I clicked the fucking Yobit dice game on accident and now 1 bitcoin is missing from my fucking wallet... I don't know what to do I had so little if someone can help out: 137mb7k1VAiTsBV3uJazocr5e2JDpyahag
Fucking help me biz
freebitco . in/ ?r =1018167
your story really resonates with me
thats what you get for yobit shilling the newfags faggot
Thx I'm pissed beyond belief. Appreciate it bro
also sent ;)
;) Thx bizbros
what method?
>using yobit
You deserve it
What the fuck is the dice game?
Some fucking over under bullshit, like a random number generator
Which happened to eat almost half of what I have in crypto... never using YoShit again
You accept these?
I hate begging I do feel like a mooncricket rn
A gambling machine on yobit
You bet the amount of Bitcoin you want to risk, pick whether you think the number will be between 1-49 or 51-99, and then it randomly generates a number between 1 and 100. If you picked correctly then you double your wager
It's fixed though and you are guaranteed to lose money on it
Invested in dbg and lost a bunch of money as well. WHOEVER SHILLED THESE COINS FUCK YOU. I lost 2000$, shit blows.
Right now going ether, seems like the feature.
Just created a new wallet: 0x23A5B45738b2fd00eBF02879fB86DBD830911B66
If anybody wants to help me getting started.
At least you had 2k to lose, I'm a wagie in community college:(
oh yeah i'll help you out for sure
bought only 350 digicucks
feeels good man
play stupid games, get rekt
sage and bye