I can't tell you who this is because their name would give it away, but I wonder which pronouns to use on this famous dead person. Does their genitalia seem ambiguous from this crotch close up?
Is this person male or female?
Is it a man or a woman?
It's hitler isn't it?
>I recognise that bulge
shieeet son i was right
How did you know so quickly? I thought no one could find that picture.
1 second in google image search. Dont really get the point of the thread, though.
>that resolution
I couldn't get a bulge like that to form in my pants unless I wore a packer (which I don't).
Some people think it should be called a SHE!
I don't think this person should be called a "she" do you?
All the books I ever read called this person a he.
This person's voice didn't sound like that of a woman, either, and that site how-old always says male.
I'm confused as to why some people are confused about this person's gender???
I'm not understanding how this person can be intersex or female? Why would a child be named Adolf barring some resemblance of a penis and scrotum?
I feel insulted by the misgendering of this person as female because I AM therefore I know what it looks like when I sit like that. And I don't have that kind of bulge.
Some people think that, because this person's thing was too small, it should have been assigned female in 1889 and named Alice or something, but I think differently.
Why do people want to re write history with this new belief about gender? And how did this person manage to go through male puberty without the modern invention of Testosterone shots?
How did this person get their voice to drop by 1907 without the aid of Testosterone shots? As a 33 year old with a mezzo soprano voice, I am dying to know?
Why do people say that this person was ambiguously female?
I would not look like this in lederhosen! (Unless I wanted to pack.)
I highly doubt that this person wore packers and a sock wouldn't look like that. It would also be terribly uncomfortable.
In this person's day, people believed there were just 2 genders, and if you said you were male in a deep voice, they believed you.
what is this thread
Proof that Hitler was NOT a she!
He should have taken just 1 picture of his thing before he died to prove anyone wrong who might call him a she in the future.
His blood even showed up on lab tests as XY so that rules out chromosomal intersexuality.
Oh look a thread for and by the sexually repressed.
>this is by far the saddest thread ever on Veeky Forums
It's him again isn't it
I think this entire thread is one person.
No it is not all one person.
It makes me mad when people say he was closer to being female than other men because I am female and do NOT want Hitler to be closer to my gender!!!
Why can't men just accept the fact that all the truly evil people in this world are men and always have been?
Showing off my "bulge," or lack thereof.
Just had to prove my female ness
I couldn't create a natural looking bulge like that if I wanted to try packing
What do people think Hitler was using to create that look in a way that it swung without falling down his pants legs?
They didn't have packers in those days and a sock wouldn't work.
Veronica, no offense but you are the stupidest person to come on this board in a while.
And how did he manage to StP in the woods with Heinz Linge in the days before the medicine spoon StP packers?
How in the world was Hitler female, trans, or intersex?
itt: Further proof that Hitler was right but almost everything.
They are calling him a "HE" on the History Channel right now.
ITT: Pictures of Hitler's crotch.
>Veeky Forums is so left wing.
what the fuck is happening here
>thread on music history is deleted within 2 hours
>hitler's crotch still here for over 13 hours
You stay classy, Janitors.
I'm watching World at War and they keep calling Hitler a he and a him.
I wonder how many other "men" in history could be argued as possibly female by today's standards?
I've spent my whole life wondering where, why, and how to draw the line between male and female genitalia?
I mean, I know not all penises are the same, but how big does it have to be to no longer be seen as a clit?
I'm 100% female but have always wondered how much bigger mine would have to be for me to be perceived as a boy, and have always wondered how Hitler has (proportionally) to The David.
I meant "how big/small he was in proportion."
How did he get the name Adolf without enough at birth to be considered a boy? (As in longer than 1 inch)
This isn't Twitter, you dumb cunt. Stop spewing your consciousness as it comes out and put it in one post.