Are Christians polytheists?
Please could you explain how the "trinity" works.
Are Christians polytheists?
Please could you explain how the "trinity" works.
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Three distinct people with their own desires, knowledge and persons, but they're "really" all the same guy. How? It's a "mystery" :^)
Fuck off.
It is a Holy Mystery.
If it was comprehensible to humans it wouldn't be true,
The primary purpose of the Bible is to give people the laws of God. When examining all the commandments of Moses together the primary purpose is to be kind to each other and don't forget God. There are some matters of health in there as well because things like sanitation weren't understood very well by ancient Hebrews so God needed to explain them in ways they could understand.
By the time of Christ the Jews had corrupted the commandments of God intended to get people to remember God and be good to each other into worship of the law itself and rampant corruption of the priesthood so Christ issued a new set of laws.
Christianity was a law of tolerance and care for one another with the main point being "Love God with all your heart, might, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself" because the Jews had forgotten that.
200 years after the establishment of Christianity it was corrupted again with the council of Nicaea into a pseudo Greek/hellenistic theology of worshiping some crazy bodiless, spirit, trinity thing when evidence is all over the Bible as to the true nature of God.
No, but Jews were.
>it's gibberish, therefore it's true!
The majority of Christians were trinitarians before the Council of Nicea which is why that position won. It wasn't ever a minority position, Arias spread heresy and got BTFO for it.
>three persons, one essence meme
There are 7 billion human persons on the planet, yet there's only one essence. Should we conclude that there is only one human?
Jehovah and His son Jesus Christ are not equal. Jesus Christ was sent to this world by His father and does what His father tells Him to do. He said it Himself that His father is greater than He (John 14: 28), but then in terms of deeds they work as one people (John 14:11). This clearly proves that, the two are never equal.
Hello, Reddit!
[citation needed]
>inb4 these obscure occurrences equate to a pantheon.
Three spirits of a single essence.
find an analogy for reality in order to explain reality and when you cant and say "we are bound to our subjective experience even if we knew everything we wouldn't know what we didn't know (yes that is possible because the extent of the term everything does not denote a complete totality but a categorical totality) because we can not know what is beyond being attributes being known. Therefore it is a mystery." I will laugh at your low IQ and futile struggle to break the chains which you love in favor of a wholesome slavery rather than a broken freedom.
You're a cuck and belong in the loony bin.
Give me your best irony
This. The right arm is a part of the body and the left arm is a part of the body but the right arm is not the left arm.
Are you a body, soul and spirit?
Are you one person? Which one of those is you? The body? The soul? The spirit?
If you cannot understand things of our own dimension, of our own understanding, of our own makeup, how are you going to understand something that has more dimensions than you do?
Any response?
That example is incomplete though because it implies each of them is just 'part' of God the whole when all three of them are fully God.
Moreover according to catholic theology God is a simple substance. There can be no differentiation inside a simple substance, otherwise it wouldn't be simple, but composite. And if there can be no differentiation there can be no differentiation between persons either. Hence the trinity is an absurdity even given their own premises.
OT Jews were blatantly henotheistic.
Yet the soul the the body and the spirit are not to
Here different persons with three different wills.
>yet there's only one essence.
I saw you palm that card.
God has a structure, three of His parts interact with mankind.
>three different wills.
Incorrect, they all share the same will.
No citation in sight, hmm. Every time I come on this board I find an interesting thread, and in every thread I find someone peddling some disinfo or making erroneous claims with no sources. I know Veeky Forums likes to pretend its the opposite of /pol/ but it's actually severely retarded /pol/ without dates.
/pol/ will lower your IQ but Veeky Forums will fry your brain.
Yes you dummy. Yet the trinity all three different persons have a unique will ("your will be done, not mine"), therefore you're example is retarded.
This can't possibly be true, otherwise why would Jesus cry out to God while on the cross?
Where the fuck did I say anything negative about Jews?
>thou shalt have no gods before me
Implying that other gods exist, just you're not allowed to worship them.
