The founder of this coin Sasha Ivanov is a convicted felon and scammer. Google him.
Aiden Morgan
What are you talking about OP? Of course I hold waves, Why wouldnt I want to become rich af?
Dominic Roberts
Blake White
Please post proof Keep pretending fag, cry when you see us in lambos
Wyatt Hughes
trying to google not finding what he was convicted for - any info?
Josiah Moore
>inb4 he posts the bad interview video of these two unprofesional fat fucks with autismo activated
John Hughes
Google it in fucking Russian you dumbass. The moment Sasha Ivanov sets foot in the US he ends up in jail.
Adrian Miller
>He actually thinks this >Still no proof
Christian King
Gonna need the verdict on this convicted felon ordeal because I'm willing to throw $150 in today
Carson Reed
Waves made 10x and still has room for 2x or 3x.
It has a well functioning token issuing platform, and they are implementing what they have been promising.
For me it is a good investment considering ETH is overvalued.
This is like the little ETH brother but different and it is only 5.
Dominic Garcia
Do it, if you want to drive lambo
Wavesplatform is actually one of the less coins who bring actually value and constant updates into cryptoworld
>Azure approved >iOS app >Decentralized Exchange >NASDAQ Article >Trezor soon >... That was just in the past 1-2 Months alone
Jason Bennett
I'm a dumbass because I can't find anything online about it? Or you're a dumbass because you're unable to post a link?
Chase Harris
I kek on you
Liam Sullivan
ETH will fall hard, too complicated, mark my words, waves is easy as fuck compared to eth, 17/19$ by the end of the year!
Josiah Smith
Its true, anyone that tried making coin on waves and eth will tell you the same thing.
Eli White
how does a coin even made?
Nicholas Cruz
They have a nice platform going, would have gotten in earlier if I wasn't such a newfag.
Benjamin Clark
>only have 500 waves.
No lambo for me, maybe a fiat panda.
Isaac Thomas
Dude, think in terms of years not weeks. That will be more than enough for a Lambo.
Grayson Brown
t. Stratis
Brody Cruz
Waves also has a lot more to show compared to Stratis. Despite being in the top10 of marketcap what Stratis really did or showed? Literally nothing. Waves has much more going on.
Christopher Baker
>tfw was watching waves for a while >wanted to invest >etransfers aren't fucking working >waves at 1,2,3 4,5 now fucking $6
Fuck this I'm not buying waves anymore. Premined shit, Sasha isn't even a developer.
Landon Carter
>tfw only 1500 waves Why even live? Missed it when it was 1 dollar.
Nicholas Nelson
Patience my friend, it can easily reach $20 within one month.
Matthew Baker
This will beat ETH. Its normie friendly and anyone with a laptop abd some shekels can invest in projects around the world.
Plus Sasha and Vitalik are bros, they are getting connected with Putin and the russian oligarchs. Fuck my dick is diamonds.
Aiden Russell
This is the next multi billion dollar blockchain and you faggots are spamming moon and kids and other junk.
Stay poor I just bought more waves, wct and ripto bux
Cameron Cooper
This cryptocurrency has nothing backing it.
How can you have currency with nothing backing it?
100% Proof of Stake makes no sense. It is literally them telling you this pebble has value, and you believing them.
If this coin had mining, then it's believable. These faggots are just printing their own money and you retards buy it. You have to have some sort of economy behind a currency, the miners back the other ones. They spend money to make money. This has nothing.
Ayden Fisher
I only bought 80 at $2.50
why even live?
Christopher Allen
hopefully user. im holding long buy more. thats what im doing
Kevin Lewis
do you think any of these coins have any kind of real backing? NO, everything is speculation at this point
Noah Hill
you're a fucking retard proof of stake sill involves computations to verify the transactions
Kevin Bell
ITT: retards who can't grasp basic blockchain concepts yet throw hundreds of dollars at shit expecting it to moon without any work on their part
Proof-of-stake (PoS) is a type of algorithm by which a cryptocurrency blockchain network aims to achieve distributed consensus. Unlike proof-of-work (PoW) based cryptocurrencies (such as bitcoin), where the algorithm rewards participants who solve complicated cryptographical puzzles in order to validate transactions and create new blocks (i.e. mining), in PoS-based cryptocurrencies the creator of the next block is chosen in a deterministic (pseudo-random) way, and the chance that an account is chosen depends on its wealth (i.e. the stake).
Luke Green
Done by a centralized system created and managed by a small group of people.
Enjoy getting your ass raped in a couple of months.