Why do normies worship science instead of God?
Almost 95% of them don't even understand science. They just read pop science articles and watch BIll Nye bullshit.
Why do normies worship science instead of God?
Almost 95% of them don't even understand science. They just read pop science articles and watch BIll Nye bullshit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Most people just buy whole heartedly into whatever the cultural zeitgeist of their time is.
Not everyone in medieval Europe understood theology and the finer nuances of Christian thought. They just parroted what they were told by the Church, be it Protestant or Catholic.
Normies are sheep no matter what era
Why do faggots attach anime girls to everything?
Cuz you don't need to act morally in an empiricist worldview
Many Christians (I'm mainly thinking of American protestants) have allowed theological discussion to become "science versus religion". That's not to say that the normal gaggle of atheist celebrities aren't at fault, but the Christians shouldn't have allowed them to create such a ridiculous dichotomy.
Wouldn't say they worship it, but it's admired because it gets results. It's lead to advancements that have done wonders for the safety, comfort and general material prosperity of society and its inhabitants, and appears to be the most reliable method of distinguishing truth from falsehood.
So they're supposed to understand scripture easier?
Big Bang Theory (the show)
Normies don't harbor firm personal virtues that may or may not be at odds with society. 'Personal virtue' is really just abstracted inner narrative-building of the self, guided by the addition of meta-cognition on top of basic self-awareness. People with an abnormally strong predisposition or self-reflection are usually schizotypes, autistic, and/or unusually intelligent or creative, and they will always be in the minority along with their strange virtuous ideals.
I really need to know what anime this is
To make themselves feel better.
>Why do normies worship science instead of God?
Which country do you live in where this is the case, and how generous are they when taking migrants from the US?
Because everyone is born with a god-shaped hole and fills it with something. Since the most recent generations of the West have been conditioned to substitute the cult of reason for more conventional spiritualities, the former is what usually ends up being used to fill the hole. It's pretty unhealthy IMO.
I'm sick and tired of debating with fedoras and normkes. The time for debating is over. They already heard the gospel and rejected it.
I blame the proddies. Back when churches were covered in gold, obviously it was admired.
The cringy way in which normies celebrate science is still better then the inverse fedora-tier shit I see on this board all the time coming from christfags.
asking the real questions
First post best post slammed this shitposting thread with such a massive truth bomb that everyone else had to just ignore it and avert their eyes in shame.
Gold covered buildings aren't all that impressive in comparison to vaccines, refrigeration, automobiles, the internet, plastics, indoor heating and air conditioning, mass-transit, a general abundance of food brought about by various agricultural technological developments and the dawning of the sex bot era.
Christardation just can't compete with all that.
At what point did people stop referring to "God" and start referring to "the universe", and other such vague materialism?
As soon as it was no longer punished by the Church.
>Almost 95% of them don't even understand science.
Sounds like you don't understand it either
>>be catholic
>>over 95% of the Internet hates >>christfags
>>afraid of fedoranons
>>get over fear
>>visit /pol/ once
>>visit Veeky Forums once
>>visit Veeky Forums on the reg
>>see this thread m
>>busts a virgin nut
Goddamn it's hard to be right wing and Christian on the internet.
On the grander scheme of things, this always drives me nuts. Even in popular fiction, science is always portrayed as an enemy of religion.
I think it's not really results (Religion provides results as well, albeit not in an "understand the natural world" sort of way), but rather science empowers the individual instead of subjecting them to an existing power structure. The beauty of science is that it's egalitarian, and makes no judgements on what is right or wrong. Thus, science can be universally compatible with just about anyone except for a Luddite.
When you compare this to religion, which by definition creates lines of thought that exclude parts of humanity (Anyone who doesn't adhere to its set of rules), it's easy to see why someone would value science over organized religion because it allows for greater freedom in how they act.
holy fuck you're stupid t. fedora
>self proclaim catholic virgin
>still jerks it
What a hypocrite
I had a discussion about that sort of thing with a coworker of mine. Recently, he switched from being a Lutheran to a Methodist on the grounds that he didn't like the current pastor at his church. When I asked if he agreed with the doctrines of his new faith, he admitted he didn't even know what the differences were. I didn't say anything, but that line of thought made me pretty upset, because religion to him was something to be picked or discarded when it no longer pleased you rather than be a community representation of your core beliefs.
Many of these things have actually harmed the environment and are signs of overpopulation and over-extension of industry into avenues of travel and overproduction. It's not good for the environment.
There's that picture floating around of the disastrous environmental effects of the current economic age.
And not only that, there are entire economic philosophies built on consuming things. An increase in output by its very nature means that consumption rises, which may not be good for the spirit, to speak religiously here. I mean, gluttony is a severe sin.
>>harming the environment
Everything humans do harms our environment.
