Why has everyone always hated Jews?
There's literally nothing wrong with them, I don't understand how some people can hate them.
Pic unrelated.
Why has everyone always hated Jews?
There's literally nothing wrong with them, I don't understand how some people can hate them.
Pic unrelated.
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Get out you fucking Jew.
>better educated
>qtier women
>god-tier culture
>to top it all off, their people are bro-tier so it makes you even more mad at how humble they are
Basically it's jealousy and autism.
Hehe just a coincidence goyim
I'm not saying the Jews are scum, but wherever you may find scum a Jew is never far away.
How is this even real?
I see diagrams like this a lot. Do people think all jews know each other and communicate? How the fuck would all these jews across centuries plan these elaborate plots? It just doesn't make sense. Jews are just people who have a tendency to be smart and hardworking, so they naturally are behind a lot of theory work. This kind of work naturally works against the status quo, making them easy targets.
Either that or the jews got to me and its too late to save me.
Jews invented the telephone.
From the first century up until it was discovered by goyim they would keep one in every synagogue of every ghetto so they could concoct their Jewish plots.
That's what they would really do on Friday nights in there.
>Insular culture
>Quite literally believe they are God's chosen master race and the rest are lesser
>have been involved in despised industries like banking (not totally their fault)
Your attempt at reverse psychology to mask a /pol/-tier thread about hating Jews is weak.
Sage goes in all fields
>jews invented the telephone
The people who hate jews are the people trying to give them credit and tie them to everything that's ever been done to blame them for everything. No jew gives his people as much credit as anti-semites do.
That was a joke.
I wasn't sincerely suggesting that the Jews invented the telephone in the first century and ever since going to temple on the Sabbath was just a front for calling up all the other Jews on the phone to conspire how to make white girls lust for black dick in 2000 years.
But I have a feeling you already knew that.
>how to make white girls lust for black dick
t-the jews didn't do that right? right? I hear this one a lot too
Hmmm so jews have been kicked out of 120+ countries throughout the ages and you think that the fault was not with the jews but rather those 120+ different nations in different time periods??
What do you think the chances of that is boyo?
"If a person calls you an ass reprimand them. If everyone calls you an ass buy a saddle."
t. Ancient Yiddish saying
>inhabit other peoples lands
>gain extremely strong footholds of power within countries that arent theirs
>work for themselves, not the country they have
>promote policies with dismantle the society they inhabit because it doesnt effect them
>people in these countries are not so welcoming anymore
>kikes do more of what they were doing
>gets slaughtered
>'country that isn't theres'
>le kikes
>le kikes are dismantling western society
Spooked and retarded.
>Hmmm so people drowned witches in 120+ countries throughout the ages and you think that the fault was not with witches but rather those 120+ nations in different time periods?
People doing something doesn't justify it.
They never assimilate and those who do still have Jewish double standards which get them perceived as a fifth column.
>assimilate please
>you need to have blue eyes to be white sorry, you are not allowed to be german
same kind of reasoning people use to tell me americans can't be black now
Because of the monetary system and its benefactors.
A reform of the monetary system is what's necessary tbqh.
Or a creation of a state whose economic system intelligently and passively destroys all others while being equitable to the citizens.
>have a different religion
>spoke a different language or a Jewish specific dialect
>often look different from the local population (Ashkenazim look dark haired and more semitic/med than northern Europeans, mizrahim are often paler than Arabs etc)
>always a minority group after the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt (until the re-establishment of Israel)
>have a culture that promotes critical thinking and debate
>forced into banking and later got into other intellectual fields like law and medicine
>become successful as a result of this
I'm just happy that Israel exists. There would be pogroms or tension as long as it didn't. Granted, there is tension now between Israel and Islamists, but it's still better than being a permanent minority
to be fair, jews assimilate very little compared to other immigrants, probably because they are so insular.
It's more about clinging to their alien language, customs, and ethno-religion-in nations where they have always been minorites IE not theirs, which makes goyim suspect. Also the scheming, which as literates they are able to be more adept at than say Roma, who are unpopular for shared reasoning.
The world has an anti Semitism problem because they're jealous of the moral goodness of the Jews and believe in crazy theories about how Jews supposedly run finance and media. They blame everything on the Jews, from communism to neo conservatism. It's crazy conspiracy theories. White peoples who can't accept that we're a melting pot.
It used to be theories about blood libel, now it's claims about Israeli favouritism. Israel is the strongest ally the US has. Look at what they've provided.
Some blame Israel for destabilising the Middle East and stealing land, but they were trying to evade the Holocaust, which Hitler started against them because of conspiracy theories about how Jews would try to overthrow Germany through a communist revolution or internally degrade it through vulgar entertainment. It's utterly incoherent. How could one group be responsible for the worst of both socialism and capitalism?
Some of it is probably jealously about the high Jewish IQ, which comes from a tradition of study. But some people of course take even this as evidence that the Jews are trained from a young age in verbal trickery and the idea of making the world of the Goyim the one you want, as if tikkun olum was somehow a sinister objective.
It's just jealousy really. The Jews are wanderers, they hate them. The Jews have a country, they're hated. The Jews get involved in society and start playing a role in politics, despised. The moral goodness of Jews clearly rubs up against them at all points. But despite this pervasive climate of anti Semitism, thankfully various organisations lobby the government to protect Jews from more unprovoked attacks. It's terrible what's happening in Europe with Muslims being denied opportunities and then turning to radicalism and attacking innocent Jews. White people should do more to help them.
