>"I'm interested in History"
>Hasn't read any history books just listens to Hardcore History
"I'm interested in History"
Other urls found in this thread:
>"I'm a historian"
>Doesn't have a degree and shitposts on Veeky Forums instead
>"I'm just a fan of history"
>Has a series of history podcasts
I don't think anyone here is claiming to be an historian. Hell, I have a master in History but I don't claim to be an historian.
It annoys me that he's now charging for half of the content he released years ago. His right, but it annoys me.
It's ok, all of it is free on pirate bay
>I have a master in History
how garbage are your job opportunities?
He deserves money because he produces high quality content. However I wish he would release a hardcore history each month instead of one 5 hour episode every half a year.
Really? Link?
I wanted to listen to it, but didnt want to pay. Gonna download it tomorrow if i can.
He seems to think his personality is what sells his work, not the content of his shows. Mostly why he's now focussing on common sense, tweeting and doing other personal podcasts. He's insufferable in my opinion. Couldn't stand him on either JRE.
Thinking Outside Pandora’s Box
His personality is okay - it isn't dogshit.. it's more his polish and not being yet another US leftist coastal city cuck talking about white privilege. Honestly I'm not from the USA but the amount of biased left wing bullshit just pushing an agenda instead of trying to entertain and titillate is so fucking annoying.
>>"I'm interested in History"
>>Hasn't read any history books just browses Veeky Forums
Dude you're not wrong. Even some of the PC Gaming podcasts I listen to have hamfisted this bullshit agenda in. My fault for being a video gaming plebian, but holy shit, you can't escape it.
We truly need a pax britannica once more.
what's his agenda exactly
I listened to his persian wars broadcast, and it had way too many digressions and "setting the scene" imagery for my tastes. But I didn't see an agenda
>>>"I'm interested in History"
>>>Hasn't read any history books just browses Veeky Forums to discuss religion.
Probably the best example of it is The Cracked Podcast.
Truly the Herodotus of our generation
A lot of people here are like that which is why I stopped asking for people to back up their claims with primary sources. They simply don't know what that is or discard all of them as biased (which is funny cause in doing so they sail of into the ocean of postmodern uncertainty which they claim to hate usually).
PhD student here. I can have both: Shitposting and a degree.
>le ebin maymay
In my country 90% people with an M.A. in history are "happy" or "very happy" with their job 3 years after graduating. For people with a doctoral degree unemploymend is virtually non-existent (below 2%).
With just a master in History, they would have been meh. Not as bad as the memes say, but competition for a job in the field is fierce. I went for a bachelor in History and Political Science, grabbed diplomas on the way certifying my level in a few languages, then went on to study History at an one of the best university in my country with a strong political tradition, got my master, tried the exam to get into an even better university specialized in administration, failed, tried the exam to get directly into the ministry of foreign affairs, failed.
Then I was offered a job that pays pretty damn decently, entirely through relations and general cronyism. I'll probably try these exams again, but I'm in the second half of my 20's now, I don't want to stay a student forever.
They literally said he didn't have an agenda.
>le ebin maymay
it wasn't a meme, it was a legit question. i'm about to go into college and wanted to know if i'm gonna get assraped by the job market if i go for history.
His last episode was podkino, as was the WW1 series. I remember reading Storm of steel in highschool and im glad he brought it up
>There are so-called "historians" out there who haven't listened to Dan Carlin
Why does Veeky Forums hate on Dan Carlin? Sure, the guy isn't a historian but he does get people into history. I love history podcasts and I have him partly to thank for it.
What are some other good History podcasts?
>Haven't read anything new since Veeky Forums was created
>just spend all my time here discussing the things I've already read
History of Rome
China History Podcast (Cultural Revolution is fantastic)
Last Stop to Nowhere (only Australian history podcast)
When Diplomacy Fails (Lead up to wars n shit)
A History of Oil
Explaining History Podcast (Can be hit and miss depending on the topic)
thx bb
>i'm about to go into college and wanted to know if i'm gonna get assraped by the job market if i go for history.
