I did a mistake Veeky Forums

I did a mistake Veeky Forums
Bought DGB at 1.8k like a minute ago at 1 BTC.

Thanks for buying my bags


Wait for the bounce, then you even get a little profit out of it.

Thanks m8, those bags were killing me.

sell it hurry up

What goes down, will come back up again. Just hodl.


Youre pretty confident
What makes you say that?

Depends on what your goals are.
You're in for a mid term hold now.
The uptick might take days or weeks.

>Bought DGB at 1.8k like a minute ago at 1 BTC

Fucking why

>sold at 1900 not 2000 although i heard the news early enough



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Stop crying you little bitch.

Bought DGB at 115 sats am still holding.

As long as crypto currencies grow DGB will grow.
Just be patient and focus on other coins/stocks/work whatever you do.

You never buy dips until it seems to recover.

keep telling yourself this is some sort of shillbot army faggot.

oh i thought it touched the price of 1 bitc

Hope maybe.


Well, you just made a profit of about 3%.
Tbh, I am exited.

I bought $30 worth last night, how fucked am I

nobody cares poorfag

your fault for believing this citibank retarded nonsense

most gimmicky fucking thing I've ever fucking heard of and it got priced in immediately the moment it was announced on twitter

shit coin is dead

What was the announcement?

For real though: buying at 1800 sat isn't even bad at all. If you look at the chart you'll see that it'll go up soon again.