Anyone here still holding Zencash?

I'm still holding ZEN guys. Down 60% on my initial buy-in.

Jesus fucking christ..

It's over unless you want to hold until they fix the security issue on their end, you might be able to get a small + by then but who knows when that will happen or if it will ever happen.


(im not liable for my advice and by reading this you agree to the terms)

Is that why it's down so much. I was thinking about buying a bit since it's down so much but now idk

Main developer left the coin

Lol I've never not seen an altcoin rebound...except maybe fucking POSW but this time I'm really thinking maybe I should just sell it at a loss.

I mean could it get ANY worse?

Veeky Forums shilled this thing.

Is ZEN really dead or is it still just a fucking dip?

Are you retarted. If you had done any research you'd realise that $ZEN is a hardfork of $ZCL, meaning everyone holding $ZCL got free $ZEN. What the fuck do you expect, the price of $ZCL was 1/5th of the price that you probably bought your $ZEN for. You just gave $ZCL 5x return on a shitty hardfork. You should probably kill yourself.

So sell at a loss for once?

Is that the best option here?

Yea, read their blog user.
Plus what said.

Isn't ZCL a hard fork of ZEC or something?
What is wrong with this coin?

This is why I never buy ZCash no matter how many fucking news articles say to.

holding. like a cuck

feel bad for the poor autist dev tho,
fucking idiot, pissing off dark market money ain't going to keep you upright for long

if you think certain people don't have a grudge and many people lost a lot of money on this by all means call him an hero. hope he reads this

You feel bad for the autist dev? LMAO, he fucked everyone and will continue to fuck people.

it's called head start. The kids balls are huge

>legal disclaimer
Nigger, where do you think you are? Fucking tryhard.

Sold it at 40% loss. Worst day in my crypto career.

Dude. It's ogre. I'm serious it's not going to get any better. I put $1000 into this and cut my losses after a $400 loss. Put the remaining into an actual non scam project ARK.


just gonna let it sit and die

I don't think you really understand the relationship between ZCL and ZEC compared to ZEN and ZCL

One thing that people don't realize is that before DGB tanked, everyone was expecting it to go up because of being adopted by Citibank. Meanwhile ZEC has a smaller market cap than DGB even after the tanking and it has already been picked up by an even larger financial institution with a higher yearly revenue than Citibank.

I suppose you can look at the difference between ZEC and ZCL like the difference between ETH and ETC

some people put 20k plus count yourselves lucky you are not DEV

I ate 45% on ZEN and am back up 24% now by buying other coin's dips. If I had stayed I would've been down another 5-10%.

Fuck them. If it was just market forces I would be fine to hold, but that whole team can fuck off.

most coins drop in price shortly after release..ICO or not (not all.."MOST"). But also most dont happen like the zclassic/zen split, then dev locking out the github. Sounds like someone had a temper tantrum and tried to ruin the coin..
For now its just a Dev issue mainly, price will rebound once trust that the coin will actually uphold to its purpose with the missing Dev.

Same. The loss has been so catastrophic for me, I am just going to numbly continue to hold and hope things eventually change.

It's not real until i sell...

idiot will need to be quite the next few days.

Also ZEC is a big dick coin.

Dude you're falling for sunk costs fallacy. There's NO indication the price will stop falling.

quite a few will be pissed when their dark market got jacked in this scam. not good for the skin

i bought during the dip arounf 7-8 $. I hope that once they'll sort out their security issue it will hit 20$ within 1-2 weeks

you're the one who is retarded, moron. if you actually had read zen's whitepaper you would know that there's a whole world of difference between ZEN and ZCL. zen adds many privacy-oriented features to its overall packet, hence its greater value appreciation. now gtfo

This. Just dump.

DDOS attack just now. Why sell now? somebody wants this dead. This will be memed I am sure

memed up or down?

the dev admitted that the planned features weren't even implemented in ZEN yet, they were just planned concepts

He said he was going to implement them in ZCL instead

We all got lied to

I feel like hodling is the only real option here considering this..
The whale moneybags that is the team and miners won't want to sell at any appreciable loss so at some time in the near future when this zero-day shit is dealt with they will most definitely pump it again.
I've had a couple of misses recently but this one I'm definitely hodling long.

bought this coin at $14 sold it at 17$... actually made money..... :D I feel bad for anyone holding this to be honest! Sorry guys hope it comes back!

bought it at 7$, i'll hold it until it doubles ; )

I'm down 50%.

Huge buy wall here at .0025

If it does dip this low and doesn't recover to a new higher support I'm off the Zencoaster.


welp, better than dgb

so far, my 2nd worst investment after VOX. willing to see where it goes tho. could be pumped out of nowhere like 90% of other coins

Reader, I sold.

I took the loss. Haven't sold at a loss before, ever... but I can't afford to let this coin take even more of my time and money when I could be making gains elsewhere.

fuck you zen, fuck you personality-disorder dev, fuck all y'all. I just got out of ZCASH too (taking profit) as a mostly pointless fuck-you gesture to the whole z family.

Didn't you learn from Zclassic? After trading commenced price dumped. These are bag holders who have been holder there bags for weeks as Bittrex delayed there release of ZEN which essentially killed ZEN coin

Will Zcash moon in a couple weeks before it gets accepted on Alphabay on July 1?

i think the lead dev implementing a security flaw (replay attack protection ceasing after the first 4096 blocks), then dumping his ZEN, quitting and broadcasting the zero-day on social media... might have had something to do with the price dropping.

If you want to buy something with a Z in it, grab some Zcoin, it's legit.