For example
>The Romans were evil
Post yfw when you hear stupid shit about history
Other urls found in this thread:
>everyone in ancient Greece was gay
>We Wuz
>America - two time world war champs!
>the Islamic golden age didn't exist
>when you realise that the bellum Gallicum was a genocide executed by a man who only did this to increase his political influence in his home country
>Religion in Medieval times interfered with the progress of science
>history is written by victors.
See, that is what I call evil: no respect for the lives of humans
pfft faggot
>The Romans were evil
>empire that lived of brutal conquest and slavery
>not evil
Gee, user how could something say something like that.
>In4 good and evil are spooks hurrr
So can I kill you, rape your relatives and burn down your house then, right?
>This one specific reason that just so happens to confirm my political beliefs is the reason the Roman empire fell
>evil exists
How is that not true?
>Forgetting that the Gauls raped and killed when they sacked Rome
>Not thinking that if the shoe was on the other foot, the Gauls/Germanics/Iberians wouldn't do the same.
Gee, user how could you think that only certain humans are evil.
But it is
Might makes right, niggah. Morality is not something for Empires or nations, but individual peoples.
>China was ruled by foreigners for most of its history
>those digits
Don't trust the Antichrist
>Nazi Germany economy was efficient
>Barbarossa was a pre-emptive strike
>Hitler wanted peace and it was the ANGLO who wanted war
I didn't say others are innocent.
Most of humanity is shit.
Sorry about that. However, I still stand on my "If someone's got power, you're going to get fucked" stance.
God I hate those damn Romans! They were only group in history evil enough to wage war!
during the first part of the midle ages the catholic church was the only institution that provided that provided intellectuals with the means for living. what set back science was not religion but political instability, plagues, the de-urbanitzation of europe, lack of a reliable scientific method and the collapse of trade
Fuck off Satan, it didn't kill it as the muslims kept advancing all throughout but it did interfere heavily.
>all slavs/arabs are genetically same peoples, with same culture
This. Science continued to advance in other ways as well desu
The church also anathematized some literature and intellectuals. Religion was a primary motivator in closing down the philosophical schools in Athens in the late classical period, and they were behind the destruction of a bunch of philosophical works that couldn't be spun in a Christian light. Arguably Christians were behind the murder of Hypatia for religious reasons, and one of the burnings of the library of Alexandria.
I don't think the church was the anti-thought monster it's portrayed as, but I also don't think they were the enlightened good boys that their apologists like to portray them as.
Because it just isn't. It's made up fantasy with no bearing on the actual historical record. The RENAISSANCE is when things took a step backwards, with people ignoring their forefathers advancements in order to LARP as Romans and Greeks. But we're all whigs now so anything that comes after is automatically better.
ever hear of Polybius?
What did they ignore user?
>Those digits
You realize church doctors heavily examined and wrote about pagan philosophies and doctrines, right? They even used Greek philosophy (which heavily influenced Christian doctrine itself) to prove the faith.
Not that guy, but maybe you should realize you can't sum up the complexity of the influence of the Church on society during a period of several centuries on a whole continent in just a few cliches, whether positive or negative.
>X was literally Hitler
Reductionist shit like this makes me livid
>Alexander the Great was just like Hitler cuz he killed lots of people and, like, he conquered them and yeah
>Napoleon was just like Hitler cuz he killed many and, like, he did war and such and yeah
>Every conqueror ever™ were the same because they did bad thing and killed people and stuff
Doesn't that validate the statement of ?
>Ottoman Empire isnt heir of the Roman Empire
>Ottoman Empire inst third Rome
Rome died with the fall of Constantinople. Turkish LARPers like yourself really don't have a leg to stand on, though to be fair the Russian Empire's claim based on religion is just as invalid.
>Aztecs were the most evil people to exist, everyone hated them for their sacrifices
>10 gorillion guys with sticks couldn't even beat 1000 steel armed guys with cannons
I don't know who he is but he was probably a punk bitch.
Hyper war never happend.
Digits nails it.
>United States got its ass kicked in Vietnam by retarded rice farmers
>The US dropping the atomic bombs on Japan was a horrible atrocity committed against civilian targets, and probably the worst thing they've ever done in war
>Union Army fought to free slaves in the Civil War
I could probably come up with more. This is just stuff I've heard most recently.
>medieval europe
>historical records
Pick 1.
Fucking this
>Egyptians were black
>Hannibal was black
>Cleopatra was black
>Europe was always diverse (read: filled with a noticeable amount of blacks/arabs, and you know I'm not just talking about Moorish Spain)
>Shakespeare's plays were written by a black girl
>Einstein was black
>Spices were popular because Europeans ate rotting/rancid food
>America was built by slaves
On the other side
>Blacks/Africans never produced any 'advanced' culture/structure/society
>Ranking societies based on their 'advancement' in general
>Africans never accomplished anything because they dumb lol
>There's no way X group could have been able to build/do Y thing with their technology
Is that from City of God?
>What's Prussia? Is that like Russia?
>>Nazi Germany economy was efficient
are there people who actually think this? I read "red storm on the Reich" and the main thing I took away was how grossly inefficient the nazis were even with Stalin kicking down their door. that and their command structure was pretty incompetent
>command structure
I thought Nazi Officers were alright, it was just Hitler's constant meddling with the CoC that fucked everything up.
Yes, user
>Jews should go back to Europe
>Boers should go back to Europe
>Blacks should go back to Africa
>Ulster Scots go back to Britain
Any variant of this and people who spout it are fucked
>implying a cuck would defend Afrikaners
If you think humanity is shit, then fucking do something about it or kill yourself, you self-hating race traitor.
Implying Cisalpine Gauls didn't just invade the Averni.