>>over population
Tiresome meme.
>>over-extension of industry
Industry has actually gotten cleaner and less labor intensive then it has in the past.
>>There's that picture floating around of the disastrous environmental effects of the current economic age.
Even if that image is 100% correct the damage is worth the increase in quality of life.
>>And not only that, there are entire economic philosophies built on consuming things. An increase in output by its very nature means that consumption rises, which may not be good for the spirit, to speak religiously here. I mean, gluttony is a severe sin.
I don't give a fuck about the "spirit" or what some stupid text claims is a "sin" or not.
I think you undervalue the ability of Christiandom to loosely unite a continent of different races, shape the life of the majority of people living there, give rise to entire forms of art, and create an entire structure of legalism to base the rule of law on. Hard science gives us stuff we can hold in our hand, so to speak, but organized and pervasive religions provide the underlying framework of society so that future developments are possible. Even now, the nations of man are held together by core ethics and beliefs of what's right and wrong and how individuals should behave, something which lab tests can't really solve in a humane manner.
I had a virgin level nut
It was a green text
You're taking it too literal man
>that image
I can't believe reddit has pierced this deep into 4cahn that some fucking reddit atheist faggot would show up on a Veeky Forums thread.
kys christfag
haha xD nice one! I bet you're a an edgy "god is all around us" fag
Yeah see the problem here that the ability to inspire laws and morals had more to do with "christendom" inheriting most of the wealth and power of the old roman empire and its provinces. That's something any religion or philosophy could have done with access to that sort of advantage.
>>says "kys" after I already said "kys"
Either we start jerking each other off right now or you kys
This. American Protestants have almost irrevocably damaged the name of Christianity with their bullshit. Even people back in 200AD knew that the Old Testament wasn't literally true and that it was mostly a collection of moral messages, wisdom and prophecies. Some of the greatest scientists and philosophers in history were Christian, there has never been a conflict with science and religion in the search for truth but these dumbasses over in the US forced a divide with their retarded biblical interpretations and made all Christians look like fucking morons by association.
Science is for sating our intellectual curiosity about how things work and how to leverage that knowledge into practical applications. Religion is for knowing how to live fruitfully and spiritually. There is no conflict at all.
they worship authority, and are taught that "science" is authority.
This "christ-chan" meme is so fucking cringeworthy, can't you autists stop shoving generic anime girls into everything?
Why not just abandon belief if you're such a non-literalist? hint: morality isn't dependent on religion, and idk why people believe that. Have some confidence in yourself and know you, and you alone, can control your actions and morals.
>it gets results
it is at least correlated with results
results happened before the dogma of hypothesis you know
>anime is cringey
Yeah man anime on an anime website Is cringey.
Meanwhile on reddit where you are from this is front page material
Why does the NT start with multiple genealogies of Adam to Jesus if everyone knew there was never an Adam in the first place? Is Jesus also not literally true? How about the eucharist, did everyone in 200AD also know that was just symbolic too?
In my opinion, it's because people assign power to that which has the most influence over their everyday lives. Normies don't understand science but they don't have to understand it to believe in it. They see the effects of it around them every day. They understand that the smartphone in their pocket is a product of scientific understanding, as is the car that they drive and the lights in their house. These things are practically miraculous when you don't understand how they function, and sometimes even when you do.
Most normies don't worship technology as all powerful, but they recognize it has more power over them than a seemingly absent God.
Someone photoshop a fedora over all of their heads plz.
I bet OP is just butthurt Trump votes who's mad that people believe in manmade climate change.
Morality comes from God. You seem to be thinking that just because I recognize that much of the Old Testament is allegorical and more about the message being conveyed than any concerns about it being literal history that I think the entire Bible is allegorical. I do not.
>How about the eucharist, did everyone in 200AD also know that was just symbolic too
The Eucharist is not just symbolic. Again why are you assuming that rejecting Old Testament literalism, which has existed in Christianity since it's earliest days, is a rejection of everything mystical, it is not.
I bet you're an idiot who's trying to make an already shitty thread even worse then it is already.
Fuck off.
It's funny how philosophy-types can't decide if science is a type of philosophy and therefore all the cultural capital that goes with science's success "really" should go to philosophy, or that science is a inelegant mess with too many assumptions that blights any honest attempt at learning the Truth.
Why is the talking snake supposed to be taken as a metaphor but the wafer of God is supposed to be literal, when both clearly go against natural observation? And you didn't address the first point. Why did the NT authors painstakingly connect Jesus directly to Adam through lineage if everyone knew an Adam could not possibly exist?
Author. Singular. Only Luke goes right back to Adam, Matthew only goes back to Abraham. And the point was to prove that Jesus was was messiah by his lineage, since the messiah was supposed to come from the bloodline of David.