Maybe in the US. In Germany certainly not. The most important thing is to pick up 1-2 languages.
>no footnoting history
>no in our times
Yeah, keep dodging the actual historians lol.
All of these. If you speak French, you can also listen to the College de France's course for free. They're available on Itunes.
Thanks for the recommendation. Will get to them. Any specific episodes you recommend?
>Australian history
Gotta document the prison rape and genocide of the people who were there 100,000 years before
I only watch Horrible History kids TV show
Their history gets 10,000 years longer everything someone mentions abos
ive always thought it was 100,000 years because they were drawing creatures that went extinct during the last ice age
>you can't be interested in a thing without reading books about it
60,000 is the longest I've heard anyone claim. The most common claim seems to be 40,000 tho
>"I'm interested in History"
>only reads books about guns in WW2
>listen to part 1 of his persia series
>he goes all the way back to assyria and talks about assyrians and elamites and the medes and more
>at great length
>before even getting to persia
i just wanted to learn about persia
Honestly hch and Veeky Forums are the 2 main places I have learned about history. I know I don't know shit, but I know far more than most people do.
I really like how Dan sets a theme and goes to great lengths to making you feel like you are there. Understanding history is really only valuable if you understand the context that the events took place in. Anything short of that and you are just memorizing a book.
he's being modest/forthright. he has a bachelors in history.
but you are learning about Persia you dense idiot
what uni pal?
I try to read bro. I really try. But history books seem like they're written as an insomnia remedy.
I got about 20% into the New Penguin History of the World by JM Roberts but god damn is it a slog
Which China History podcast? There seems to be two of them.
>"I am a smug bastard."
>Op of this thread.
If you are newly interested in history, you will have had to start somewhere. If somebody is interested in history of a year or two and STILL not read a mufuggin book, then you have a point.
>>What are some other good History podcasts?
>mfw in school for engineering
>soul crushing, hate it even though the math is easy for me
>study history out of passion
>a couple years into it
>realize I no longer pursue knowledge in History outside of my classes
>realize I never read books outside of assigned reading
>bookshelf is filled with books I read for classes, nothing more
>mfw feel like a total pseud
Perhaps specialize a little more. Broad overviews of the History of the World are going to be dry and never let you really engage with anything, they have a lot of ground to cover.
Goldsworthy's "Augustus" or Everitt's "Cicero" are fascinating looks at men and their times, much more engaging. (Yes, technically biographies. Fight me about it.)
I'm from France. I studied two years at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1) and one year as an exchange student in Japan, two years at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po). Tried to get in the National School of Administration (ENA).
thanks man!
>Listen to the latest Dan Carlin episode, "hm, that was interesting".
>History forums swamped with people talking about the episode
>Veeky Forums/reddit/facebook filled with nonsense posts about the episode.
Fuck that. I can't download shit from my phone. Where's a good site I can listen to his content from on my phone?
There is no such thing as Persia, though. Just a million varied names for everybody who ever carved out a kingdom east of Anatolia.
>he thinks that there's any one definition of "historian" or a guild or union who gets to choose who has the title
>there insecurity ridden pseuds who believe one must be an expert in the field in order to appreciate any humane subject, be it film, music, or history
Wonder how it feels being a sack of utter shit...
BBC History Podcast is decent also
In Our Time has a lot of good history shows but also mixes in science, literature and other humanities.
An interest should be rewarded. The want to learn is the most noble thing we've got, it seems self defeating to criticize people for a lack of knowledge when you could instead be helping to educate them on the nuance their sources lack.
Did you major in the history of cuckoldry?
>Where insecurity ridden pseuds who believe one must be an expert in the field in order to appreciate any humane subject, be it film, music, or history?
>I'm interested in military history
The National Archives Podcast Series has a whole range of topics, almost all based on documents from the archives. Most of them are audio recordings of lectures too.
