>& humanities
Even though I'm a free-marketeer, don't even bother.
She was a retard that didn't really *get* what the free-market was all about. Once you watch interviews and details about her activities and personal life, you realise this figure of the 'iron lady' was a huge farce.
The welfare state is created in good times, and creates an entitlement. When the economic reality changes and we can no longer afford the welfare state as is, people are not willing to give it up because its a right, and the economy also becomes dependent on it and suffers as a result of austerity efforts
The military is created in good times, and creates an entitlement to safety. When the economic reality changes and we can no longer afford the military as is, people are not willing to give it up because its a right, and the economy also becomes dependent on it and suffers as a result of austerity efforts
Basic welfare is a cornerstone of urban civilization going back to the very beginning.
"Northerners should kill themselves."
t. iron lady
This sums up the current climate pretty well. People crying about the slow decay of the NHS don't seem to understand that within 20 years it will basically be gone due to demographic forces and a lack of cash.
>The military is created in good times
I'm surprised you have the mental capacity to breathe regularly.
He is literally describing a key factor of the downfall of Rome.
Welfare state isn't the same as socialism.
no that was snownigs
>a nation that self prints it's money can run out
Really makes you think
"Some forms of socialism are cool, but Marxist communism is fucking retarded man"
-John M Keynes
What did he mean by this?
Capitalistic welfare state, like what we live in is worse hypothetically than some socialist systems, because the money we hand out is devalued much more severely than units for consumption handed out under a socialist system.
The problem with capitalism is that you eventually run out of other people's labour.
You can't run out of money. Money is social construct that comes out of a printer. The real value of money comes from work which comes from the worker.
There is a seperate board just for politics you massive faggot
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>implying she was wrong
i got you senpais
Dumb bitch who thought socialism meant "high taxes and a welfare state"
>what is inflation
>not going into space to expand your empire even further
Why don't you git gud commies?
I know you think you're being clever but Thatcher would agree with this 100%. She was an anti-imperialist.
Invades Argentina, reinforces apartheid in South Africa
Wow so anti-imperialist
The problem with capitalism is it is run by people who know nothing about it. An actually free and fair market as envisioned by Smith has nothing to do with modern neoconservative agendas.
>human rights