Here we trigger the Wehraboos
>tfw honestly believe three but think everything else is silly
>The Einsatzgruppen was an anti-terrorist organization
Are you saying it wasn't?
It's a question of perspective.
Murdering civilians is not anti-terrorism from any perspective.
Un-uniformed combatants, user. Not civilians.
>Occupy foreign country
>Indiscriminately kill citizens of said country
>Get attacked by citizens of said country
>fucking terrorists
4 year old un-uniformed combatants?
Soviet attack babies?
So Palestinian terrorist groups aren't real terrorist groups because israel was established by force?
I think a lot of the Wehrmacht were just men fighting for their country. Of course you can blame those who worked as guards in death camps, but little Heinrich half frozen to death in Stalingrad without any fresh food isn't that much of a villain in my eyes.
Then again, as an American I wholeheartedly believe the Japanese soldiers of World War 2 were absolute scumfucking vermin who killed women and children indiscriminately, so I guess I have some bias.
>but little Heinrich half frozen to death in Stalingrad without any fresh food isn't that much of a villain in my eyes.
You sound like typical goyim scum.
Did they ever really imply they were subhuman as part of their official doctrine? I thought they were viewed purely as political enemies and dangerous.
>death camps
You donĀ“t have to be American to realize that the Japanese did commit war crimes in China.
shitty wikipedia article but still applies here.
>I think a lot of the Wehrmacht were just men fighting for their country.
I think that's what most soldiers are supposed to be, but I could be wrong...
>Soviet attack babies?
You say this like the Soviets were above strapping bombs to dogs and ordering people to march over minefields.
>Germans sign over half of Eastern Europe to the Soviets
>Act surprised when the Soviets annex those areas
It's amazing how much anti-Jewish stereotyping applies to Nazis. The one about crying out in pain while striking you is a good one for here.
t. Ezra Silverstein
Nothing gets me harder than thinking about the SS Honor Guard begging for mercy at the foot of the Reichstag.
Ah yes fighting for the fatherland in the motherland.
Literally Chechenya.
As long as they target government institutions, then sure. By the way, Hezbollah is way more respectable than the IDF and they're not really respectable.
>Germany would have won WW2 if they built more Panzer IV and Stugs
But Germany was lacking tank crews in late-war. There is no point in producing more heavy equipment when there are no people to operate it.
Germany would have won WW2 if they built more robots
Also, they were out of steel and oil, but yes, if they had infinite manpower and resources, they would have won the war.
Nothing gets me harder than remembering that for every dead German, there are three dead commies. Not even including starvation ;)
Older German models were becoming outmatched as the production of T-34s started kicking into high gear. Germany needed newer, better tanks to counter the Russians. Th Panther was advertised as being a direct counter to the T-34, while the Tiger was just plain scary and tough. However, these ranks were still very difficult to enter into production, expensive to produce, and fairly untested (hence the far more frequent break-downs than normally expected of a WWII tank), so to say that only these new, bigger tanks were the answer discounts alternatives that may have been produced. Again, though, the Germans were pressed for time as the Eastern Front raged on and the need for tank dominance grew, so they might have just taken the first proven designs they developed and rolled with it. I wouldn't know.
Sometimes I wish I was jewish so I can enjoy the butthurt of every wehraboo.
So they should have stuck with the pzr IV even though it was inferior to t34s, kv1s, and js-2s?
fantastic post
You mean civilians
Friendly reminder that George S. Patton no friend of the Nazis was horrified at the discovery of Ohrdruf concentration camp
>but but... those unsourced Patton quotes and that one diary entry where he shit-talks concentration camp survivors
Anyone who's read a basic biography of Patton knows that he was a fighting man. He was not the kind of guy you could bully around. The idea that men could be so pathetic that they would allow themselves to be reduced to a status lower than slavery rather than fighting back was not contemptuous, but inconceivable to him.
Nice battleship you have there. It would be a shame if something happened to it.
>SS Honor Guard
>Defending the Reichstag
Most of the defenders of the Reichstag were Kreigsmarine sailors, Volksstrum, RHSA staff, and SS troops from the Charlemagne Division (French).
>PRC flag
Have the animated one, more slappy with the stiff movement.
Send them valentine instead.
So they decided to build and produce the Maus tank and the Gustav Rail gun, got it.
>war crimes
wtf is a war crime?
THis concept is absurd
Life and death contest between two groups of people
The loser however is guilty of 'war crimes' that the winner is not capable of committing.
>you can blow up a man to bits but not gas him
>you can blockade a civilian population into mass starvation and famine and also roast htem to a crisp with napalm and atomic bombs but you can't use them in factories
I mean jesus christ how absurd is this?
Ribbentrop got hung for conspiring war against poland.
Molotov wasn't even tried.
war crimes is the biggest propaganda term in the business. Its used to rally public opinion and demoralize the enemy.
This is all well documented and planned too if you look at WWI propaganda.
Its amazing how even historians are wrapped up in it.
>America doesn't even chart
Lel how can Euros even compete?
War isn't Call of Duty.
Your k/d ratio does not matter
>der tigers wuz shieeet xDDD meme
this is revisionist faggotry isn't it?
*breaks down*
He got his history lessons from Call of Duty World at War. Pic related
>Greece was a pillar in stopping the war machine
>now gets treated like the leper of Europe
you bastards will pay, believe it
DO you REALLY doubt the godless ruskies wouldn't be able to do that with their Jew magic when that Kenyan Muslim Obama was using planned parenthood abortions as mortar shells
>Charlemagne division
>naming a decision after the guy who turned away your volk from their true gods and to juedo-Christian idolatry
Was there even a battle at the Reichstag? I've heard that it wasn't even defended and that most of the action took place near the Reich Chancellory and Air Ministry.
