What is most responsible for the decline in western morals in the last 100 years?
I blame atheism.
What is most responsible for the decline in western morals in the last 100 years?
I blame atheism.
Ironically, it's the Puritans.
At least that's partially the case in America.
Wealth, peace and prosperity.
the 1920s were a mistake
Morality is subjective.
How do morals "decline"? How are you measuring this? Some things that were acceptable then are not acceptable now, not just vice-versa.
>decline in western morals in the last 100 years
The west is more moral than it was 100 years ago.
Haha yeah like morals change, just accept the permissive society bro
>women not subordinate
>welfare state
>casual sex, drug use, crime, nigger culture
Literally just the top 5
You could literally say this from any point in the last 500 years
Annoying fucks like you have been saying this since the dawn of time
What produces morals?
Good times > weak men > hard times > strong men
pol plz
How is that moral degeneracy?
>Good times > weak men > hard times > strong men
Spring > summer > autumn > winter > spring...
It's like the seasons.
Only partially true. A virus can only thrive when the body is weak. Likewise, the Jew or "human" virus can only thrive when there men are weak.
All of this but drug use is okay and crime is relatively low compared to the 50's.
The* men are weak.
I'm not /pol/
racism is objectively immoral
If you're white, then I hope you're racist if for no other reason than your own good.
>drug use is okay
You realize Mexicans are Christians, yes?
*Psuedo catholic with a lot of holdover Aztec shit
Their less pseudo Catholic than most American Catholics.
Apparently literacy isn't valued on /pol/.
>caffeine is bad
>painkillers are bad
>having fun is bad
>experiencing different modes of consciousness in the brief flash of existence before we die is bad
The generational acceptance of crony capitalism.
Capitalism was created in the spirit of HEALTHY and FRIENDLY competition, and not meant to make enemies of one another. Its gotten to the point where anti-consumerist policies and practices are applauded and those who make millions doing very little claim it's simply 'jealousy' that people are upset that CEO's are paid 550 times more than their average employee each year.
The worship of money and its overall pursuit being tied with the pursuit of happiness is the largest moral inhibitor of the last 100 years. There used to be a sense of requiring to do public good in ones down-time that simply doesn't exist anymore. Everything one does should be geared towards producing a personal profit. This is pure acid for morals in society. Capitalism was meant to be kept in check by Western morals, but instead capitalism (primarily after the civil war amendments in the U.S.A) has decayed Western Morals so that Capitalism now controls it.
Now, I consider myself a Red Tory/Conservative, I am not a communist or a leftist nor do I think capitalism is inherently bad. I am however of the belief that a few thousand multi-millionaires manipulated the system long enough that there is now a generational acceptance of slimy and unethical business practice, which then bleeds into society.
Look at all the left wing communist sexual freedom movements, all ran by the kikes.
That image is a distortion of the argument made by the tumblrinas that go out semi-naked and do all that shit. Don't get me wrong, it's an overreaction- but that's not making an honest argument.
First, and more obviously, it's cherry picked a sample that furthers its argument - ugly college feminists don't go out shirtless with decorative hearts on top of their nipples every day, these were protests arguing that being objectified has little to do with what you're wearing but rather that you're a woman, or whatever (again, their argument not mine). On the converse, though, pornography which caters mostly to men (and hence pays all these porn stars' salaries, which is arguably a good thing for their livelihood if they're up for it) is fairly more erotic by definition than anything seen in a public context. There aren't many woman directors "dressing" these porn stars or filming them for that matter. Hence, categorizing either men or women in terms of morality is retarded to begin with.
Yep, pretty much. Look up the frankfurt school and critical theory. Also look at who spear headed the female liberation and look at who is pushing for nonwhite migration into europe right now.
This tobequitehonest
Really, it seems capitalism WITH fully technologically adapted globalism is a dangerous combination. Keynes in his General theory advocated against free reign of the great capitalists to just save or hoard instead of investing, and for a solution advocated a couple of things
a) Something has to be done about the state of generational pass-down inheritance money. Entire classes of people are running around who don't know the value of hard work. As such, Keynes in the mid 20th, and J.S. Mill in the mid 19th century both advocated for heavy inheritance taxing. This would promote hard work, say both of them, as an item of very simple, logical social philosophy.
