Truth thread.
Tell us the real reason behind your trades/business. What do you REALLY want to achieve with them?
Tell us about your rotten bad side.
Truth thread
I'll start.
Sexual perversion is behind my acts, i have no courage to realize my sexual desires using force, so i am collecting money to achieve my sexual twisted goals.
(I know i could just stop being perverted, but i like the way i am)
Your turn fellas.
I only want to live a peaceful life, I dont require much money, only enough to sustain myself until money becomes a thing of the past.
If there was Basic Income I wouldn't even bother that much with this crypto stuff.
One Day I will be free.
t. 10 Bitcoin holder
I don't know.
I find economics and markets interesting, and it is neat to be a part of it. Making money is just a side effect I guess.
I have absolutely no care for the wealth I've made. I don't even know what I'd spend it on. It only makes me feel even more empty.
save animals
i just want to become a millionaire, then immediately kill myself
I hate work, I am deeply unhappy, I want to escape from my life. I want to live on the beach in some third-world country and be comfortable.
No lambos, just a fucking scooter and a nice beach cottage.
If you have money (200k), you can live like a king in Brazil.
I will never understand the obsession with the 3. world. If people see someone rich down there, they will rob you anyway
I want to be at least a millionaire and have enough money to put my 'frenemies' in their rightful place.
More importantly, I want to live a hedonistic lifestyle in which my interests always come first.
Fuck everyone who isn't us.
I just wanna know what it feel to have fear for what i have
I'm trying to find my voice acting work
learn, love , have fun, rack up a lot of points and kill time
without breaking too many rules till i die.
I want to retire as soon as possible and live a kind of neet life with my wife in Korea, always traveling around and never working.
I did this for about a year in Korea and I've wanted more than anything to go back. Hiking every day, taking the bus all around town, exploring new things, sometimes traveling to other countries and just kind of camping around like a madman, I love it.
I want that kind of primal freedom and just not having to worry about things. For example, if I had a million dollar company, I'd sell it in a heartbeat even if I thought it could make a lot more because a million dollars is enough for me to live my life dreams of not working and that's all.
I don't want to make all the money I can, I just want to make enough to achieve that goal forever.
That sounds nice. Any specific country in mind?
>rack up a lot of points
As in, shoot up some schools and sudoku?
I am a law only for my kind, i am no law for all.
I already live in a ghetto neighborhood in an incredibly poor city. i have lived in terrible neighborhoods for my whole life. Not on beaches, just in shitty neighborhoods full of crime.
i am not afraid for my life or my belongings. i'm glad most people are afraid because then people like me, who aren't afraid, can live cheaply.
somewhere without capital gains, unless I can find a way to avoid the IRS when it's time to cash out.
Probably the caribbean, although maybe southeast asia? I have lots of time to figure it out, since my holdings are at $8k right now. We'll see how things are in a few years or however long it takes me to hit $500k.
I literally want to kill myself most days so I'm not too worried about long term. five or ten years of living well sounds great.
Once Bitcoin hits 1 Trillion Marketcap and you own just 10 Bitcoin, you will be worth 500k dollar
Yoda told me to tell you to
suck my balls
also you suck baby dicks,apparently
Pay for medical school
Well, keep your hopes up. I always find a way to go on, and despite the rut that I'm in now, I'm rather hopeful for the future.
I wish you luck on your ambitions.
Do you work right now?
Mao undisputed MVP
i swear to god, chinks aren't happy unless they're killing other chinks
I got in just 3 weeks ago and afraid to miss the train to the moon. I want to make as much as I can on altcoins and put profit to BTC and HODL.
If I'll make more than 100k I will probably cash out 50k and buy a car, and continue trading the rest.
Or selling chinks children to working slavery or sexual slavery.
Look at cp sites, most of the rape videos are with chink children.
I want to have a gf
I got into Anton Kreil's vids and he said something interesting about how you should travel young so you can see what the world has to offer. That doesn't matter much to me, I like doing the same thing everyday.
I don't really like going outside, I'm on SSDI/supported housing, I've got 2k savings that I got by a fluke from my car getting rear ended. I started putting money into crypto to keep myself from spending money on food, I wasn't able to save even a dollar because I would spend everything on food. Last month I ended up putting 560 into ETH and 400 into fucking delivered pizza.
When I attain my wizard powers later this month, none of this will matter, but until then I'll see where this goes. Dropped another 300 into ETH last week when it was 250 and ordered another 30 bucks of pizza today.
Let's ride motherfucker.
>Look at cp sites
Thanks for the encouragement, user. yeah, I have a "good" job-- $65k a year. Only got into crypto a month ago. Planning to continue putting every penny I can into it, mostly just ETH and BTC after some hard lessons with daytrading and shitcoins.
> I always find a way to go on
Same here, so far. Right now the idea of retiring in five years is what keeps me dragging myself forward. On bad days, 5 years sounds like forever.
Kira, is that you?
These threads are so nice. They're kinda like group therapy for all the anons.
If Veeky Forums had flags you would know why i have nothing to worry about.
I want to own a decent quality boat, take it out to open ocean and fish until the sun goes down with a case of beer at my side
I think I have similar tendencies, but going on a killing spree for some senseless justice seems like a waste of time. Although a death note would make acquiring money quite easy.