Posting in a slavaboo thread, say hi to anons over at /leftypol/ for me OP
>SS honor guards wearing Heer helmets
Reminds me how historically inaccurate this game is.
>Fucking King Tigers in Stalingrad
>tfw a 4
Not even upset
>Soviet national anthem=best national anthem
>Russia shit stomped Germany
These two are indisputable facts and aren't indicative of slavaboo tendencies
>edgy teens who's had his first philosophy lesson and now thinks he knows jack shit about history and war.
>another German bashing thread
>tfw second reich boo
>tfw also at about #3
you shouldn't bra, get a hold of yourself *slaps twice*
it's the system
So xenophobic attacks against muslims and niggers in Europe are completely justified.
>Emigrate to Europe
>Rape, murder and oppress Native-Europeans
>Get attacked by natives
>fucking racists
They aren't a monolithic foreign force and they actually are citizens so its not a good comparison.
Better example would be the US army in whatever their latest adventure is.
No muslim or nigger in europe is actually european though, they are foreign invaders brought into europe by marxist swine such as yourself in order to undermine the essentially white society of europe.
t. american and/or asperger
t.marxist swede.
You know I'm right Sven, multiculti horseshit imposed by marxist eurocrats will be the death of the advanced secular society of europe.
Never thought that the rumors were true about this board being extremely leftist. Now I do.
However, personally I don't deny that the germans did wawr crimes that can be considered horrible. But if we look at the other nations that they were fighting, they were not really better down the line. In the case of the sovietunion they surpassed germans easily in terms of warcrimes. Not just to the enemies but their own too.
>this board being extremely leftist
just because we don't spout any shit that's infesting /pol/, doesn't mean that the "board is leftist". Quite mannihaistic of you.
What makes Germans so good at killing subhumans? Are they really the master race?
Racist fucks, get out. We defeated the Nazis once in WW2 and we will do so again. If you post racist/homophobic/transphobic/antisemitic/anti-islamic shit on Veeky Forums you will meet utmost resistance. We won't let this board fall into the hands of /pol/.
>In the case of the sovietunion they surpassed germans easily in terms of warcrimes
No they didn't
The Germans let a fucking convicted child-rapist Oskar Dirlewanger and his band of criminals run rampant in Warsaw and destroy almost the entire fucking city for no reason.
oy vey
oy gevalt
how horrid of these germans
0/10. Nobody who actually posts here will fall for this.
Who is "we"?
Veeky Forums belongs never to /pol/ nor to /leftypol/.
You seem buttmad and consider the latter tho.
Stay mad.
I thought that I was only one who's jimmies get rustled by this kind of inaccuracies. I go to every THICC thread to complain about historical inaccuracies when this picture gets posted.
forgot the pic
Just look at the catalogue there are various threads just about how bad nazis are.
And with "we" you mean who exactly? Look, all I'm saying is that the nazis aren't innocent little snowflakes but that the other nations weren't that much better either.
Yes they did. By far. That you just put out of your ass. Just look at soviet gulags and how many russians were killed by russians because they dared to critique Lenin or Stalin. Without even counting in the horrible treatment soviet soldiers had to endure throughout the whole war.
The Panzer IV was inferior to Shermans and T-34s, and Germany was outnumbered on every front.
The Holocaust is a crime that is UNIQUE in human history. Its industrial scale and horror is unmatched and saying anything else is a crime in most of the civilized world. Racist Nazi sh*theads like yourself who try to shift the blame to others to make people ignore what happened belong in f*cking prison! GET OUT OF THIS BOARD! GET BACK TO /POL/ TO WORSHIP DONALD TRUMP AND WHITE POWER OR SOMETHING!
>Russia shit stomped Germany
Not really no. It was more that America, Britain and Russia combined shitstomped Germany. The Russians on their own would have done jack and shit.
>Just look at the catalogue there are various threads just about how bad nazis are.
>saying the nazis are bad is a leftist opinion
t. Goebbels
No it wasn't. The Sherman was more similar to panzer III and the T-34 while being a good tank that was cost effective, was not as versatile and precise than the Panzer IV.
Take your stupid Nazi Wehraboo opinions to /pol/.
Dear god, I think I'll just ignore you for a while.
Well no its just the way you talk about said nazis, you know?
Bomber Harris did nothing wrong
Sherman shits all over the Panzer IV m8.
out of my way tiger fucking shits
>>Sherman similar to panzer III
lol no, the Sherman curbstomped the panzer III into the dirt and was depending on model either slightly better then or outright superior to the panzer iv and the T-34 was so much better then the panzer III and IV that the Germans promptly shat themselves in fear and developed the Panther specifically so they could counter it.
That's not a stupid wehraboo opinion, you can look it up yourself if you'd like.
A good tank of the russians would be the KV-1 that was used in the beginning of the war with the sovietunion. Germans took quite some time to develop a tank to counter it effectively. While the western allies didn't have the best tanks all together they still had some good ones like the british Matilda used in north africa or at the end of the war the Pershing tank.
No it didn't, similar to other lighter tanks the sherman was used en masse against enemies. The panther and similar tanks were mainly used in the eastern front.
Also the sherman is a tank that was sold across the whole world because he was rather easy and cost effctive to build. Oh and also he was easy to repair! Instead of just scraping it outright once it got penetrated they just put some metal over the hole and could reuse it again.