Was Native Indians Genocide the worst crime in the history of mankind?
Was Native Indians Genocide the worst crime in the history of mankind?
Nah, most had already died thanks to diseases like smallpox. You could of course argue that this, too, was genocide, but I would be careful to apply that term where medicinal knowledge had no concept of germs
They're lucky they got what we allowed them to have.
>Nazi, Germany
Boo fucking hoo. Maybe they should have done something more with their land other than hunting, fucking, and living in stick huts. Maybe then they would've had a fighting chance against a superior people.
>the US government
So they murdered a population far larger than their own in a timespawn of about a 100 years? And natives dindu nuffin?
>Maybe they should have done something more with their land other than hunting, fucking, and living in stick huts
does this make genocide less a crime?
Oh I'm fucking sorry we don't have time machines and nobody actually alive today in fact contributed to this, as you say, crime.
If you want to imply guilt by some tenuous association, like "sins of the father", kindly fuck off.
Who fucking cares? We came, we saw, we conquered. I'm sick of this white guilt genocide shit.
Vae victis faggot, your time is over
There are more Native Americans today than there were a few hundred years ago. So no. Wasn't even a genocide in most cases (policy wasn't unified across the decades), more like a sporadic series of ethnic cleansings.
Anyway, OP image is bullshit. In 1800 (soon after the US gained independence) there were only 600,000 Natives on all the soil of the United States and what would later become the United States (Thornton, Russel (1990). "American Indian holocaust and survival: a population history since 1492." University of Oklahoma Press. p. 43). The US government could have killed literally 100% of them and still been an order of magnitude or two below the number of Jews, Poles, Russians, etc. killed by the Germans. As it stands, with a death toll in the tens to low hundreds of thousands over the course of a century, this rates somewhere below obscure crimes no one's heard about in terms of numbers of dead, like the Circassian genocide or British conduct in East Africa in WW1.
>100 million
>in a primarily hunter-gatherer society with starvation-level agriculture
>I want to take pride in the "glory of my fathers"
>I don't want to be ashamed for the "sins of my fathers"
anyway I must say this is the reality indeed, the week perishes, that's why white nations in one or two generations are going to disappear
thank God I'm italian
Yes and by far. Nothing is even comparable, nearly an entire race from an entire continent was exterminated in a systematic genocide.
Is this the Wouded Knee guy? I've see him in many documentaries. He's so butthurt. India Al Sharpton.
Who cares? they were inferior and they deserved to die
It's Russell Means you ignorant inbred redneck. And he's a well respected actor, activist and writer.
>tfw you will have to answer to God for this
You didn't answer the question.
the natives weren't that bad to be honest
>Why is this not in the history books?
I see this phrases bandied about even when the subject is common knowledge. I'm dying to know what these people mean when they say "the history books"
>why isn't in history books
This should be your first clue that the claim is bullshit.
I don't remember you or me being out there shootin injuns. Also you'd get steamrolled along with anyone else that stood in the way of the powerful getting what they want. Don't forget your fucking place you proletariat, you're not part of some in-group.
>They value things differently than we do therefore genocide and taking their resources is the only answer
Seems like watertight logic to me
>white guilt
Shove your strawman up your ass. This has nothing to do with any kind of 'white guilt'. I'm just ashamed to know just how hypocritical humans become whenever they think they're the 'good guys', they almost always inadvertently become the very thing they'd call evil.
whites breed much less faster than other races though.
Are you retarded?
>A photo from 100 years ago somehow proves your point
He's right though.
European and white American birthrates are all below replacement rates.
why are wheezing, tubby white guys with patchy beards so convinced of their genetic superiority?
I guess because of the old idea that 'Might makes Right' and not Virtue. It's the mentality of thieves since time immemorial
There does not exist a timeline where the Native Americans are not absolutely exterminated, if not just by sheer force of disease.
In our timeline, the Americans just so happened to be the ones that settled. At the end of the day, colonization was an inevitability, and thus was the absolute annihilation of the Native Americans regardless of who was there to commit the act.
While the Native Americans did hold different values and evolved, as a culture and society, isolated from the rest of the world, this does NOT make them exempt from the responsibility of being able to defend yourself.
No civilization in the history of mankind has ever existed, autonomously and with sovereignty, without having to defend themselves from violent invaders who want what they have.
Just because they were isolated does not mean they had complete claim to the continent and the treasures it housed. Maybe these resources were of no value to them, of course, but this is by no means an excuse.
The fact of the matter is that they were not advanced enough, in nearly any field, to stave off the rest of the planet. They played the game, as we all do upon birth, and they fucking lost. Does this make it any less tragic? Of course not; but that is the fact of the matter.
>Why is this not in the history books?
t. somebody who doesn't read history books visiting a history board
It was a terrible thing to happen but this is impossible to be described as "worst" objectively.
