Memeball thread
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It's funny that this meme started on taringa
Trying too hard m8
t. Aussie
I'm from California dude
That's pretty good
That sounds awesome! What war was that?
Top ebin on this one.
Second Northern War I think.
>When you retire at 63 and live off the tax labor of brown immigrants in your low-birth rate country
neo-liberalism, not even once.
Thanks for the input kek
I lol'd
Bretty Goodman.
We need more Ancap stuff.
Didn't they lose Brazil in the process?
This is my favourite one.
Where's the funny?
>browns producing tax
good yam
hot off the presses
Kek, saved
kek, that was the one I used to make mine. if anyone with photoshop skillz wants to make a proper 2nd reich memeball (as opposed to prussia) I'd be grateful
>admiring spartan society
>deomcratic socialists and autocratic communists both use the word socialist
>that means these two movements with extremely divergent ideologies are exactly the same
It fell because of civil war
cringed hard
what is this referring to?
This meme sucks and is gay
The DNC leak.
Captcha: HOLLOW Pizza
in what way did the democratic party rig the US election?
the main problem with this image is that whoever made it naively assumes that the current rising tide of far-right populism in the west is a good thing (to say nothing of overestimating the role of /pol/ in global affairs to a laughable degree)
in a few years the memes will go something like this:
>when the government takes away your autismbux and sends your friends off to die in some arbitrary war but it's okay because you see less brown people at the mall on your dorito runs
They rigged the Democratic primaries.
They fucked Bernie over and put Hillary on a pedestal above all other Democratic candidates. They're just too stupid to realize that no one with even a shred of intelligence and a capacity for independent thought likes Hillary. Basically, they tried their damndest to rig it in her favor through media manipulation, and it blew up in their face.
I remember articles from HuffPo and other Demoshit leaning rags in around 2013 basically thinking the US is gonna be ruled by Democrats forever, based on how successful the Obama campaigns were and the demographic shift.
you said they rigged the US election, the democratic primary is not the US election
>media manipulation
what do you mean by this
>You said
I didn't say shit, that was a different user. Learn to follow the train of posts.
>implying we give a shit whether anything is "good" anymore
>implying we don't just want to see funny happenings and watch the world burn from our basements
>implying the vast majority of faggots on /pol/ woudln't suffer under the very system they strive to create
He's saying he wouldn't give a shit.
yeah but that's HIM. that's what I don't understand about these people. they might be selfish but they can't be that stupid
Someone seems angry.
Mild aspbergers is a hell of a drug
What is it with leftists unable to comprehend some people don't act just out of self-interest?
For example, I'm a homosexual, but I personally think that extermination of all gays would actually be beneficial to society considering what a cancerous demographic it is overall.
>tfw I have mild aspergers but I'm the antithesis of /pol/ (socialist, most of my friends are mexicans and blacks and I'm not a bitter virgin)
there has to be more to it than autism, I refuse to be put in the same box as /pol/acks and minecraft let's play-ers
>I'm a homosexual, but I personally think that extermination of all gays would actually be beneficial to society considering what a cancerous demographic it is overall.
then start with yourself, you fucking edgelord
What is edgy about it?
who the fuck cares, it was clearly not meant for you then
It has to do with testosterone levels as well. Low test betas like you end up as hipsters/cucks/SJWs but high test betas like me end up as white supremacists
lead by example
that sounds like a term to make bitching about liberals seem more intellectual than it actually is
I'm a liberal, user. However, you are right that I'm bitching about most of today's liberals, since many of them are radical. Or, at least radical in my eyes.
I also forgot to mention that neo-liberalism is similar to liberalism, except far more accepting of the free-market capitalism and globalization.
.read the old Oligarch or anything by Xenophon. The Athenian elite largely admired Sparta.
cringed hard desu
Neo-liberalism is an economic system and I can guarantee you that the vast majority of SJWs are opposed to it.
>I can guarantee you that the vast majority of SJWs are opposed to it.
In theory. In practice, SJWs are the Neoliberal's most useful idiots.