for the test's of faith, Christ demanded tests of faith from his followers regularly.
Its almost as if he isnt all-knowing.
>historical and cultural context
>The omnipotent, omniscient, almighty creator of the cosmos is bound to bronze age ethics
here's yours
>Its almost as if he isnt all-knowing.
Those don't actually equate. While Christ knew the end result, Peter did not. The test was for Peter, and to build up his faith, and prepare him for his role to come.
Jesus was a human. Maybe he was also God, but he was most definitely a human. God the Father is most definitely not a human. Things that work for the Father don't necessarily work for the Son, and vice versa.
Also, God is justified for all the shit he does in the OT. Fight me.
Not much apparently.
God wouldn't have done half the shit he did if the Hebrews weren't such obstinate jackasses.
The Canaanites and others that lived in Palestine displeased God with their sinful ways. Their children would have grown up to be just as sinful as their parents, so God decided it would be more merciful to have his servants (Hebrews) kill them all. We're all God's property, and he can do what he pleases with us.
Also, if you were the all-powerful deity that created the universe, and the tiny insignificant ape-people that populate one of your planets started worshiping trees and statues and other inanimate objects, you'd be pretty jealous and pissed off too. We should worship the Lord because he's the only one that has the power to help us. God being mad that his creatures are ignoring him isn't the same as a human being jealous of his neighbor.
Triples confirms it.
Are you saying that peter was the real MC of the NT?
It's like textbook Stockholm Syndrome.
Well, his successors are the earthly leaders of the Church. So, yes. At the very least he's co-MC with Paul.
So jesus was a supporting character.
Jesus is God. He's just there.
He's the same God in both old and new, cuz.
Because the old testament shouldn't be canon
Never read the old testament and never will, read the new testament 4 times, fucking loved it
>The omnipotent and omniscient souvereign Lord and Ruler of the Universe
>Cant make camelfucking desert tribe listen
really makes you think
That and originally Yahweh, even to Jews, was simply one god in the Canaanite pantheon that was the god of the heavenly army and weather. He was never attributed this being all powerful stuff until much later. It's why you see him testing people, losing to iron chariots, etc. To the old Hebrews other gods did exist and Yahweh was just the Jews' tribak god as other tribes had their own. This idea that he was god of everything came far later, and even later after that that he even cared about gentiles (even Jesus calls a Canaanite woman a dog and pretty much says he came for the people of Israel alone).
Half of this contradictory shit in Christianity is making excuses for attributing shit to god that he was never meant to even care about or be able to do. When you do that, a lot of the previous stuff becomes contradictory. Because rather than a war and storm god with limited powers and part of a pantheon and only caring for one tribe, you have to take those stories and ideas and make an all powerful and all loving god out of it. And it simply does not fit because those stories were not written with that in mind to begin with.
Free will is a real thing in Christianity.
Genesis says God is the creator of the universe and has no equal. It's the very first book of the Bible, no traces of polytheism anywhere in it
Which was added in much later. Secondly, Jews were not polytheistic. They were henotheistic. They understood other gods to exist, but they only worshiped one god. Each tribe basically had their own god from the Canaanite pantheon, of which Yahweh was with the Jews. No real idea why, maybe they drew straws for it.
Just google Yahweh and the history of Jewish monotheism. It's an interesting history and how the Jewish idea of god changed so radically with the times. Just don't read it if you want to believe that your god was ever thought of to be omnipotent or the only god or all loving, or gave two shits about anyone who wasn't a Jew.
I have a jewish friend who told me that Judaism to Christianity is like the original versions of things like Snow White to Disney. (no offense)
It's an understandable comparison because the Judaism God is a lot more akin to how reality is. Christianity for the most part is much more warm in comparison since its central messages revolve around salvation.
Read up on Jung, read his "Answer to Job". It will probably give you the most satisfying answer to the question you're asking.
Also look into Gnosticism.
The Demiurge, Yahweh, is essentially viewed as malevolent. Not really evil, but lording its power like a tyrant over its weaker creations.
So god is a limited creature unable to act except thru his slaves?
>The Canaanites and others that lived in Palestine displeased God with their sinful ways.
What, ALL of them? Sounds like a systemic fault. Who created the Canaanites again? Because whoever it was did a piss poor job.
