When did the concept of "white man" originate (as opposed to Frenchman, Englishman, et cetera)? Is it an American invention?
When did the concept of "white man" originate (as opposed to Frenchman, Englishman, et cetera)...
Pretty much yeah
When Japheth was born
The founding fathers thought only English people and Scots were white
It comes from Spain, Spanish colonials called themselves "blancos" as contrasted to the Indians, the Moors or the Jews.
>the founding fathers
That's a weird to say Ben Franklin only.
During the American Civil War, there was a shift from thinking of oneself as Virginian or Georgian as America itself became a nation more than a union. But with the entrance of Blacks into the citizenry there was a hardening of attitudes, and in certain regions like the South there was a growing view of a White American and Black American, as opposed to say an Alabaman and a Negro.
It was a tool used in colonial America after Bacon's Rebellion to keep poor blacks and poor whites from uniting against the rich white men. "You may be poor as fuck, but at least you aren't a negro!"
Nah, in Plato and Aristotle you already have it. Socrates is white is a stock phrase in logic and philosophy.
>all these dumbasses thinking it was invented in America
Jesus Christ
>no rebuttal
Incorrect, Benjamin Franklin never had saw Germans before, and when he saw tanned workers that immigrated he assumed that was there default skin colour
All the other founding fathers thought Germans were white as they knew that the workers were only tanned because they were working outside, and that German skin colour was pale white when not tanned
As a New Zealander who has seen heaps of German and English tourists and immigrants, I can tell you that English are swarthier than Germans
See here: Spaniards invented it.
ITT: retarded yurocucks who believe whiteness doesn't exist
No wonder your nations are falling to hordes of Pakistanis, you have no concept of racial identity
Not true at all. All Europeans were considered "white" by US legal definition at least since 1790. The only ones who were contested were the Finns who took it to court which ruled they are indeed white.
Who are also white
Some are (Pathans), but most aren't.
They are dravidian with some caucasian admixture, they aren't white no matter what yurocucks believe
Not sure which posts you're referring to.
Ameriblob education
yeah but they invented it in America
No, they invented it during the reconquista.
"That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth."
Ben Franklin only saw Germans and Scandinavians who worked on farms so were tanned
He never knew that Scandinavians who lived in Scandinavia were fairer than Americans
New Zealander actually
Don't tell me you believe that Pakis are pure Caucasian, as they do have admixture from the natives of south Asia, which we call Dravidians
This looks Dravidian to you?
>The only ones who were contested were the Finns who took it to court which ruled they are indeed white.
Easily one of the lulziest court cases too. Like something straight out of /pol/
>The judge, William A. Cant, later concluded that the Finnish people may have been Mongolian from the beginning, but that the climate they lived in for a long time, and historical Finnish immigration and assimilation of Germanic tribes (Teutons)—which he considered modern "pure Finns" indistinguishable from—had made the Finnish population one of the whitest (fairest) people in Europe
Yeah, when I first read it on Veeky Forums I thought it's some /int/ trolling but it turned out to be true.
Toss up between arrogance and racism. False superiority or hate.
The Swedish Americans thought Finns looked Asian, while the English Americans thought Finns looked white
>false superiority
It's hard not to feel superior if you ever visited Africa.
He traveled through Europe and met many Europeans, you don't think he ever ran across a Dane or a Swede?
well, if you take the term literally as in people with light skin, then yes, only (some) english, scottish and irish people are white (incl. some people with that heritage in other countries). I've heard people in the very far north east of russia have extremely pale skin but I'm skeptical that its literally white.
I've also heard the first use of the term "white" as an ethnic cateogry was by the portugese, to describe the urban chinese they met
actually, the poor white's weren't considered white, legally and otherwise, for the same reason. Unless they were english or dutch
I'm not white but why should you compare yourself to someone in a bad position? Do you think Bill Gates compare himself to people like us? I bet billionaires are always looking to people who are more rich. Striving to get better.
