Historically speaking, how accurate is the Nation of Islam's theory of creation?
Historically speaking, how accurate is the Nation of Islam's theory of creation?
dude we lmao xd
On a scale of 0-10, with 0 being absolute bullshit and 10 being undeniable fact, it gets a minus 2
I cant even comprehend this
[spoiler]I'm black[/spoiler]
Yakub is the patron God of every self respecting white man, get with the program, I light a candle in his honor every night before I go to sleep and every time I copulate with my white gf.
better than scientology, I´ll give you that
Look for "Big Head Scientists" on YouTube and despair.
really curious now
what do "genuine" muslims think of that?
do they see it as some kind of heresy like the bogomils / cathars were for the roman church?
the funny thing is if it wasn't for the USA shielding them, these niggas would get genocided by the rest of islam.
jeez, even Kwanzaa has higher numbers than this.
this, muslims kill each other over trivial differences between sunnism and shi'ism, imagine what they'd do if they learned what the NOI has
To an extent useful idiots, but if they tried pushing their shit on real Muslims they'd get btfo'd
What about Nuwabianism?
Personally, it seems too baffling and alien to really be considered an actual heresy.
I think Farrakhan (sp?) visited Iran and gave some talks there that went like
>NOI: Tribe of Shabbazz y'all
>IRAN: wtf is this shit
>NOI: fuck the Jews
>IRAN: we embrace you as our muslim brothers
Le daily "historically speaking" Veeky Forums related :DD don't ban me mods Yakub WEWUZ thread
In the US this stuff is common
People call it hottepery to make fun of it, but it's really a combination of ignorance and a desire to learn something, but alas black neighborhood schools are trash and as a result these kids learn literally nothing.
Had a white friend who didn't even know what the capital of the US was.
It's a well-known fact that maternally most ashkenazi jews have european ancestry but paternally all jews can trace their genetic roots to the levant. West africans have nothing to do with jews
the funniest thing was that "Wallace Fard" wasn't even black, he was an Afghani or some shit. I think he just went full on L. Ron Hubbard and got carried away with his own shitposting.
>Less than one percent of African Americans actually believe in this
Inner cities schools aren't doing well, but give them some credit.
Seems legit
bump :)
Oh come on man this shit is fun to laugh at.
>no mention of neuromelanin when it would clearly help the argument
3/10 see me after class