Who was the most beta ruler in history?

Who was the most beta ruler in history?

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Pretty much this. Claudius was basically /r9k/:the Emperor

This overrated little shit.


You won't find a more beta ruler in history, just look at him.

He care more about his cock than he did all of rome.


Valeria Messalini was a massive whore according to basically every source/history we have. Like she snuck out one night and competed against a prostitute to see who could fuck more guys in a 24-hour orgy (she won at 25). She was executed because she was fucking a Senator behind Claudius' back and when he found out he went back to her anyway and another guy basically went "fuck this", went behind his back and ordered her execution.

Of course stories like that tried to be played off as lies and slander by later historians but she was hated enough that she got damnation memoriaed after her death plus the stories survived the 70 or so years afterwards and across different historians of the time period so I'm willing to believe that, while maybe exaggerated, there is likely a large degree of truth in them.

>be Claudius
>mother and entire family despises him and thinks he's a huge failure that will never amount to anything
>smart guy but has no public speaking skills whatsoever so people think he's a autistic retard
>essentially became the court jester under Caligula
>somehow became Emperor
>absolutely terrible with women and his wives routinely cucked him
>his wife had a competition with a prostitute to fuck the most people in a single day and won
>literally married another man publicly while he was off in a nearby town
>everyone knew but nobody told him because she essentially fucked half the Senate and most of his friends

Well "Ruler" but still.

Reading the Vita Nuova you see just how much of a beta bitch Dante was.

People only talk about his tomb. No one over rates him. Also, not his fault his parents gave him fucked up genes.

Also fucked up rule.

Well, at least he conquered Britain.

Most of her stories were made by her political rivals.

>when you right a fanfic to try and get together with a girl you like and subsequently influence Christian theology and create western literature and the Italian language

Wasnt he just pretending to be retarded?

Yeah, but we have to put a limit on these things. Claudius was emperor for over ten years.

Pretending to be retarded was a legitimate Roman technique dating back to the earliest days of the Republic.

Lucius Junius Brutus pretended to be retarded to avoid being purged by the King.

>legitimate Roman

So...they couldn't just...see through the act? Or were many of them also pretending to retarded, and allowing others to in mere complicity?

Real pottery we're talking here.

They thought it was hilarious

Who was legitimately the most retarded person in Roman history?

I can't really think of one who was really retarded. Due to the nature of Imperial Succession, you never really got anyone's retarded kid on the Throne.

Insane Megalomaniacs weren't even that common.

I'd have to nominate Commodus, because of all the insane shit he's supposed to have done.

This is hilarious.
I'm imagining a room full of politician all going "DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"

Does this explain the state of the US Congress?

After all, Trump's national security advisor just resigned because he """forgot""" that he talked with a Russian diplomat multiple times about sanctions and """accidentally""" lied to the vice president and press repeatedly about it afterwards.

>those hips

Bringing current politics into this thread
Shitposters like you deserve to be hanged.

wow you can read a newspaper, we're all very impressed

now please leave

Salvador Allende.

I agree and would delete my post but Veeky Forums won't let me.

90% of this board is shit posting. Nazi-apologism threads, "vague contentious statent" threads, "prove me wrong", frog/feels posters, religious trolling, vague philosophy, or other shitposting. There is no culture of positive posting and no means of creating a hierarchy of informed posters such as /k/ or Veeky Forums have naturally due to their board topics. It would be generous to call Veeky Forums pol with dates, it often doesn't even have those.

You fucking liar, you can delete your post.

literally cant, Clover says "Cannot delete a post this old", and the website says "something went wrong". Why would someone lie about that?

I mean, even Sun Tzu basically said it when he stated that when strong, appear weak.

Emperor Gelawdewos of Ethiopia.

Hid like a bitch while Cristóvão da Gama and 400 Portuguese crusaders defended his country to the death.

Some argue that Cristóvão even fucked his mom while she was under his protection.

Probably some random guy born into the position who did absolutely nothing of note

Then fucking kill yourself, if you can't stop yourself from constantly shitposting about the Goddamn president.
And you fucking retards say that /pol/ leaks. So do you! And I don't want either. So don't make it shittier, just because you can. If we had a mod, you'd be banned, you worthless cretin.

History means the study of the past, and anything revealed by that. If he hasn't been recorded, he's not history, so, yes, we can determine the most beta ruler in all of history.

It wasn't just the genes, he reversed his father's (admittedly retarded) legacy, and everyone walked allover him until he died