>Incorrect, Benjamin Franklin never had saw Germans before, and when he saw tanned workers that immigrated he assumed that was there default skin colour
>All the other founding fathers thought Germans were white as they knew that the workers were only tanned because they were working outside, and that German skin colour was pale white when not tanned
Actually, he considered germans not white, because english, irish and scottish people didn't tan as dark as germans. Also, germans are still darker then british islanders without a sun tanned. Germans are usually "tan" even without actually sun tanning.
He also considered scandinavians non-white for the same reason. Personally, I'll never understand the scandis are pale meme, especially the notion that scandis are the palest europeans. Anyone with properly functioning eyes who's seen them, should know they are pretty damn far from pale. I think its the fact that they're blond and blue eyed, somehow people conflate that with skin pallour in their minds, even when they can see for themselves the reality.
nah, thats just a feodra/neckbeard/stormfront meme
Phisophically, why should I accept Americans deciding who is white or not? Who gave them this power? What if I create my own definition? Am I wrong? White is me.
t. assblasted Punjabi
>Ben Franklin only saw Germans and Scandinavians who worked on farms so were tanned
you think he didn't see anglo/celtic farm workers too?
>He never knew that Scandinavians who lived in Scandinavia were fairer than Americans
They're not, they have bronze or golden brown complexions. Without or without sun tans
>Pure Finns are white because of mixing with Teutons
How does one even rationalize this shit? What level of mental gymnastics do you have to be on?
Finns are probably the single most intensely autistic race on Earth.
Fuck off poo
Nobody cares about your tribes
*tips curry*
Do you actually think that Pashtuns are poos? If anything they're the same shit as Persians. If that's not white then OK, but they definitely have fuck all to do with Indians.
What does "white" mean? If it means Germanic people that means they were civilized by Mediterraneans.
Ben Franklin was a complete idiot and the biggest meme out of all founding fathers. I have no idea why people obsess over his retarded meme essays so much and pretend they were somehow the law in early America.
>white means civilization
This fucking meme needs to stop. Racial cathegorization shouldn't involve meme social bullshit like culture and architecture and inferiority/superiority and other nonsense, it should be strictly about biology and genetics. Anything outside of that is social nonsense.
Its actually the other way around. Finns are lighter skinned then germanic people. Germanic scandinavians are descended from dark skinned, blue eyed early europeans. They got lighter from mixing with pale skinned brown eyes farmers and finnic/saami populations. But even today they're still darker skinned then finns and saami, british, irish, slavs etc. Hell even plenty of italians and greeks are paler then germanics.
I never said you should, and I'm not american.
Most anglo-celtics can't tan properly without severe exposure which causes severe damage short and long term. Some will tan easier then others, but nearly all of them get mild coloration with mostly sunburn/pink pigmentation. Some will retain that pigment for longer then others.
Most of the anglo-celtic people with tans as "good" as swedes, danes, germans etc, are those old people with leathery skin you see at the beach, you know the ones, who have spent a life time of ridiculous hours and exposure at the beach. They have slightly crazy/creepy/ecentric vibe and are usually old guys in nothing but speedos and sun glasses
That's some Lovecraft tier autism.
Ask why if you want to understand when. Nothing has changed. White nations have major problems now, just like then. And just like then, when these nations look at the world their societies appear to be almost god-like to everyone else. Which means everyone else is inferior and subjugating them would be an act of benevolence.
Everyone else is still inferior. They still require benevolence. Except now they're equal and inferior, which means we must be subjugated for their own good. They're identity should be our identity. Our heritage belongs to them. We must always turn away from our primal racist urges of tribalism.
What the fuck are you on about? It's pretty simple laddo, the higher the latitude the lighter the skin.
It's an evolutionary response to allow better vitamin D synthesis in areas with lower amounts of sunlight. Scandinavians are pale.
It's an american invention. At some time i guess there was just northern europeans and southern europeans who some of them mixed with the locals. So they said there's "white men" and "latinos".
correct me if im wrong
How these memes evolve