>There is no mention of Abraham, the father of Judaism (~1800 BC) in any Jewish text until ~600 BC
really makes you think, huh?
>There is no mention of Abraham, the father of Judaism (~1800 BC) in any Jewish text until ~600 BC
really makes you think, huh?
The father of Judaism is probably some medieval rabbi.
Moses is the founder of Judaism, Abraham is a myth.
Scholars treat the Old Testament/Talmud for what it is, a nationalistic epic designed to form the bedrock of a Jewish national mythology. In that respect it succeeded.
>Moses is not a myth
The fathers of Judaism are the Babylonian scribes, certainly not Moses or Abraham. If Moses was magically teleported to 1st century Judea he wouldn't even recognize that religion. Literally Mormonism has more in common with Catholicism than Judaism has with Moses or Abraham.
the entire Moses story is a myth. Not one detail is remotely historical.
No evidence suggests a Jewish community in egypt, much less one that builds their religious momuments (they'd never allow jewish hands to create what they took so much pride in), much less a mass exodus of said population.
It's just the early jew's way of linking their history to an older and more powerful civilization, and today it's used by jews to help "empathize" with blacks but of course that's all bullshit
There probably were Canaanite Jews in Egypt, because what retards don't realize is that Canaan WAS A PART OF EGYPT.
This is a VERY underrated piece of historical fact. Namely that it made no sense for Moses and the Hebrews to "escape" from Egypt into Canaan. Canaan was in Egypt! They were escaping from Egypt into Egypt? Going unnoticed by all Egyptian military outposts and patrols along the way?
Finally Israeli archeologists have been diging, looking under every rock for evidence of Exodus since 1948 and they haven't found any. There are no Egyptian records either.
From my studies of the ancient Near East, Levantine areas under the control of the New Kingdom of Egypt were in fact just tributary states and were not directly controlled by the Egyptians. The same goes for the areas under the Hittite sphere of influence in the north.
And yet all three great monotheistic faiths take him as their patriarch.
Sure the religion changed over time, but Moses is the first figure definitely associated with the cult that would become Judaism, so he gets the "credit" for founding it.
Sardes wasn't even a city backthen nor was it ever named by any contemporary sources, and it won't be until like the 8-7th century bc (Sfjarda at the time), why the fuck did they put it on the map and not Miletus, Ephesus, Tarsus or fucking Hattusa?
>No evidence suggests a Jewish community in egypt,
Completely wrong.
>much less one that builds their religious momuments (they'd never allow jewish hands to create what they took so much pride in),
Bible doesn't claim the Jews built the pyramids, that's Hollywood
>much less a mass exodus of said population.
Depends what you mean by "mass". Certainly some Jews who had been living in Egypt returned to Canaan and became rulers over the Hebrew tribes. How they did this is unknown, the Bible's account was written by the Levites so is obviously suspect.
Moses and the Levites didn't "escape" from Egypt, but they DID live there at one time and then returned to Israel with new Egyptian religious memes.
>What is Genesis?
>completely wrong
>provides 0 (ZERO) evidence
keep talking out of your ass shekelstein
the "40 years in the desert" story is just an excuse for jews to get around the fact that they were obviously an Arabian desert tribe that just happened to waltz into the area and conquered whoever was there. After that, they wrote a story about how they actually were in egypt before they were a desert tribe in order to create a more respectable history that linked them to the most powerful group in the area, which happened to be the egyptians.
>t's used by jews to help "empathize" with blacks
What the fuck are you talking about. Black people hate jews just as much as you do
are you retarded? jews always want sympathy points, especially from their pet race of American blacks. It's literally WE WUZ SLAVES N SHIEET and they bring it up in every piece of media that has ever referenced their "shared suffering". The black guy will says "we wuz slaves" and the jew says, "no way we were slaves too remember the Moses story we're just like you, now please sign on the dotted line and allow me to produce your music"
Why is the history of Judaism so fucked that we can even ask these questions?
If I'm not mistaken, the entire Torah was a compilation of some religious texts and rewritten by scribes of the King Josiah, that looked for a reform in the religion.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Veeky Forums. I'm quite interested in it.
According to whom? Your asshole?
>No evidence suggests a Jewish community in egypt, much less one that builds their religious monuments
first off there was no such thing as a Jewish community, this came later after the exile, they were Israelites. Second they never built religious monuments cause the text never said so.
Exodus 1:11
11 Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with heavy burdens. They built for Pharaoh store cities, Pithom and Raamses.
please reply. Bump.
Judah is the father of Judaism, dumbass.
Abraham is the father of the Israelites.
The term Judaism is first used in the bible in either Ezra-Nehemiah or Book of Esther. Judaism is a late development after the Babylonian captive.
>OP is an idiot that doesnt know Jews are just 1 tribe of the 12 tribes of Israel
Really makes you sage and hide this thread.
Atheists, if you're gonna talk shit atleast get your facts right.
Try google you fucking moron. I'm not here to educate you, just to point out how completely stupid you are.
Rabbinical (oral traditions) Judaism was a product of the Babylonian captivity. The Talmud made in 200 AD is a compilation of the oral texts that Jews hold more dear to than the Torah (which isn't surprising since they reject the Messiah).
