How perfidious was perfidious albion?

How perfidious was perfidious albion?

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It wasn't always this way lad, the English were very sincere people before cheeky Willy trolled them with his pretend retreats at Hastings.

As usual the frogs are the true villains here and the English are victims just like you.

it wasnt any more so than an other nation.

Perfidious Albion is nothing more than the bitter wail of those who played the game and lost, the lament of those who didnt measure up

Hi Lindy! Don't you have a Veeky Forums thread to be trolling?

>Fire! makes no sense!


Sorry h8ers, try a bit harder next time

It's hard to argue against , but I will never consider the British as a people with honour.

So perfidious that they wanted to sell drugs to all of China as a national policy

So perfidious they declared war on China and fired at all the harbors and major cities with Cannons, until the Chinese capitulated and allowed the albion to sell Opium again.

>he is one of the people that roleplays in lindyspammer threads, pretending that he is the reallindybeige and feeding him (You)s for the chance at a few cheap shots
Genuinely sad.

How dare you?

Britain has always been more perfidious than any other nation.

That is why we are the greatest nation in the history of the world and why there is so many butthurt foreigners crying tears about it on Veeky Forums.



Chinks love heroin.

9/10 in the scale of Judaism.

>buttblasted lindyfags come out of the woodwork

go back to denying climate change and thinking you won in the Hundred Years War

>this anal devastation

Who is this semen demon?

She is a fascist

Pajeet, Paddy or Kraut?

assuming it is a paddy because most of them are about Ireland

damn brits dying everywhere like cockroaches


Go back to pol

story behind pic


You don't understand
This is /pol/

Is that the anglo zulu war?
Britain DECIMATED THE Zulu nation the Fuck do you mean?

Selling half of the continent to sovs perfidious.

That was the eternal Yank, Churchill wanted to invade the balkans and march up through Poland to cut the Soviets off.

>tfw Russian Angloboo


>tfw Britain and Russia won't ally once more to take down the Huns again

This isn´t entirely accurate hough. The direct cause about extraterritoriality, when the Chinese tried to execute a British sailor for committing a murder. The most important reason was that the Chinese didn´t open all their harbours for free trade. There was also oppisition in the House of Commons about the fact the British tolerated the sale of opium.