Are Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire two completely different entities?
Are Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire two completely different entities?
Yes, the Byzantine Empire, after a short while, is more Greek than Roman.
Eh kind of.
Also byzanboo thread?
ERE is still RE
>you have a stick
>you break it in half
>you burn one half and keep the other
>can the other half still be considered a stick?
Not at all, though you could argue it did become something else after the fourth crusade. Before that it was just the ERE with a dead brother that it never completely brought back to life.
Yes...that's why historians call it the "Byzantine" and no longer call it the "Roman"
"Byzantine" is a meme, until the 19th century everyone just called it the Roman Empire.
>"Byzantine" is a meme, until the 19th century everyone just called it the Roman Empire.
that's just to easily differentiate it from the roman empire in the time of augustus from medieval times, it was still the same state from the day the empire was split to the fourth crusade
Byzantians are biggest WEWUZ, beside those who claimed Ancient Egyptians wuz black
t. Barberic Barbarus
He's sort of right, people either called it Roman or Greek empire but "Byzantine" really is a recent invention. Nobody in the middle ages called it that.
I'm so glad we have 2 of these threads on page 1.
Not if one speaks greek
already a thread on this. No, the Eastern Roman Empire is still the Roman empire. It didn't stop being that just because the other half collapsed.
Claudius literally spoke of "our two languages", meaning Latin and Greek. Latin and Roman aren't synonyms, you fuck.
No, Roman Empire died with Julius Nepos
That's actually wrong. It's mostly popular histories that refer to it as Byzantium. Most scholars refer to it as the Roman Empire deliberately to try and undermine the idea of it being a distinct entity.
Demosthenes spoke and taught in Greek while he lived in Rome. It was possible to live your entire life in Rome without knowing a word of Latin.
A great deal of Roman citizens by the time of Caesar spoke Greek and no Latin because Alexander Hellenized Asia Minor and Southeastern Europe
The Byzantine empire is an evolution of the Roman Empire, like the Roman empire is an evolution of the Roman republic.
byzantine a shit
whatever that abomination is, it certainly isnt roman anymore
Yes of course.
Holy Roman Empire was the real Roman empire.