Another argument against the trinity. In order for Jesus to be fully divine and fully human, his human essence cannot be accidental, but fully merged with his divine essence (according to the creeds). But all three persons of the trinity share one and the same essence. If Jesus' human essence is fully merged with his divine essence, then so will the Father and Holy Spirit have human essences, and be fully human like Jesus. One funny thing about human essence is that humans are not just spirit, but bodies of flesh and bones. Therefore the Father and the Spirit have bodies of flesh and bone.
still derailed into literal greek polytheism. I can't fathom why so many people view doctrines as spontaneous. They're the products of earlier influences and cultural backgrounds where many possibilities are in conflict for the dominant definition of values and conceptions. Greek church was also facing other prototype conceptions of divinity. The only reason it succeeded into being dominant and spreading was Rome's support
According to Nicean Christianity that is.
Jesus has both a human will and a divine will. It was his human will that was begging God. It's part of his dual nature as both fully God and fully man. His divine will is in perfect unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit, as are the Father and the Holy Spirit with Him.
It wouldn't hurt to do some research since you don't even understand the basics of the Trinity
Nowhere in the bible that talks about the three entities - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit as one God.
Except the Gospel of John clearly says Jesus is God in it multiple times. Jesus divine nature is in Holy Scripture, it wasn't just made up out of thin air. The council was merely formed to reconcile how scripture can clearly say that Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit are all divine when there is one God. Bam, doctrine of the Trinity. It's all in the Bible, all the council did was make sense of it
>Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Matthew 28:19
It is sorta like Hydra except more idiotic.
So you agree that Jesus isn't identical to God, but claim that Jesus is identical to god?
>I impregnate my mother to give birth to myself so I can condemn myself to death for the atonement of humanity's sin
>this is not hindu tier heresy
That doesn't mention them as one God.
Of course. Fully man, fully God. At least on Earth. This makes sense because while Jesus was on Earth he was in a mans body. God doesn't have a body, He is a spirit. It is Jesus spirit that is the same as God
>One funny thing about human essence is that humans are not just spirit, but bodies of flesh and bones.
The Bible explicitly says all 3 are divine. How do you reconcile that with 'One God' without going into some demi-god nonsense? Again, the Trinity was a doctrine to reconcile what the Bible says. It doesn't contradict the Bible in any way. The Bible says Jesus is God. The Bible says the Holy Spirit is God. The Bible says the Father is God. If you don't believe in the Trinity then it's your job to explain how all three can simultaneously be One God because that's exactly what the Trinity does
In order for Christianity to become a credible religion again,vows things must go. The OT and the doctrine of the Trinity.
OT because it ties us to the Jews. And the doctrine of the trinity because it is simply silly.
Jesus must be recognized as a teacher that saw past the letter of the law and had a different more spiritual insight into the nature of divinity. Greek, Egyptian and possibly even Persian and Indian influences must not be discarded.
Moreover Jesus was a social reformer that fought against the Jews of his time.
Finally the NT should be treated as a product of Greco-Roman Hellenism rather than Judaism.
>This makes sense
Yeah, no. God is OMNISCIENT, remember? It's not possible for god not to know something, yet when he was Jesus there were all kinds of things he didn't know. Ergo, jesus =/= god.
Human beings are not by nature disembodied spirits. This is Platonism not Christianity. No. Humans are material substances composed of form and matter, that is spirit, soul and body.
You missed my point entirely.
You do not know how YOU are, and YOU have a great deal of contact with YOU.
How can you ever hope to understand how God is?
Jesus says he was the burning bush who talked to Moses.
>On the contrary, Augustine (De Civ. Dei xix, 3) commends Varro as holding "that man is not a mere soul, nor a mere body; but both soul and body."
Oh how I love BTFOing retards.
You are the person who decides what God can and cannot do?
Who are you?
I do know that
Evidence that "the Angel of The LORD" in the OT is always Jesus, angel in the sense of "messenger" and not an angelic being.
Indeed. If the body is irrelevant to human nature then why bodily resurrection? Why be clothed in new immortal bodies? Why not just live for eternity as a spirit?
No, you don't. You can't even give me a reasonable distinction between your spirit and your soul.
If those are your posts, they're nothing to brag about.
If you look closely, the evil disembodies spirits are "looking for a warm house" in which to live; that's how people are possessed.
Bodies are apparently more comfy than disembodied spirits.
No, that's muslim slander. Goes well with your depiction of an oppressed second class citizen who cannot make any life decisions for herself.
