What is this shit?
>work at Amazong
>unloading truck today
>old man says he can't wait for his SSI
>tells me it's gonna suck for me
>ask why
>turns out his generation dried it all up
>remember current events (feminist/ millennials/ cucks etc)
>no way in fuck all next generation will actually work knowing what SSI is
(((Them))) taking their cut
Sucks major dick, just wait till you have to pay 44%
Beels nad senpai
this is why all my sad wagecuck earnings go into crypto. looking forward to early retirement somewhere without capital gains.
That's you paying to feed niggers and bomb sandniggers
I think its taxes so you can have roads, police, and don't go up to be a total gobshit.
>Implying that's where it goes
Get a load of this faggot!
except in America 50% of our taxes go to the war machine.
But go ahead and believe our taxes are being used for roads and schools rather than Policy Enforcers
welecome to adulthood.
Take the redpill about the furture being bleak in the US because of liberal faggotry if you want to see whats coming. WARNING: It will make you depressed.
I will never understand this argument. If you're a libshit, you should be upset so much of your taxes go to miltary spending. If you're a drumpfkin, you should be angry so much of your taxes go to social security. What kind of weird ass ideology does it take to be happy with the state of taxes in America? Waste is the rule, not the exception.
No they don't. Actually very little (16%) money goes to the military.
Almost all of the rest goes to nig welfare, SS, gibsmedats, and other leech programs.
I thought america was the land of the free? where you work hard, get taxed little and persue the american dream?
nigga i'm in britistan and getting taxed far lower than you, and i'm getting way better social services........ plus the contribution I pay is actually FOR ME should I choose to go on welfare.
[citation needed]
that image is the saddest shit I've seen all week.
made 20 times that in month and a half by selling imaginary money
Start putting aside some money to not get fucked until all your holes bleed OP, please I beg you.
Bongland actually has far worse taxes as per en.wikipedia.org
No socialist yuro country has low taxes.
Citation given, niggerfaggot.
not all tax is of a monetary nature...
choose your battles wisely.
Now you understand why people vote republican. Congrats. Most of that money goes to shaniqua's kids because Jamal is in prison... whose board and health is also paid by those taxes
>proposed spending budget
>proposed spending
Can you read, retard?
>the real budget is magically the opposite of the proposed budget
How about no, you nigger faggot.
Lmao, this is not far from the current budget.
Google it, dumbfuck. 55% goes to niggers and boomerfucks.
Don't worry, once you make above $120,000, you don't have to pay social security tax anymore.
Jesus OP, did you take a shit ton of VTO or do you work part time? I make twice as much as you and I work at the very bottom at Amazon. You also didn't put "0" in allowances did you?
Sup CT bro. Our state is shit. Move out unless you're living in subsidized housing.
Oh wait, noticed you only make 12.50 kek. Amazon pays me $16.50 and I don't live in a rich area or anything. I'm guessing your warehouse doesn't have 12 hour weekend night shifts either? I think mine is one of the very few that does which is pretty good. Only 3 days of working a week and my overtime is pretty good. During the holiday season I made $4500 in a single month.
You guys were right, found the official infographic
How do we fix this? Fucking boomers and leeches taking all my money
No taxation without representation
user you need to lower your withholdings(and get withholdings for two states because I've been too retarded to get payroll to only withhold in the state where I work so far). I make way more than you, but I get a lower percentage withheld, and that's with two state withholdings.
I think the worst part of this is social security is literally fucking welfare but for old people. I do think people should be responsible for their own wealth, not be leeches whether they are 20 years old or 80.