Pharisaical Christ-killers would eventually become the parasites that /pol/ talks about, or that Jesus called the Synagogue of Satan.
The real Jehovah/YHWH/God-fearing Jews and righteous men lived way back, before they turned to rebellion and adultery by mingling with their pagan neighbors and suffering God's judgment.
Christians are Jews inwardly.
Ethnic Jews are irrelevant. If you don't believe that Jesus is God, you are damned. Jew or gentile, it doesn't matter.
The real Jews who knew their bibles would become Christians.
Those that cling to their traditions are as foolish as Catholics or Mudslimes.
next time you reply me, be sure you will add something interesting, and not just shitpost.
t. buttblasted catholic
Thanks for revealing your identity.
Cool depiction of the ancient Israelites. Did you know that the Talmud forbids Jews from working the land? Really makes you think what would the ancient Israelites would think about this tradition.
Cool depiction of the ancient Israelites. Did you know that the Talmud forbids Jews from working the land? Really makes you think what would the ancient Israelites think about this man-made Judaic tradition.
Man fuck off with this passive agressive bullshit, i'm a catholic but you're being a cowardly cunt, if you want to encite anti semitism then fucking do it rather than using sarcasm quotes, bitch.
Cool depiction of a fucking newfag. Did you know that mootoshima made it so you don't have to reply twice? Really makes you think what other people think about you being so retarded you replied twice because you were too dumb to refresh the page.
Exodus 12:37New International Version (NIV)
37 The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Sukkoth. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children.
Six hundred thousand Jews, at a time when no cities had over One hundred thousand people. You're saying that a huge chunk of Egypt's labor force just left and they didn't write shit about it? Because whatever elusive mention of Jews leaving doesn't seem significant with the magnitude of this event.
What are you babbling about you moronic idiot? I AM a Jew, you think I'm an anti-Semite? Go fuck your whore of a "virgin" Mary you dinky dick homo faggot.
Myth. Try again, dumb-dumb.
Cool depiction of a butthurt talmudist lol!
>first Jewish book was printed in 17 century in London.
Exodus is a historical fact.
Stay butthurt, atheist. Facts > your feelings
Numbers gives a specific value of 603,550, which I've always liked because it yields this as a potential explanation;
>one possible explanation of the number 603,550 is a gematria (a code in which numbers represent letters or words) for bnei yisra'el kol rosh, "the children of Israel, every individual"
600,000 just grown men at that time would mean somewhere between 1.5-2 million Jews in total, at a time when Egypt was estimated to only have 3 million people at the most. The above gives some reason behind the number at least.
what I've heard is that this is the case for an early version of Deuteronomy, not the whole torah
Saying something with confidence doesn't make it a historical fact friend.
We don't know how the Exodus came to be part of the Jewish oral tradition but there are some theories, as it stands you have no ground to proclaim things with your degree of certainty.
Fun fact: When the Egyptians said "the river is blood" they were actually referring to the red sediment that appeared as a consequence of disastrous floods.
Well, this is basically what the Bible (2 Kings and 2 Chronicles) says is that some sorcerer, during the rule of Josiah, finds the writings of the law in the temple, and when the king reads it, he torn his clothes because the Hebrews weren't keeping the covenant. At least in my translation of the Bible, it doesn't say it was only Deuteronomy, but it says "book of law", and it could imply the entire Torah.
But still, we don't have access to these original writings and we don't know what was there or what was added.
If you are some kind of Protestant, you will probably say that the Bible is divinely revealed to mankind, therefore it never fails, but I'm quite skeptical about that. Human hands can always apply some convenient changes for politics' sake.
Sure, Bible is a history book, write by historians, trying to accurately represent facts, with exact numbers and proportions of events, with a surgical precision. There are no myths, nor religion. Just history and science and shiet.
There was also further redaction and reform done during the Babylonian period.
That's bullshit, where did Judaism come from if that was true?
I'll trip for this since it's vaguely mesopotamian related.
There's strong ideosyncrasies between Psalm 104 and the egyptian Great Hymn to the Aten, which is interesting as the Hymn is from the Amarna period, where there is little (if any) expansionism/attention being paid to egypt's wider empire, implying it was in some way exported from Egypt itself.
Equally the Song of Songs paralels elements of the Dumzi and Innana, although it's less certain.
Just in general, we know that 'Tammuz' (the jewish month) comes from the Sunmerian Dumuzi, that Abraham came from Ur, and that the ritual address used by moses and Abraham (god of my fathers0 is the exact phrase used by sumerians to ritually invoke the family/personal god.
Essentially, I wouldn't go as far as to say 'Jews was egyptians/sumerians and sheet,' but there was almost certainly egyptian/sumerian precedents and substrata within their mythology/culture.
Judaism comes from herders from the Levant and Cushitic herders of the Arabian peninsula.
It was a polytheistic faith that absorbed Cushitic traditions and slowly whittled away.
Passover isn't old, it didn't happen. But there is record of "proto-jews" in Egypt only a tiny bit.