John 1:1 says that the Word (Jesus) was with God and was God.
In John 10:30 Jesus said that He and the Father are one.
In John 14:9 He said that anyone who has seen Him has seen the Father.
In Colossians 1:15 Paul wrote that Jesus is the (visible) image of the invisible God.
In Hebrews 1:3 Jesus is called the exact representation of God’s glory
In Hebrews 1:8 God Himself called Jesus God.
God’s Spirit is presumed to be one and the same with God just as your spirit is presumed to be one and the same with you. So if God and Jesus are one and the same, and God and His Spirit are one and the Same, then the three are one.
There is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45:5-6). Yet there are three persons presented as deity in Scripture: the Father (John 6:27; Colossians 1:3), the Son (John 1:1-3, 14; 8:24; 20:28-29; Romans 9:5; Titus 2:13; 2 Peter 1:1; Hebrews 1:10-12) and the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17; Acts 5:3-4; 2 Samuel 23:2-3; 2 Corinthians 3:18). Lastly, these three are presented as distinct persons (John 8:16-18; Luke 11:1; 3:21-22; Galatians 4:6). Thus from Scripture we learn that although there is one God, there are three distinct persons who are deity. So the Trinity is the biblical position to hold to once one examines what Scripture teaches.
>I can't refute any of your arguments.
Y-you are dummy!
Genesis 1:2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Numbers 11:25 Then the LORD came down in the cloud and spoke with him, and he took some of the power of the Spirit that was on him and put it on the seventy elders. When the Spirit rested on them, they prophesied--but did not do so again.
Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."
Quran Verse (2:87) And We did certainly give Moses the Torah and followed up after him with messengers. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs and supported him with the Pure Spirit. But is it [not] that every time a messenger came to you, [O Children of Israel], with what your souls did not desire, you were arrogant? And a party [of messengers] you denied and another party you killed.
>Luke 3:22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."
Why would God have to tell God that he was proud of God?
Mark 13:32 "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Acts 23:8 (The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits, but the Pharisees believe all these things.)
There exist no arguments in those posts.
Jesus was a man who fought against the Jews of his day, which is praiseworthy enough, but divinization is a little bit too much, don't you think, my Christian friends? And a little bit too, Hellenic?
Gee, it's almost as though One God manifested himself as three persons.
Father is God.
Son is God.
Spirit is God.
There is only one God.
Gee, so tough to understand. So complicated.
Anyone who denies the divinity of Jesus is by definition not a Christian.
Sure thing kiddo!
Your intellectual dishonesty may impress the rubes but it's not all that interesting.
St. Augustine's opinions on the nature of man are just that opinions, and have no bearing on anything.
A human corpse is still the corpse of a human even if the hypothetical soul has fled.
A hypothetical human soul is still the soul of a human even if the body has rotted away.
These premises are indisputable, therefore your argument based on a premise that contradicts them, is void. Even and especially if you dig up some moldy old quote from a dead man who you clearly hold in no great esteem, and whose words you're undoubtedly taking out of context in order to engage in antireligious bigotry on Veeky Forums.
Why resurrect the entire body and not just the head? Clearly you put no great priority on completeness, so a reanimated head should be entirely adequate in your eyes with regards to resurrection.
Jesus says he was the burning bush talking to Moses. A bit hard to reconcile that with him being 'just a man' isn't it my heathen friend?
>quote Augustine and Aquinas
>your arguments
You trying to argue with syllogistic arguments is like a dog trying to walk on his two hind legs. He hopelessly can't, but it's sure fun to watch.
Please post more!
Oh, it's you. Here, I'll give you some (you)s so your life will be complete.
>There are 7 billion human persons on the planet, yet there's only one essence. Should we conclude that there is only one human?
That one essence is of God, not of humans. There is nobody arguing that humanity is of one essence.
See? No argument.
>Moreover according to catholic theology God is a simple substance.
Who cares about catholic theology? Certainly not anyone who is not catholic, and the idea that Catholics speak for Christians is ludicrous. Again, no argument. Just a logical fallacy, appeal to authority. And in this case, an authority that does not even exist.
>appeals to authorities he doesn't even recognize and expects to be taken seriously
Hilarious, and certainly not an argument.