2) the investment rate being artificially raised by lowering the interest rate, this should happen in times when the urge to save is much greater than the urge to invest, which brings down the interest rate. In other words, investments should be continually occurring and very little of it should be idle. Unfortunately this is just not the case. I'm not sure if it makes a tremendous marked difference, but the quantity of money in a society is partly dependent on the group-think mentality of the speculative,pecuniary classes, so that when the interest rate goes down the quantity of money has to go up, or when the quantity of money goes up, the interest rate has to go down. In other words, by artificially lowering the interest rate, which is how many interpret Keynesianism, you may effect a rise in output because of increased investment, but this is subject to various elasticities and variables. If you interpret Keynesianism to primarily mean you can improve the economy by shrinking the wages artificially of the unproductive classes, or classes whose output has a low price elasticity, then you would immediately see a raising of the marginal productivity of capital at the same time as the interest lowers itself.
(2/2) But no one uses this aspect of his economic system because lowering the money wages, while economically perfectly healthy and viable, is political suicide.
So they continue to misapply one of the most important documents to ever exist. And to be quite honest, the early 20th century was great because of this high level of analytical thought and reasoning, but because of severe privatization and segregation of academic disciplines, this declined dramatically. Pic related, this president's New Deal is remarkably clearer and unequivocally intelligent and productive and moreso than most bills passed today. The last great bill where Democrats actually compromised with Republicans in this caustic environment for progress was Glass-Steagall which was an incredibly intelligently made bill which was repealed for corporate profits.
And I'm sorry about the a) and 2) thing. that's some shit right there.
This is the pic btw
>the problem is crony capitalism
>but we should attack free trade and tax people into the ground rather than simply shutting off the government as a source of crony kickbacks and perks
>frankfurt school and critical theory
there is only evidence that it was a minor influence, the civil rights movement was due to outrage at Klan lynchings and being discriminated against and hated for no reason, left wing extremists milked this and took advantage of human nature, namely tribalism
because your own demagogues exploit your own tribalism and need their own line to pull they shift the blame to convoluted conspiracy theories, you fixate on the ounce of truth sitting on a pile of bullshit while ignoring the tons of raw truth next to it
Womans suffrage
Linking morality to religion is what has caused the decline. Not atheism itself. As atheism became more common morals went out the window with the religion.
If parents told their kids to be respectable because it is what is best for you and your own, instead of saying, be respectable or you will burn after you die, there would be no decline.
tldr; theism is the cause
But you see, God is objectively real so therefore, too are morals. That you will find to be a fulfilling and wholesome argument for believing in others and humanity.
Some government intervention is bad. Some government intervention generated the economic recovery after WWII that led to you being able to sufficiently have the resources at the touch of your fingertips that you have. That was Keynes you ungrateful asshole.
This but the host must be weak before the parasite can truly take. We've had the fuckers for over 1000 years and it's just happening now? Bullshit
Good post. Aristotle argued for morality on an objective basis, without appealing to the supernatural. We should return to Aristotelian virtue ethics.
>god is objectively real
>God is objectively real
[citation needed]
So did Nietzsche to varying gradations with his 'totem pole' morality concept. But this sort of thing is asanine too.
We know that God exist. For whatever reason culture is not static although the foundations of the culture do not change except with prophets. I think as long as there continue to be prophets the systems proposed should continue as directed by God.
Here we go again with the retard squad. Haven't you seen most people on Veeky Forums adopt a religious stance recently? Get with the program you jealous retards.
>we know that God exist
We know he doesn't
Not an argument
Not an argument
The only non-meme answer that can stand up to scrutiny with objective data
Not an argument.
hehe yeah ok guize! we hate women and black ppl right? Yeah guize hehe yeah.
You are a loser and a retard go fuck yourself you retarded piece of shit. You are not me.
Christianity is kill, all hail the allfather
This question is more easily answered when you replace the word "decline" with the word "change."
I don't hate women but niggers are a whole another matter entirely.
Not an argument.
Fuggen Fone
Indeed, but we'll wait for
a)more people who are able to consciously make a post like that
b) more people who are willing to be nice to each other on this site and not hate on specific groups, because hating is a vicious circle and even I fall victim to it.
Hate is an important part of the human condition. To not hate is to not exist
>I blame atheism.
It's certainly not atheism per se, but it does have something to do with secularism.
Also, the advent of the birth control pill probably changed humanity drastically.
One could make the argument that puritanical sexual morality existed in part because there were no reliable means of ensuring that sex didn't lead to procreation.
I fundamentally disagree with that. I think the purpose of being is antithetical to hatred, to hate certain groups of people is because you are receiving hate from somewhere else. That hate that you receive is certainly from places which are not agreeable to a good life for you. You need to separate yourself from those people and those places which give you hate.
I don't hate women, but here are my reasons that they shouldn't vote
1. They have no interest in politics. They literally don't give a fuck. Trying to have a conversation about politics and economics with a woman is like pulling teeth. At best you'll get a few meme answers about women's oppression in western democracies.
