>take any uni class about modern history
>white guilt: the class
Take any uni class about modern history
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Hello, my name is John Green and welcome in Crash Course History
dont you mean bourgeoisie guilt ?
This isn't a /pol/ thread faggot
no u
>tfw get all the real unbiased history from storm front and vnn for free instead of taking out student loans to hear anti white Jewish lies
The Jews think they've got you but they don't realize how tenuous their grip really is.
On the same lines as OP's post for a minute:
Are there any history curricula at schools and universities that offer the old classical route of teaching western civ history that you had in the trivium/quadrivium system, starting with Ancient Greece and so on?
I've noticed these days history is basically taught in bits and pieces, without a real chronological narrative taught to students. I think you need to know the overarching narrative of something, the names, the dates, the sequence of events etc before you can start discussing analysis.
Attention grabbing femanon unrelated.
Hello, my name is Crash John and welcome in History Green Course
Person in your pic is a man user
I remember that set
Green, welcome Course my John in is History and Crash name
Stop it you dumb fuck
Nope. Got her on kik - She's a 21 year old qt.
Go fantasize about your "traps" elsewhere faggot, don't project your homosexuality onto me.
>"got her on kik"
>Veeky Forums filename
Adds up
Yes, that's a picture she posted on an /r9k/ thread before I added her.
Why do homosexuals always have to project their homosexuality onto other people? It's almost like you aren't comfortable with yourselves.
History my name is Crash John and Green Course in welcome Hello
>on r9k
Oh lord, no seriously you're in for a wild ride.
Adding that "she" was from r9k doesn't help your case duder, that place is filled to the brim with traps.
Also I'm not gay nor do I fetishize men in wigs.
I think she might have a penis.
>Heh... That's a trap right? I bet it's a trap... That one's a trap too... That girl with the really nice breasts? Also a trap. They're all traps. I bet you like traps too. Do you like traps?
>I'm not gay dude!
I'll enjoy fucking crazy low self-esteem girls from Veeky Forums.
You enjoy jerking off to femdom tranny porn.
user don't kid yourself, if you've actually banged anyone from 4chsn you'd know they're garbage and not worth the time.
Your massive projection of insecurity has sealed your fate, dicklet.
T. 9 inches and could steal any girl you will have if I so desired
>if you've actually banged anyone from 4chsn you'd know they're garbage and not worth the time.
They're fucked up, yeah. But so am I. There's a reason I've been on here for ten years. May as well try to date girls who share my fucked up-ness.
>You enjoy jerking off to femdom tranny porn.
That's plebeian tier, user. We all know that male on tranny porn is far better.
>posts another trap
Can we get back to the fact that I'm being oppressed in my classes by white guilt professors?
Why? You kinda fucked off after the first genuine question
>expecting human beans not to be biased.
give examples
It has fucking nothing to do with history
It doesn't even follow the 25 year rule.
It's about politics in a contemporary history class
Saying history doesn't make it into history
it is cancer that does not belong here