>If Jesus' human essence is fully merged with his divine essence, then so will the Father and Holy Spirit have human essences
Again, no argument. Just a fallacy of composition.
Except there's no talking about 7 billion humans if all don't have the same human essence, oh
The raise it's 7 billion unrelated unique individual substances.
Oh, but go on, your impersonation of a retarded person is killing me! I mean you're just pretending to retarded right?
>>On the contrary, Augustine (De Civ. Dei xix, 3) commends Varro as holding "that man is not a mere soul, nor a mere body; but both soul and body."
Another logical fallacy, again an appeal to authority, and in this case an authority that cannot discern spirit from soul.
Just like you!
So see, zero arguments. Did you think reality would comport with your biases?
Correct. There is no "human essence" that combines all humans into one being.
Is that not obvious? Even to someone like you?
So, so autistic.
God can't do something that is impossible, such as "be three distinct people but also only one person".
>essence means everyone partaking in it are one being
Oh boy, I'm beginning to think you're serious!
Phone posters are cancer.
Sent from my iPad
Jesus is the 'logos', the Word of God. Whenever God speaks to humanity, Jesus is the messenger. Whenever you see 'God' speaking in the New Testament it's actually Jesus giving the message.
Whoops, meant Old Testament, obviously
>he doesn't know that the Christian creeds state that Jesus humans and divine nature are United
>he doesn't know the difference between essence and accident
No m'lady I won't fall for the fallacy of composition!
>Mark 13:32 "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Proving that Jesus and God are NOT the same person.
>three different beings
Christian "intellectualism" at its finest!
>God can't do something that is impossible
Depends. It's a little bit silly to say that God can't do anything that conflicts with the laws of the universe we live in. He made those laws, of course he can break them. Our trouble wrapping our heads around the concept of a single God contained within three separate beings doesn't mean it's impossible. Your problems with it come from the fact you're a simple being living in a simple universe whereas God is the infinite and unknowable creator.
Why don't we shift the topic a little bit. Ok some people have issues with the doctrine of the Trinity, fine. The Bible contains two irrefutable facts.
1. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all seperate divine Entities
2. There is One God
Ok. Now how do you decide to reconcile those facts without the Trinity. Lets see some alternatives that aren't just fucktarded Muslim propaganda
>I can cite all the fallacies that are named on the Wikipedia article. Pic related is me.
Learn basic philosophy and metaphysics kiddo! And then basic Christian theology.
It is like the original star wars trilogy, they are all just parts of the same thing.
No, it doesn't. Even godcucks don't claim he can do the impossible, only that he can do anything that IS possible.
That's modalism.
"God cannot be God because my autism says so".
Good luck with that.
Yes, God is one being. In three persons. Trinity. As explained to you ad nauseum.
God and jesus are separate entities, but share the holy spirit, which is what God will also share with you if you ask
What do you define as 'impossible' though? Many people consider creating something from nothing 'impossible' but that is clearly an ability God has. Are you talking 'impossible' from how we understand the universe to work because from our perspective God can do lots of things we consider impossible including altering the fundamental laws of the universe at will.
What did you do today, little Timmy?
>I trolled Christians on teh interwebz ma!
Good boy! I'm sure you sure showed them!
So there are two Gods? The Father and Jesus?
So you claim god CAN do impossible things, like make square circles or make mountains heavier than he can lift?
>What do you define as 'impossible' though
Physically or logically impossible.
>Many people consider creating something from nothing 'impossible'
Most people are morons.
> Are you talking 'impossible' from how we understand the universe to work because from our perspective God can do lots of things we consider impossible including altering the fundamental laws of the universe at will.
That isn't impossible, just beyond our abilities.
>So you claim god CAN do impossible things, like make square circles
The way Geometry works is a function of the shape of the universe so yes
Then you are out of step with every theologian I've ever read. Good job, enjoy burning in hell forever for your heresy.
Reminder that the ancient Greeks weren't really polytheistic. The gods of the Greek pantheon were different persons, but there is only one divine essence! Therefore the ancient Greeks were monotheists! Am I doing it right?
I know you're just fooling, but in fact monotheism was the norm across the "pagan" world before Christianity.