This can't possibly be true, since if it were, God would have violated the free will of the Apostles by revealing himself to them. So either not EVERYONE gets free will, in which case god is arbitrary, or free will doesn't exist, in which case god is malevolent since he burns people in hell for the sin of being created "wrong".
concept of deity also evolves with culture from tribal to national to imperial
What do you expect us to say?
Jesus was a cuck
Convert to Yahwhism
I always wonder. Don't the religious realize that the continuous evolution of religion and religious dogmas prove that there is no - and never will be - one true religion?
Nothing, because there is no response. Jesus was a cunt, a narcissist and a charlatan, he has this reputation as being a nice guy but anyone can see for himself that he wasn't. Naturally, Christians simply lie about this, as they do about so many other things, because they have no shame or integrity.
Admit that Jesus wasn't all gentle and meek
So much this
>he has this reputation as being a nice guy
Only American Protestants think this
If religious people were capable of reason, they wouldn't be religious.
Pretty sure nearly all Christians think this, actually.
Ask an Orthodox or Traditionalist Cahtolic if they think Jesus was a hippie and "nice guy"
I'm religious and an atheist, take your strawman elsewhere.
>Inb4 sperg attack
I know it sounds crazy but you don't actually have to view the stories as literal fact for them to contain truth
Try it yourself you utter tool. Go ask a Catholic if Jesus was a nice guy, see if he answers "well no, he was a cunt, but he was god so it doesn't matter".
So you're a moron? That's nice, moron.
true religious experience acknowledges growth, change and also evolution as spiritual realities as well as natural
>HURR I choose to believe things I know aren't true
>I can't tell the difference between fact and truth
>surely everyone else are the morons
He wasn't a cunt, He was righteous and firm
>He was righteous and firm
I sense a dick joke in the works
My nigga
Except the "facts" in the Bible aren't. They're myths.
Self-righteous and a prick, are the words you're looking for.
You're either not understanding what I'm saying, or you're trying really hard not to.
That is exactly what I've been trying to say to you, the Bible is MYTH. It contains metaphor and truth, not facts.
Myth is the opposite of truth you utter moron. But then we've already established that you're a fool so it doesn't surprise me that you;re an illiterate, too.
You clearly don't understand what myth is...
Problem is it only started being treated as myth when it was obvious it wasn't fact.
Joseph Campbell would be ashamed of you
And you're clearly a moron.
He understood that myth wasn't true, he simply thought that he had found a universal core to many (not all) myths (protip: he was wrong).
Better late than never. We dont have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We can take what is useful from the stories and free ourselves of the dogma at the same time
Just take the story of "Jonah and the Whale" for instance. Jonah is going along in order and the totality of reality commands him to do something. He seeks to escape from it and flees from safe and dry land onto the oceans. A great storm comes and threatens the ship. The crew throw him overboard at which point he’s swallowed by a giant whale and taken deep underwater until he prays and is let back on onto dry land to fulfill God’s command.
If you take this story literally, you’ll find yourself at odds with a lot of facts. Whales don’t generally eat people nor can you survive in the belly of a whale. Ancient people had no idea what a whale looked like so the depictions of the whale look reptilian. But through the lens of order and chaos you get a much clearer understanding—and a lesson!
Have you ever had an experience when you’re going along and feeling fine but then something happens to throw you completely off-balance? Maybe your parents got divorced, maybe you had a major breakup, maybe you failed a year of school, maybe you broke your leg or someone close to you died. Unexpected and unplanned things happened and you felt like you were drowning and didn’t know when the clouds would ever part. But one day, over time, you woke up and things seemed less dark. Eventually, you even noticed that the sun had broken through the clouds of your life and you felt like you were on solid ground again. This is an experience everyone who’s lived at all has had and that’s the experience this story of Jonah talks about. That’s why this tale has been repeated for over four thousand years—because it says something true about the nature of human existence.
Additionally this story gives a lesson: listen to the decrees of the totality of reality otherwise risk falling into chaos.
>no really the more I push this issue the more right I am even though I'm clearly refusing to understand something
The Bible doesn't call it a whale, just a fish.
>We can take what is useful from the stories and free ourselves of the dogma at the same time
there is nothing "useful" in a fairy story about a man living in a big fish. It might be interesting, or funny, or an important cultural artefact, but trying to find the "true core" or the "useful heart" of a story for imbeciles makes you an even bigger imbecile.
I'm not joking, I know you think you're smart, but you are a moron. Sorry to be the one to break this to you, kiddo.