Precisely my point that ethics, morals, legalism and the state are just as, if not more important than tangible advancements hard science has given us. Without religion or philosophy or something that attempts to go beyond the tangible, material world, we have an exceptionally difficult time functioning.
For example, I would point out that sub-Saharan African nations, in a sense, could loosely represent a society that uses the accomplishments of modern science, those "tangible things," but does not understand the social and legal structures of the rest of the world and attempts only an approximation of those systems. In effect, all the refrigeration, vaccination, transportation, and what else have you does not solve their core issues in developing a stable society for the betterment of their people.
What the fuck are you talking about? Every country reaps the benefits of scientific endeavor.
I also feel it necessary to mention that Africa, in general, is one of the most religious places on the planet.
>Author. Singular.
If you want to say that subsequent revisions and canonization were done by editors rather than authors in their own right, fine, but that doesn't change the fundamental point of how important they saw it to connect him to Adam.
>since the messiah was supposed to come from the bloodline of David.
The OT prophecies were literal but the figures in them were metaphorical? Did David descend from a metaphorical Adam, or is David also metaphorical?
Morality comes from my left asscheek.
>implying you can prove me wrong
Nice try.
In You said:
>>I think you undervalue the ability of Christiandom to loosely unite a continent of different races, shape the life of the majority of people living there, give rise to entire forms of art, and create an entire structure of legalism to base the rule of law on.
This isn't something inherent to christianity or any other faith. Christendom inherited the land and wealth of western rome, that is what allowed for the things you mention, and even then the more gentle society we have now has just as much to do with enlightenment philosophy(much of it being opposed to christianity and organized religion in general) increasing amounts of wealth, increased food production, and industrialization.
>The OT prophecies were literal but the figures in them were metaphorical
Yes, read my fucking post you autist
>Even people back in 200AD knew that the Old Testament wasn't literally true and that it was mostly a collection of moral messages, wisdom and prophecies
Yes, but think about what that actually entails. Was Jesus descended from an actual man named David or not? Was this David actually descended from tell first man, Adam or not? If David didn't exist, did the other figures giving prophecies exist? Or are we meant to understand the prophecies as coming from the authors, as the figures are metaphorical? Then does literal Jesus fulfill the literal prophecies of the authors while appearing to fulfill the metaphorical prophecies of the metaphorical OT figures? How does this actually work?
Didn't The Bible say the Universe (the heavens to be more literal) was made to be of unimaginable size to declare the glory of God?
>Republicans now love Russia
>The Democrats are now the party of the Rich Elite
>Germany is the most eagerly inclusive nation in Europe
>Fedoras are normies
How did I enter opposite-world, and how do I get back?
There will come a point where we can no longer afford to feed our brown charity cases, and billions of people who should never have been born, will die, all thanks to your "science".
The Catholic Church has not taught that Genesis is a literal account of the creation of the world for a long, long time. They fully accept the conclusions of science, the Big Bang theory (which was proposed by a Catholic Priest and ironically dismissed at the time as being 'dressed up creationism'), the Catholic Church accepts the theory of evolution.
Clearly, they see no issue with accepting these and don't feel that it has any impact on the message of the Bible, the exact reason for this I admit I don't know.
I disagree that it was solely on the inherited wealth of the Roman empire that allowed Europe to loosely unite and rise to dominance. Certainly, wealth had advantages to it, but even then, the support of European kings and royalty were not given to the church on the sole basis of the church already having wealth and power. Instead, the nobles supported the church because it established an advantageous worldview for them: That there's was a divine right to rule with traditions and practices, and the church's presence legitimized that by providing an external authority. The power to create and enforce laws within their domain was greatly aided by that legitimacy vs simply ruling on power alone.
And the Enlightenment brought about the replacement of a solely religious based society through philosophy, which in itself can be seen as a form of religion (Or rather, religion can be seen as a form of philosophy). The unifying ideals of the French Republic, for example, brought about a way to hold the populace together and enforce specific ways of thought, one based on the rights of man and the concept of the nation. There is nothing inherently scientific about that development, but rather a change in view of ethics and morals of people as a whole.
Not to argue beyond the point, but I would say that those very same ideals, which would eventually lead to personal ethics instead of communal ones and the rise of a backlash against ethics and morals as they do not neatly fit into a world where we insist everything must be empirically tested or isn't relevant, is responsible for many of the ills of society in our current day. The casting off of shackles that fettered man from rapidly developing and understanding his world has spiraled beyond the point of usefulness and struck the other side of the scale; we push man forward but have lost sight of a single, unified goal for our communities, be they family, nationalistic, or mankind as a whole.
None of that actually answered my questions, but at least you were honest enough to say you didn't know which is a rare trait nowadays.