I blame society for only giving us the choice to work. If we win this and crypto becomes widespread, then we well see money disappear as we know it and people wont be held down anymore.
Once we have proven how ridiculous money is, that you could get it by playing some meme games online, there will be a shift in society towards a Community where you can do as you please, without having to force yourself to work. People will be able to follow their ambition.
We can already see the changes: more lenient work models like Homeoffice. The Netherlands sees a rapid increase in 30 hour part time work and Europe is to follow. Work is being automated.
I want to start a business that rehabilitates land and researches psy stuff.
Sex with Charlize Theron
which for me, has been set in stone since 1998 or so
>buy land in Alaskan wilderness
>build large walled compound
>have harem of qt3.14 native chicks and Filipino transsexuals
>cover my body in religious themed tattoos
>buy property in and bankroll the gentrification of Detroit
>spread my religion through example of success
>build temples everywhere
>fund research to cure EB
>develop in a lab my own strain of weed that's
Prove this one cunt wrong about class separation.
Wrong Kira, hes referring to Jojo, not Death Note.
This thread is going places. Please everyone continue
>Basic Income
kys onegaishimasu
I also want to be able to buy political power as to get rid of this dumbass Texas penal code preventing the sale, purchase, or transferrance of items considered drug paraphernalia which includes: fucking Erlenmeyer flasks, which are literally glass bottles without a 21 day waiting period and a search of the building it will be stored in, or a business license to buy such items which requires I have a plan for profit involving those flasks/reagents but I just want to fuck around with chemicals, man.
Funding political assassinations of high profile targets.
I want to buy a sexbot that caters to my eccentric tastes and spend the rest of my days pouring my seed deep inside it.
>ended up putting 560 into ETH and 400 into fucking delivered pizza
I like Domino's as much as the next guy, but how is this sustainable? Your supported housing?
Get a pizza stone and try making some of your own. That helped wean me off of ordering so much.
Making money gives me purpose and money itself gives me freedom.
Got into crypto cos I find it fucking funny that NEETs could end up being more powerful than the Wall St alphas.
My first 6 months of trades were a total disaster, but it feels like I can read the market a bit better now.
I want to afford eye surgery I look normal without glasses
>NEETs could end up being more powerful than the Wall St alphas.
our time has finally come
Y not contact lenses.
>mfw neets will rule the world
i just want to put my unborn child through college and a small piece of land i can grow some fruit trees on and enjoy the peace.
takes a lot of money for that
I want to afford moving out of this small mid-western town and transition to female, then travel the world, or just not have a job
>pretends to be muslim online though
how close am i?
My goal is to retire early, do tons of meth and continie to perform more and more sexually perverse acts on my trophy-wife who I've already made completely dependent and submissive to me.
Retirement is in approximately 5 years at age 42.
I already have a few million saved up, a house paid off, live in methville (AZ).
Just wanna live comfortably after growing up poor for the most part. Also, ugly as fuck with no social skills so hoping having money will compensate somewhat :/
i want to ensure that i have enough money that in the event something happens to me, any children/spouse i may have in the future is well taken care of
im so fucking alone.. i might consider paying for a surrogate mother using her egg, i just want a child
have a family.
avoid materialism
fing somewhere to live that still feels like a community.
try to save the USA from the Jew.
Get more money
>and transition to female
That's degenerate.
Build a service that is used unanimously everywhere by everyone.
Then use my admin powers to stalk girls I know in all their private searches, conversations and postings.
I want financial security.
What I really want is to retire before 35 and travel the world on a private jet and not have a worry about how much everything will cost me
Reality, I have two young kids and I am doing it for them. I have a good job, but I feel guilty that I set nothing aside for them even though if I buckled down I could save thousands per month. To me this is a way to maybe kick start that for them.
Not that I want trust fund assholes. I have a trust started to keep it from them until they are 30. For the parents out there, you know, you want to give them more than you had but not make it too easy.
This is fun, and it also feels like maybe being on the bottom of the elevator. Either this is some shitty Chinese elevator that may collapse or we are on a really nice ride to the top. In any case we are on the bottom still. Which is why I don't get it when people bitch about normies getting in. Normies means more cash and higher market caps, we have to keep fueling this bubble somehow. Just hope I know when to get out at the right floor.
Until some Brazil monkey decides to shoot you on the side of the road for your shitty Android phone.
I'm an enviromentalist fag.
I wanna make money that I can invest in clean energy and stuff like that.
I'd like a house and enough passive income to be a NEET for the rest of my life. That's a dream though, failing that I'd like some bragging rights
East Europe is pretty safe, despite what Holywood would have you believe.
Live in Vegas.
Was on the verge of killing myself last year
brainwashed by the glitz and glam of lifestyle
I just want to be rich, so people can pretend to like me.
I'm really thinking about trying to ICO some shill token for us biz anons so we don't have to deal with everyones bs.
I have the tools to basically do everything from mobile app, faucet, maybe some website shit. Just need a big pump group. dunno. I'll probably just kill myself soon.
I want to invest in cool projects.
Make your ''Roll'' in this Veeky Forums Rolling Game
i want to buy a farm and live in the middle of remote fuck nowhere and isolate myself from the rest of the world. no social contact at all and go full on fucked cunt.