Again, entire world's problem, uniquely good, uniquely successful, hated for success.
You are looking at it after the fact. They'd been in Germany for a while and could easily have mixed into the population and gene pool, they deliberately don't because they have a religiously ingrained superiority complex.
That's the whole irony of the rise of the German ubermensch thing, they were playing Jews at their own game.
t. Moshe Goldstein
>what's happening in Europe with Muslims being denied opportunities
muslims should assimilate but they aren't allowed to call themselves european or use our ethonyms but they should assimilate
It's not that every jew is "evil" per say. It is just that the Jews as a people have incredible in-group preferences. So if the elite jews support theories and policies that undermine the goyim and advance the power of jews, the other jews will follow in order to keep their power. This strong group pride in their heritage/culture is how they have been able to exist so long in foreign lands
it's more like americans fetishize african americans to a large extent.
Shit tier bait. The tweet at the bottom even has the text overlapping onto the other images... really?
Yes user, faked quotes will sure show him.
(((Tim wise)))is very much a real person who is incredibly stupid and evil
I don't really mind them and my rare dealings with jews irl has been positive but I completely understand how people don't like them. Many prominent jews have a tendency to try to make everything about them (Sarah Silverman's reaction to Trump not specifically mentioning Jews when remembering the holocaust) and the Jews don't do themselves much favours with a lot of their political activities in Europe and America.
Most of them are OK, but a significant minority are just atrocious. Stereotypes don't come from nowhere.
Jews created copyright!
Hmmm so people have molested children in 120+ countries throughout the ages and you think that the fault is not with the children but rather those 120+ different nations in different time periods?
Honestly I think it's because they were never a real part of the country and didn't basically become a part of that country. Like, they were still "jews" not "citiziens of x country"
Talk about a false equivalency
Traditionally it was because Jews were excluded from participating in the wider economy and the only real career choice for one was in finance, which medieval people thought low-brow and unmanly, and felt that usury went against Christian ethics.
Flash forward a few centuries and all of a sudden banking and finance become the most important industries of them all because you need money if you want to accomplish anything noteworthy.
And while European rulers were inbreeding to keep wealth within the family Jews were breeding the best bankers and money collectors, which is why even today Jews tend to have a marginally higher IQ than any other race
This breeds jealousy and a convenient scapegoat if things go wrong.
Literally every instance of Jews being removed from a country is the medieval equivalent of telling all the Capitalists to go take a hike because that's essentially the role that they played in these societies.
Imagine a race of Sara Silvermans projected forward and backward across time and you have the Jews.
>How the fuck would all these jews across centuries plan these elaborate plots?
It's not planned, it's emergent behavior like a school of fish or a flock of birds. When a race of people thinks in similar ways, they shall act in similar ways, and from that similar behavior the illusion of organized coordination arise.
It's not that Jews plan to be evil, they just can't help themselves.
It's nobodies fault because there's nothing wrong with fucking children, but only if they're boys.
>History board
>Why has everyone always hated Jews?
>nobody has mentioned the condemn of Jesus
>38 posts
>IQ, money, goyim
seriously fuck this board
There is literally nothing wrong with burning "witches" aka. purveyors of poisons, aphrodisiacs and abortifacients.
>what are the Italian banking families
nice meme
it is because destitute rural jews converted to christianity like all the serfs they found themselves with, they might have been faking it but their kids who grew up among christians and married christians probably stopped caring, the only remaining jews were urban or middle class, also jews were mentioned in the bible so there was less imperative to convert them than pagans or heretics
only in eastern europe when vast areas became open to agriculture did you get populations of poorer rural jews, in between you had Germany which saw poor jews from eastern europe and the stereotype of middle class jews which I think intensified antisemitism there
The Romans disliked them because of their rebellions, their religion which did not mesh well with Roman-Greek civic cults, and after they became a widespread diaspora their conflicts and legal disputes with other groups in major Roman cities.
Christianity was a new ball game entirely, where the Jews became center stage as the persecutors and murderers of Jesus Christ moving away from blaming the Romans in any way while remaining a staunchly resistant to conversion. Even into the Middle Ages, when Islam and more organized pagan faiths in the East were encountered, the Jews remained at the top of the Church's list of theological enemies.
The West, having inherited both Roman and Catholic legacies, thus always disliked the Jews among them, and while others in Eastern Europe and the Middle East had their own views that weren't exactly positive, it's really with the spread of Western European culture and ideologies that you begin to see the same kind of antisemitism elsewhere.
>>what are the Italian banking families
A rare exception, and half the reason we remember them so vividly (that and being in the right place at the right time to take advantage of the middle eastern brain-drain and capital flight) and those families gradually bankrupted themselves speculating in Italian unification wars and guess what replaced them?
And it wasn't poor rural Jews which the Nazis hated, they were merely the easiest and most helpless targets. It was Jewish New York speculators betting against Germany which caused them to brand Jews as the problem.
The stereotype of Jews being shekel-grubbing bankers are present in Shakespeare and in plenty of other words of literature. They didn't exist for no reason.
>you need to have blue eyes to be white sorry, you are not allowed to be german
This never happened. Plenty of people who served in Nazi Germany had brown eyes. It's not like the nazis were out to get everyone without blue eyes.