>>science is to blame for the fact that blacks are too stupid to use condoms.
>>divine right to rule
Not something exclusive to christianity in particular.
>>external authority
Not something exclusive to christianity in particular either.
>>advantageous worldview
Again, not something unique to christianity here. You could just as well have had some sort of organized europolytheist faith that provided all of the above.
>>a single unified goal.
I don't agree that this is actually necessary for anything at all.
Nigger there was no argument. And Isn't even smug you dumbshit fedoratard
Oh, I'm not saying it's exclusive to Christianity, I'm just giving examples used by Christianity. My entire point throughout this thread is that the social developments of religions/philosophies are incredibly important to mankind as a whole yet relatively undervalued due to their nature to produce things that are intangible. For instance, you can't hold and orderly and secure state apparatus in your hand and give it to others; it's something that provides the structure of modern society but comes about through shared values and ethics.
Some people want to find answers.
Religious people need to believe they have their answers cause it's the only way they can deal with their fears of the unknown.
>tfw there has never been a single great civilisation without religion
t. reddit.
good lord I thought Veeky Forums was more sophisticated than reddit.
The average normie pleb doesn't want to find answers. He wants to smoke weed, get laid, and binge watch netflix.
They don't think about deep questions for more than a few minutes at a time.
Nobody knows Kant, nobody has read Principia by Newton. Nobody pay sattention in physics lectures. Nobody takes hard courses in college.
These science worshipping types don't actually practice science. They don't read scholarly journals.
They watch infotainment like TED talks and the Cosmos and then pat themselves on the back for being smarter than others around them.
Its pretty clear these people are just posturing to show off intelligence. Not 'seeking asnwers' if they were seeking answers you could ask becky and chad their thoughts on Newon's mercury problem or Bohr's criticisms of quantum mechanics.
Both of those guys were trying to find answers.
Of course Bohr was Lutheran and Newton read the bible more than he practiced science.
>in those times everyone had to be christian
No, Newton held very heretical beliefs about Christ that would have gotten a commoner punished. He wasn't afraid to tell religious authorities to fuck off he felt they wrong.
I hope the rest of you redditors fuck off alrady. If you're going to repost /r/atheism shit just kys.
>reddit spacing
>smug, self-assured attitude filled with complaining instead of trying to improve the world he supposedly believes is god's creation
>calling anyone else a redditor
Spotted the /r/Christianity immigrant!
Do you really believe that answer?
And what answer has science given you as to the meaning of your existence?
that mindless apes will create their own reason for existence given time and sufficient population
Earth's religions will die the moment we make first contact lel
So none then.
>He believes this to deal with his fear of the unknown.
Kek. Disbelief is still belief. No meaning is still a meaning. Atheist fags literally have nothing to stand on besides their government education.
>I'm sick and tired of debating with creationists and science deniers. The time for debating is over. They already heard the origin of the species and rejected it.
because normies like you get triggered about it
>Disbelief is still belief. No meaning is still a meaning
What? Is a place with no trees a forest now? Is a place with no buildings or people a city?
A place without a forest does not exist without forests.
A city can only exist with a place for no buildings or people.
Philosophy is a method. It's not a product or a person. Dictionaries define simple words with synonyms, which fails it's own definition of define. Government education. It's a hell of a drug.
Man, fuck religion.
It's even worse that academia has been infiltrated and subverted by Marxists, liberals and radical Darwinists that want to destroy your faith in God by brainwashing you with pseudo-science monkey myths.
>There is no conflict at all.
There is. If we don't count people who can't get over the fact that legends are legends (like creationists you've mentioned) there is often ethical conflict in research (stem cells, anesthesia, autopsies...)
>Some of the greatest scientists and philosophers in history were Christian
That's irrelevant, most of the European history you had to be Christian or you would end up badly. Nowadays scientists are some of the least religious people in society.
Contrary to what you seem to believe.
Not believing in something you have no proof of is actually the default position.
>the (((scientists))) are getting into your child's mind and telling him the truth.
A terrifying thought.
>protect your children from ideas!
>worship science
You're acting like normies worship anything but themselves and their status
This. That's why it's up to small elite of shepards to guide flock.
>*blocks ur path to salvation*
You are the real faggot here
>Even people back in 200AD knew that the Old Testament wasn't literally true and that it was mostly a collection of moral messages, wisdom and prophecies
No. You have some people like Origen and Augustine speculating about the days of creation, but everything else was still taken literally.
Most of Christian America does this today as well. Security in vague understanding tops comprehension every time.
Why is this board so backwards?
A combination of young adults trying to be edgy and people with crazy ideologies who post here because its the only place that wont ban them
yeah, fuck the dowbtrodden, the hungry and the, homeless.God needs a solid gold plated "house" and multi million dollar art and furnishings.