The only problem is there's absolutely zero editing so when the speakers is away from the microphone the sound quality shots itself. They also refer to documents or images that are clearly on screen in the lecture but aren't provided in the download page. The Shakespeare's London one infuriatingly combines both with the guy fucking off for ten minutes to clearly point at a map you never get to see.
>History of Rome
good content but I can't stand the fucking narrator
>Im really into WW2 history, Im a bit of a history buff!
>Hating Mike
Literally kys profligate
> The Great Courses
> Phrase not found
[spoiler]Don't go telling me about price, you can just pirate that shit. A ton are on audible too for much cheaper.[/spoiler]
Fuck, how am I supposed to not know spoilers work here. But seriously you fucks, go listen to some of those lecture series from actually accredited historians. I've listened to a bunch and they're pretty damn insightful.
>not watching Steven Ressler explain things
>TFW on my 5th lecture series
Why is Kenneth Harl so great?
Can I throw my channel on here? I'm trying to go for a podcast like structure on a video format. Foolish, I know.
what makes hardcore history bad?
I can't say it's bad. He doesn't claim to be a historian, and tries to be a introduction to whatever topic he brings up. He designs it for narrative and storytelling and freely admits it. I enjoy listening to it.
His sources are generally incredibly outdated, both in theory and in content. His stuff on Ancient Near East Persia was taken from books written in the 1930's, and he does repeat a lot of the same phrases. If anything, take his works with a grain of salt, and consult textbooks afterwards
Why not listen to a podcast on all kinds of subjects and then read about those you find interesting?
>His stuff on Ancient Near East Persia was taken from books written in the 1930's, and he does repeat a lot of the same phrases.
Damn, that's pretty embarrassing, he needs to source his materials better, usually Ancient Near Eastern material should come from now to the 1970's (if it's really that good).
Having an interest in something means exactly that, it doesn't mean it has to be an all-encompassing passion family man
my boy mike is the best part though?
>His sources are generally incredibly outdated, both in theory and in content.
Seeing as he really likes quoting Herodotus directly, you can't get much more outdated than the original historian
He's an alright vulgarizer.
It's popular.
British History podcast
The narrator is kinda leftish, but he does a great job on highlighting a lot of the in depth info
which history forums?
You can't lay down on the couch with your eyes closed while reading a book
Nigga that was the best part
But his personality does sell his shows... there is a reason he is more popular than every old fuck narrates a history channel or bbc documentary. Infact he said he isnt focusing on common sense and is basically full timing hardcore history right now.
You what? He leaves his shit free for years then asks you to pay a couple dollars for hours of content? 20 hours of WW1 podcast is like 10 bucks max. Stop being a cheap fuck pay for things you enjoy to keep it going if you don't then listen to free stuff and stop complaining.
Pretty sure he does new and old stuff. He is normally very good at saying when stuff may be outdated or possibly just bull.
>this new book says for no reason persians actually had 15000 men not 12000 at the battle reeeeeeeeeee
History is stupid and gay
what's with the military history hate? is it contrarianism?
Anything from /r/askhistorians
Please go
/r/AskHistorians is unironically the best place on the internet to read and discuss history(outside of books)
Nah Veeky Forums and /k/ are the best for history
/co/ is great for mythology and religion
AskHistorians only accepts thoroughly sourced and thought through answers, give it a try at least.
can confirm. /r/askhistorians is great.
Yeah. I know that the reddit boogeyman is a nice meme, but a community where people haveto actually source their arguments? It's great.
The thing that really boils my blood about r/askhistorians are the really shitty posters there. Not the people who answer questions, they're fine, but the little chuckle fucks who wander in and ask the dumbest shit over and over again
> Is Game of Thrones really like history?
> ELI5: the average day of a medieval peasant
> Why was everyone so dumb with guns? Lol lining up and shooting for like 400 years before learning to spread out
> Has anyone ever considered that war was bad? War has never solved anything. Why can't we just stop fighting wars? Why hasn't anyone considered this?
> Please do my history homework for me
> Why do people say Hitler did anything wrong
It just pisses me off something fierce. Most of the shit can just be googled and you get an answer. Fuck off.