I would argue that the anthropocene extinctions are the worst thing to happen from humanity, but it's more cosmic irony than crime
Bait thread go die
>this lame attempts of klassenkampf
Fuck off Schlomo
Sorry but you're way off base.
by this logic the black death that wiped out so much of European life is a Mongolian genocide. since they brought the disease to Europe.
OP annihilated
Europeans are still going strong last time I checked.
Noone made that insinuation. You're the one trying to justify a genocide and acting defensively as if you're being burdened with some sort of guilt.
It's is impossible for "Native Indians genocide" to happen
1: because "Native Indians" isn't a group of people, it's an extremely broad category of description, take your naive reductionism back to the Neolithic era where it's belongs
2: genocide is an intentional act of agents, what you are describing is an emergent extinction event
I think you mean "people who culturally identify with the developed country they live in" which happen to be white because Europe is mostly developed.
you were there?
old mathafaka
Winning isn't a sin.
that's what the U.S. did. they conquered the West and still somehow thought themselves the victims
>"Mexico attacked our solders who were on their lands"
>"the injuns killed a cow, we're being attacked"
because there where no forces or colonising aspects that could take entire Europe (maybe the Arabs but they also suffered heavely from disease and the Mongols). that is why why we could develop a resistence for the disease and the amount of deaths went down.
>this does NOT make them exempt from the responsibility of being able to defend yourself.
what about all the shit done to them after they were conquered? their was no reason for numerous attacks on natives after they'd been defeated. yet it still happened
oh and also quarantaines and sanitaïre developments helped a lot. something Indians didn't have
>thank God I'm italian
in the eyes of non-whites. you are white. bye bye Giuseppe
I've been copypasta'D
>F L A T T E R E D
But many Native American cultures where intentionally exterminated to various degrees.
Genocide is also an emergent extinction event but what it has that extinction doesn't is agency.
Nonetheless I could argue that even agency is a delusion arising from reductive thought, but it's best to consider these things closed systems for the sake of not falling into holism at a universal scale to talk about how humans come to make decisions, and how their decision making mechanisms are acquired. Reductionism is a god thing, it's the only way to make heads or tails of the world we live in. Naively assuming it's reality is where it becomes toxic. I'm rambling
>hurr this thread succs
>doesn't Sage
Sage goes in all fields
Actually most tribes did have an understanding of basic sanitation, but when you're dealing with infectious disease you're pretty fucked regardless if you have 0 immunity
There was reason, and that reason was racism. The entire point of the post was that discussing the morality of the situation is futile, because their initial conquest by foreign powers, no matter who did it or why, was inevitable due to the extremely basic technological and cultural nature of their societies. What happened to them post-conquest is as irrelevant as who did it and why when examining the history of Native American tribes.
inb4 some literalist says that those things are completely relevant
We're not performing archaeology or writing new history here, we are critically analyzing the already written history - please leave semantics out of it
I should note that English is not my first language. though I am more or less pretty familiar with it
>100 million
son of a bitch
I'm native(purepecha indian) and ive always hated the "100 million" bullshit.
there were maybe 1-2 maybe 3 million natives in the U.S. and Canada
in Mexico there were some 10-20 million and in S.America there were 40-80 million
there may have been 100 million in ALL of the Americas, but I know dumbfucks think there were actually 100 million in the U.S. thats why they always use pictures of plains indians.
but if you want real examples of "Genocide" look to Mexico and South America. real acts of Genocide were commited not only by colonizing powers, but by their own countrymen as well
>there may have been 100 million in ALL of the Americas
All at once sure, but we're talking several generations.
>What happened to them post-conquest is as irrelevant as who did it and why when examining the history of Native American tribes.
>inb4 some literalist says that those things are completely relevant
but they are. what was the point of shrinking reservations, after treaties were signed and agreed upon? what was the point wounded knee? Battle of the Big Hole? the Council House Massacre? or the Fort Robinson massacre?
what was the point of killing defeated peoples? that was Genocide.
>I've been copypasta'D
"Emergent extinction event" is such a deliciously callous euphemism for genocide (even better than "demographic shift"), I just couldn't resist.
using this pic in case of discussion. thanks
The vast majority died from disease. There was a genocide but not on that scale.
you're the only one who said anything about white guilt
initially sure, a few died from ignorance of how germs worked upon initial contact, but during years where it was an all out genocide governments were aware of this and actually used to give tribes blankets contaminated with smallpox because they knew it would kill them.
600,000 is heavily disputed within the scholarship on the subject, especially if one also considers Natives living in what would eventually become Canada that were killed by the French and British.
It was pretty bad what happened to the Natives.