> Auvergne region
> All of Gaul
Prussia literally ruined Germany, it's best they are forgotten
Cool, it was kino
>Romans didn't have their own religion and were all atheists until the Greeks came and they copied their religion
Yeah, they preserved philosophy that could be cast in a Christian light.
Prussia is the reason there is a Germany.
Some qualify. Attila and Timur were about as bad as hitler
>Islamic Golden Age never happened it was all Persians and Greeks and the Persians were all Zoroastrians and the Greeks were all Christians
>The Bible is just a fairy tale and doesn't contain any history
but at the same time
>Christianity and The Bible is literally the world of God, hasn't been influenced by other religions (some even before it), and didn't adopt pagan beliefs to become more accessible
There's so much bullshit spread around about religion, I'm guaranteed to make someone angry.
>[entire society] was evil
>people in Ancient Greece/Rome were categorized as gay or straight
>"we/us" any time someone is referring to events that happened hundreds of years ago
last one is a reply to
>Hitler did nothing wrong
He lost.
Who the fuck even says that?
Manchus and Mongols desu
>The Spaniards were evil for picking fights with stone age civilizations and winning
The church was actually a major proponent of science all the way up into the 1600s. It only started to become hostile when it started to disprove what the church said.
When Galileo was locked up it wasn't because he said the earth orbited the sun, it's because when the Pope asked him to write a book on it and they would consider it, Galileo basically called him a retard in said book.
>The Bible is just a fairy tale and doesn't contain any history
I almost had an argument in a class today, because someone brought up The Great Flood(for some fucking unknown reason) and mentioned that it was stupid and had no historical basis whatsoever which is fucking annoying because the bible isn't THE MOST historically accurate book, but considering that there is like 50 flood myths from around the Mediterranean AND geologic evidence shows that the Med. Sea used to be dry before Gibraltar broke it's really frustrating.
intellectual dishonesty is the worst fucking modern trait.
There's also the fact that most of the people who knew about what Galileo did wanted him killed and the Pope spared his life and let him conduct all the research he wanted from his goddamn mansion. That event is so over politicized
>Austria-Hungary collapsed because of multikulti
>Russia was feudal before 1917
>Spanish Inquisition was Holocaust 0.5
>Native Americans were all peaceful treehuggers and proto-hippies before white men came to the continent
>Jew, Hebrew and Israelite are synonyms
>Roman and Latin are synonyms
>any sort of retarded anachronisms ("Charlemagne was a Belgian" etc)
>there were "good guys" in WW2
I'm sure there are more but these are the ones I remember right off the bat
Not Mediterranean, but the Black Sea. Mesopotamian civilizations were nowhere near the Mediterranean, but the Black sea definitely underwent some gigantic fucking flooding around 7000 years ago, even the Bible mentions that Noah ended up on mount Ararat which is in fucking Armenia.
>All wars are caused by religion
Some Egyptian were black.
>So can I kill you, rape your relatives and burn down your house then, right?
No, because it's against the morals of the current society you live in. Conquest and genocide weren't considered as morally reprehensible in the past.
>Native Americans were more advanced than the Spanish
In something's they were. city sanitation, stone architecture, and maybe astrology
Other than that probably nothing
Nubian's were black, ie 2nd Egyptian Kingdom was ruled by Blacks
1st and 3rd were ruled by Egyptians, who were egyptian in ethnicity.
just because the churches preserved a great deal of classical knowledge doesn't mean they didn't also interfere with scientific progress
>Stone architecture
Have you ever been to Spain?
Name one documented instance in which the medieval church interfered with science. And no, Gallileo doesn't count.
Have you ever been to Machu Picchu?
Are you aware that the Inca did not build the mountains right? the only impressive part of the ruins is their location
>Germany was ever the good guy
>They agreed to work at it viribus et posse, and began at once to divide the task between them, and I must say that they worked so hard, and with such good will, that in less than four days they constructed a fine bridge, over which the whole of the men and horses passed. So solidly built it was, that I have no doubt it will stand for upwards of ten years without breaking —unless it is burnt down — being formed by upwards of one thousand beams, the smallest of which was as thick round as a man's body, and measured nine or ten fathoms in length (16.2-18m), without counting a great quantity of lighter timber that was used as planks. And I can assure your Majesty that I do not believe there is a man in existence capable of explaining in a satisfactory manner the dexterity which these lords of Tenochtitlan, and the Indians under them, displayed in constructing the said bridge: I can only say that it is the most wonderful thing that ever was seen.
- Cortes to Charles V about his expedition to present-day Honduras
>maybe astrology
Their calendar was more precise than the Gregorian one, which the Spaniards adopted 61 years after the fall of Tenochtitlan.
pic related
In may regards they were inferior to the Old World, but certainly not in others.
>I don't know how the natives were subdued the post
>germany is evil
t. Mesopoliticspro
Nice try, Satan.
US won the Vietnam War
>US won the Iraq war
>italy is shit at war amirite guise? xDDDD
>italy never won a war LEL!
wars since indipendence:
-war of unification: won
-war of crimea: won
-first italo-abissinian war: lost
-invasion of eritrea: won
-invasion of somalia: won
-boxer revolt: won
-italo-ottoman war: won
-WW1: won
-invasion of lybia: won
-second italo-abyssinian war: won
-WW2: debatable
-italian civil war: won
-war of korea: won
Any questions?
And as corollary, the myth about italy losing to a bunch of spear-wielding ethiopians, ignoring that russia armed a hundred thousand of them with bolt-action rifles and provided them with 40 pieces of artillery, thus heavily outnumbering and out-gearing the italians.
>Britain was a blight on India
From a white professor to a class of Brahmin Anglophiles