How much about Afrocentrism is true?
How much about Afrocentrism is true?
Mansa Musa really was the richest man in the world.
Other than that, basically nothing.
This board is a wasteland.
what is the point of this thread
This board is not harsh enough to memeing shitposters who think this is /pol/
Anons never sage when replying to bait threads either.
Some of it is true, the hardest part is breaking yourself out of the conditioning of white supremacist propaganda that you've been fed your entire life.
100% of it.
>inb4 White supremacist lies
There was a Nubian dynasty of Egypt where the Pharohs would be considered Black by Western standards
I can't tell what is satire abd what is retardation anymore
African kings where proven to be white Europeans.
The Ninians where slaves.
Probably around .001%
Funny, because it was actually the opposite. Whites were some 50 years away from space flight around the same time that blacks in Africa still lived like it was the Pleistocene Era
No there wasn't. All dynasties where ruled by caucasoids.
Fucking phone
How redundant is it to post facts in earnest in bait /pol/ threads at this point?
See this?
Africa is an absolutely gigantic continent with a ton of different cultures and identities. Going just by skin color, black Africans had areas that were extremely wealthy and prosperous, there were a handful of black pharoes, etc. When it comes to western history they contributed a bit and that should be acknowledged, but overall it was a relatively minor contribution.
I really like Nas' albums though, he's good in my book.
I enjoy seeing retards make fools of themselves. Also I make sure to sage every reply.
>I was pretending to be retarded
Funny how everyone pulls this only after they get btfo with facts
All of it. You see the first greeks was ruled by kings who was black. Agamemnon the last black king of greece was overthrown by the whiteys who ruled greece for a couple of centuries. Until Mausolus the great black general overthrew the whiteys and exterminated them in the social war. Now blacks was running greece again and a whitey wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by Lucius Mummius and the whiteys eventually killed or sent the black greeks to africa. Seleukos Nikator was black
(you) OP
How will they ever recover???
lmao, you could have stopped at Meds (also bullshit) but now you are pushing them as Northern Euros
why can't whiteys even lie plausibly?
>Some of it is true
Be specific.
>the hardest part is breaking yourself out of the conditioning of white supremacist propaganda that you've been fed your entire life
Perhaps if any of the we wuz kangs was actually true. Early great civilizations being non-white (middle eastern) genuinely is factual though.
oh you had to go and fucking make this thread, didnt you?
Afrocentrism is mostly cultural appropriation sprinkled with a fact or two to back some of it up.
Nubian pharoahs did rule in Egypt, but it was in the 25th dynasty. Out of 31-32 total. So that's how much of Egyptian history they missed entirely, and they invaded as the empire was already falling to Rome. Egyptian culture was already well established, by centuries of previous history, before black people came into the mix.
Always remember..
Nubia and Egypt are two completely different countries.
It's mostly false, the earliest Western/Near Eastern civilizations were Semitic and Irano-Aryan, up until the Greeks became more prominent.
And Indian/Far Eastern civilizations were either Indo-Aryan or Chinese.
That's a funny way to spell Marcus Licinus Dives Crasus.