>not understanding that they had a developed a legitimate socialist paradise way of looking at the world wherein the violence was mostly unnecessary because cooperation and respect was more successful
>thinking that the West's insecure disposition towards violence is actually better than any other culture and not just arbitrary and different.
This desu. Inshallah the ummah will be united
The US Government murdered barely any Indians. In fact the vast majority of them died before the US Government even existed. Blame Britain, France, and Spain for any supposed genocides. America only came into being after the bulk of the Indian Wars were over.
600,000 seems way too small. I'd guess it was closer to 10-15 million.
The US had plenty of a role.
>saying it like it's due to some sort of racial thing vs. most euro/NA nations faced industrialization, modernization and urbanization sooner
Natives fought tribal wars just like any other primitive people. They were not somehow magically less violent than any other race on earth. Take your racism back to /pol/.
>cuck says nazi Germany
>doesn't call out the Jewish annihilation of Chinese and Slavs known as the communist revolution
BTW the holocaust is EXTREMELY over exaggerated. Do some research
It is one of the worst atrocities in human history, but I would say that between 1500 AD to today, there have not lived 100,000,000 Native Americans, or even 75,000,000.
Why are there so many of them left?
Wouldn't they all be annihilated? They had no military. Nobody was there to stop 'duh ebil huwites'
Kek. There were maybe 20m Amerindians in what eventually became the US at the time whitey showed up and 90-95% of them died of old-world diseases. Literally the one solitary instance of deliberate germ warfare being used against native populations is a British officer attempting to use infected blankets to infect attacking natives and not only do we not know if his plan succeeded but the local natives were already disease-riddled.
Most of them were dead long before 1776.
Top Kek
Did we ever ethnically cleanse them though? Thought it was just wars and brutal behavior - not exactly Nazi style genocide.
This is debated in North America though. Archaeological and documentary evidence in Central and South America is strong for epidemiological collapse based on strong urban cores and close quarters of residents of these areas, but native North America had many polities with large buffer zones between them. Read Paul Kelton, for example, who argues that naturalistic collapse in the Southeast is unlikely, or Michael Wilcox and others that such explanations don't work for the Southwest.
There's only one recorded instance of this in 1763. Millions of natives had already died of illness before this from normal contact and trade, certainly more than "a few".
If we're throwing around the word genocide I'd like to accuse the plains Indians. After the introduction of horses and firearms to the new world a few tribes adapted into the stereotypical Indian of today's imagination, on a horse with a gun.
This new culture were pretty much american mongols and the great horde wiped out many of the native tribes.
Fuck you racist cunts
Kind of. Some of the shit that happened to Native Americans in the 19th century was pretty systematic.
What's the law they were breaking? Perhaps you meant to say 'massacre' or 'systematic extermination' or even 'genocide' but there is no such thing as international crime, only an action by a nation that is opposed on moral grounds.
The holocaust was also not a crime, it was a genocide and actions like it are now almost unanimously opposed to. Any "sentences" imposed on a nation like Germany after WWII are simply political bodies exerting power over each other in the interest of their citizens.
Please use the correct terminology
>ITT: white boys trying to wipe their hands clean
Disease killed a good chunk of natives but there was never a time when the government wasn't trying to fuck them over. They even advertised killing them as patriotic when they started moving out west. Can't say I blame them though. Their way of life just didn't have a place in this world of business. It's sad really. Natives got it 100x worse than blacks and have been forgotten. They never really found a place in society. At least blacks have rap.
Holy shit I thought this was /b/
damn this board is shit
Hit the pipe Shits With Mouth
>US government
It's pretty specific
Holdomor, Rwanda, and the Holocaust would take you up on that.
>White people
I wonder which one you consider bad and which one justifies the other for you.
If he's smart. He'll realise that white people aren't accountable for shit they did in the past. Yes, genocide is fucking horrible, and shouldn't be wished on anyone. If he wants to wish it on whites, he's a fucking hypocrite.
Iran has the a lower birthrate then France and on the same level as the Netherlands.
France and Ireland are the only exceptions, and arguably in France its due to the high amount of muslims boosting the bithrates
The native Americans were violent thugs who held slaves, performed human sacrifice and dreamed of expanding their territories.
No one was enforcing your liberal values on the great plains and anyone who wasted time doing so wasn't going to be very successful. The only way for any progress to be made was to let the settlers settle and encourage the natives to assimilate, in time they would get the vote and good wholesome property rights.
Joke's on you. Leadership of the Bolshevik Revolution and of the Communist revolution in Germany in 1918 were overwhelmingly Jewish
By the way, the Lolocaust didn't happen. At all.
Wow you're truly bringing some groundbreaking information to us here. If only we knew these essential truths.
>Ayn Rand is an expert on ethnopolitics and the conception of Amerind territorial histories, claims, and demarcations
How many years did she spend in the field doing ethnography again?
>>Answering to a fictional character