So given that they don't have any knowledge, let alone interest in the very things they are voting for why should they be allowed to vote? Imagine if the national tennis authority had open elections every 4 years where just any dick weed could vote to change the rules of tennis. Within two election cycles the game of tennis would be irrecognizable and completely ruined.
2. Women's suffrage author's its own destruction. There is no instance in history where women have been given equal rights to men where this hasn't contributed to the downfall of that civilization. We are currently witnessing this in the west with the mass influx of middle eastern migrants who.... YES YOU GUESSED IT!!! Don't believe in women's suffrage! If women are allowed to continue to decide the demographic future of their countries their suffrage will be taken from them, because Islamic barbarians who believe that women are property will seize power, and take away their right to vote.
So either we take away women's suffrage and try to rebuild the west, or we continue to allow women to vote until the barbarians have us by the balls, and it's not our decision who votes and who doesn't anymore. Either way, women's suffrage is not sustainable.
You can't know happiness with experiencing sadness
You can't know an easy life without struggle
You can't know friendship without betrayal
You can't know love without hate.
Are you implying that religious people are still holding western morals? Bullshit. Even when the Roman Empire fell in all of its degeneracy, Christianity and other religions were spreading everywhere. Western morality came from philosophy (Greek one in particular), not religion.
No, the answer is only one: multiculturalism united with wealth and peace. Mix that in with modern liberalism and socialism and you get one of the greatest social poisons ever created.
This makes no sense.
To comprehend this is tantamount to suicide. Therein lies your first step to a better culture. Both here and elsewhere imho
It makes perfect sense. Think of how much better water tastes when you've been without. You must understand the absence of something to truly appreciate it.
yes we have noticed that you highly impressionable children were infected like cancer
Wtf are you talking about. Who has proven that God is objectively real? Please enlighten us with your mountain of credible evidence.
emancipation of women honestly. The first thing they did with their influence was ban booze.
>don't actually answer the question
Get the fuck out.
So there are good things women can do after all. Alcohol and drugs are pure degeneracy.
>my feelings
Please don't say I suggested an alternative I did not in an attempt to make me look foolish. All I said was that crony capitalism is the primary reason for moral decay today. I did not propose a solution because that's not what the question asked for. Come on bro.
Go back to getting raped by your abusive overzealous baptist uncle
Sounds like you're the butthurt one here. There is nothing even remotely moral about abusing drugs. On the other hand, it causes addiction, violence, family instability, low productivity and impaired intellectual functioning: drugs literally turn you into a subhuman.
What you're describing is literally the removal of displeasure. The lowest level of Platonic achievement that you could possibly contemplate. It is analogous to simply telling the people moving the puppets in front of the fire that you're thirsty.
Why has Veeky Forums been more afflicted with /pol/-tier shit recently? These are shit threads that contain even lower quality discussion and evidence than usual, pls go.
You're using your irrelevant feefees for the basis of your argument and I'm mocking you for it.
>addiction, violence, family instability, low productivity and impaired intellectual functioning are "feefees"
Ok, have fun getting your life destroyed by feefees.
>implying cis-white men didn't create history and humanities
You are a child trying to make me upset.
>western morals
the spookiest spook i've heard all day.
and western secularism is really just some sort of godless christianity, sublimating practically every ritual that's not actual mass into what we deem western lifestyle is, so joke's on them, haha. christianity was a mistake.
Fat beta males blaming their issues on women instead of doing some self reflection.
So you unironically believe that a group of people would be better off without the ability to hate?
>morals are a spook
Just lol
If were posting cancerous images for fun then don't stop
Enjoy your wife's son
Bow down before the one you serve.
You're going to get what you deserve.
Bow down before the one you serve.
You're going to get what you deserve.
Internet for the last 15 years
Communism,femminism,atheism in other words the jews for the last 70 years
No it isn't, not remotely. People are merely more moralizing.
Fuck off pseud.
One literally can only be moral if they are religious, otherwise what they are doing, even it is exactly the same, cannot be moral.
>what is best for you and your own
Utilitarianism is never moral.
Aristotle's ethics don't work without his science you fucking pseud. Even then, science is not objective.
Omnipotence requires something exist regardless of whether it exists or not.
It certainly is atheism.
Greek morality has nothing in common with Christian morality. Maybe you should read them instead of make assumptions.
>for a being that can only be experienced by those that already believe in Him
nothing is objectively immoral you fucking simpleton
>people ask you to back up your unsubstantiated claims
yeah, what morons
Please substantiate your claims.