Wake up in 1934 Germany

>Wake up in 1934 Germany
>Convince the fuhrer you come from the future and will help perfect his military strategy and ensure victory
>Convince Spain to join the war and send millions of troops against the British and Americans in exchange for strong support of their fascist empire
>Convince Ottomans to send millions of troops in exchange for help in retaking some of their territory following the end of the war
>Convince the Caucasian rebels to attack the soviets earlier in exchange for their liberation

What else am I missing?


Yeah, who knew /pol/ was dumb as fuck?

Yes my friend. Once we help them reclaim their rightful Arabian land the Turks will become Ottomans again

>that picture
How many fucking people is that? It looks like half a million at least, thats the amount of people who died in the 2004 Tsunami

Spain would have been as useless as Italy. Germany would have to occupy Spain much like they had to with Italy to try and prevent an easy route for the Allies to get into mainland Europe. Spain was more useful staying out of it. Easier for the Germans to defend northern French coast than the entire coast of that shit hole we call Spain.

700 000

what if you had to take a shit?

>Democratic Turkey under Ataturk will suddenly embrace the descent of Osman again because I told Hitler to say so

/pol/ tier alt history

The number of dead in the 2nd Punic wars

We would help them retake Arabian land

I would poo in English loo

If I could effect politics before WW2 I would just stop Britain getting involved. It could just take the role of the USA and mass produce things and sell them to the French and Soviets.

Hopefully that keeps things chugging along long enough to avoid the Empire falling apart.

>Convince Spain to join the war
how, Hitler tried repeatedly and they said no

what makes you think they want it

>convince a country ruined by internal divisions and destroyed infrastructure after a brutal civil war to join in on the largest war that had ever happened
there's a reason that franco stayed out of wwii

You missed out on the fact that only deluded /pol/ mongoloids want Hitler to actually have won.

kys and go back to your containment board. This is history and facts, not your bullshit.

Europe would be objectively better with the Reich as a central power.

And Veeky Forums would be objectively better if /pol/ stayed on /pol/

Why would a turkish nationalist give a shit about owning non-turks?

Go back to 1919 instead and hold the pm of Italy, France and Britain hostage and threaten to kill them if they don't stop with the treaty of Versailles or some shit
You know, make it that ww2 wouldn't have happened. Actually neutralize everyone like the us president wanted to do at the time.

Well ataturk would want turkmen iraq and western thrace.
But he became a pacifist after seeing so much death.

Just as soon as you head back to rebbit, my man

>implying the "allies" were the good guys
>implying you're white and that even matters to you


Sure, I bet they'd listen to some skinny NEET autist "from the future."
You'd be bullied by guards and starve in a ghetto, then probably be gassed for being a faggot. And rightfully so.

Or just stop Gavrilo Princep from killing Franz Ferdinand and prevent WWI from ever happening.

WW1 would have happened anyway, sooner or later

Yep. Most probably

If world war 1 happens any later than it did the soviets immediately swoop in and assert their influence. Europe would be far more cucked than it is today, to an unimaginable point