Is Daoism the true way to happiness?

Is Daoism the true way to happiness?

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Taoism is just alternate Buddhism. It's fundamentally "accurate" because it doesn't make many claims. It's a bunch of poertry to help you realize something about the world that can't be explained well. The fundamental duality between space and emptiness, between good and bad, your mind and the world, etc. The unending nature of change. The connection between desire and suffering. The habit of abstracting with thought instead of perceiving without judgment.

If you pursue it to gain happiness then you're still clinging to comfort and desiring to avoid pain, and thus you're still in their grasp. Only by accepting the pain and discomfort do you become free to ignore them. But you can't aim at that place like a goal, or by definition you aren't there. That's the paradox.

Masturbatory nonsense.


shitty daoist confirmed

>tfw a daoist anarchist who lives beyond "good" or "evil", does good without intention, is infinitely spontaneous and creative like a child, incredibly smart but knows nothing, wise without any pretense of being wise, true to himself, and completely one with the Dao.

>Is Daoism the true way


to whom?


Drugs are the true way to happiness

>freedom is not slavery
Get a load of this pleb.

>tfw the universe is my will

You can know that feel too.

Buddhists are barbarians compared to Taoists.


Taoism and meditation have helped me alot the last two years. No longer stress, no longer any anger issues. Read up on some of it and just let go my man

absolutely based

stoicism all day every day

Any recommendations?

Ram Dass - Journey of awakening
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching
Haven't read Zhuangzi yet tho.
also look up Alan Watts on youtube, theres a ton of great vids of him speaking about Taoism and Zen. theres alot of similarities in Zen Buddhism so defently look into that aswell.


No, hedonism is.

The Hedonistic Treadmill is a thing. Constant pleasure becomes dull and meaningless

Hedonism doesn't necessarily mean doing the same thing over and over again. Pleasure from specific activities becomes dull and meaningless, but not pleasure itself.

masturbating same fag

>I'll just list the most superficial things in the text. So based wow.

The purported benefit of all versions of ascetitcism is itself that you stop experiencing the discomfort associated with said treadmill, making them "good" because they avoid that discomfort, making them just another version of hedonism.

Ex-taoist here....

Was into the Tao for years and trust me it's still has too many elements of spiritism to be called anything close to 'truly neutral' as it claims. They still believe in 'fortune telling' by divination (consulting with spirits to tell the future much like throwing bones or reading tarot cards and in this case pulling yarrow stalks) and using the "I Ching" , Taoism's, as well as one of histories , oldest known writings to interpret the readings. This alone automatically makes Taoism closer to the occult more-so than anything 'beyond' that as it claims to be (much like Buddhism and similar religions are).

The reality is that there's no such thing as being neutral in such a world governed by the forces which are actually at work in it(and beyond)

Since then I've turned to Jesus and never looked back, merely saw these things /practices for what they actually are, especially when westernized. No matter how you look at it, within this life, you're either consulting with darkness or living in the light, there's is no 'in-between'. Praise Jesus.

Ephesians 6:12King James Version (KJV)

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Buddhist monk from Nepal with 1,000 disciples below him converts to Christianity->

>South American multi-generational Shaman Chief who'se practices included everything from smoking DMT daily and eating bones of his ancestors converts to Christianity>

Also a good read (pic related)-God Spoke Tibetan: The Epic Story of the Men Who Gave the Bible to Tibet


Ex-taoist here....

Was into the Tao for years and trust me it's still has too many elements of spiritism to be called anything close to 'truly neutral' as it claims. They still believe in 'fortune telling' by divination (consulting with spirits to tell the future much like throwing bones or reading tarot cards and in this case pulling yarrow stalks) and using the "I Ching" , Taoism's, as well as one of histories , oldest known writings to interpret the readings. This alone automatically makes Taoism closer to the occult more-so than anything 'beyond' that as it claims to be (much like Buddhism and similar religions are).

The reality is that there's no such thing as being neutral in such a world governed by the forces which are actually at work in it(and beyond)

Since then I've turned to Jesus and never looked back, merely saw these things /practices for what they actually are, especially when westernized. No matter how you look at it, within this life, you're either consulting with darkness or living in the light, there's is no 'in-between'. Praise Jesus.

Ephesians 6:12King James Version (KJV)

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Buddhist monk from Nepal with 1,000 disciples below him converts to Christianity->

South American multi-generational Shaman Chief whose practices included everything from smoking DMT daily and eating bones of his ancestors converts to Christianity

Also a good read (pic related)-God Spoke Tibetan: The Epic Story of the Men Who Gave the Bible to Tibet

Yeah well it's all well and good until your parents start get so old they can no longer support themselves and you accidentally punch out a kid around the same time, and you realise that in fact the strings of western society ultimately pull us into our responsibilities.

Isn't that why Confucianism took over?

>accidentally punch out a kid

story plz

>you can find stupid Taoists
>I turned to Jesus
>here are some anecdotes
How does this shit persist?

Taoists believe in spirits and deities too bro or did you not know that?

>>>Taoist deities include nature spirits, ancient legendary heroes, humanized planets and stars, Hsien (humans who became immortal and achieved divinity through Taoist practices and teachings, see: 8 Immortals), ancestor spirits (see: Ancestor Worship in Taoism, Joss paper) and animals such as dragons (see: dragon dance), tigers, phoenixes, snakes (see: Animal symbolism) and lions (see: lion dance)

I had a pregnancy scare about three months ago that changed my perspective a little. I'm talking about that shit.

tao = dao



Folk Taoism- like Folk Confucianism- tends to be Bretty different.

Chinese folkify a lot of philosophies and religions. Just look at those silly Christians cheering that China has a growing Christian population without realizing that that population is folkifying Christianity and lining Jesus alongside traditional Chink entities.



Taoism prepares you to bring light into darkness, your bones are soft

>Namefaggotry shitposting.

So it's like every other period in Christian history?

>Folk Taoism
The Way of the Celestial Masters originated as an extremist taoist theocracy that took itself very seriously and had enormous impact on later taoist developments, and every citizen in it was a fucking pokemon trainer (or maybe Devil Summoner as in Megaten) who collected and commanded legions of spirits.
In fact I want to believe Pokemon was directly inspired by this, look at this shit:

The rank of each person was determined by how many [pokemon] they had at their disposal, and by the number of [badges] they had obtained.[37] These [pokemon] were used to fight wandering [pokemon] that could bring misfortune or illness on someone.[38] A person received their first [pokemon] at the age of six years, and in subsequent ceremonies would be given more [pokemon] and achieve a higher ranking until a full complement was achieved at the age of nineteen.[39] Marriage would unite two sets of [pokemon], thus giving a couple use of 150 [pokemon].