>hooray the great war's over!
>now what to partition germany into...
>ah! why don't we create a state that hasn't existed for 115 years!
was it autism?
Hooray the great war's over!
Other urls found in this thread:
Poland existed as a nation throughout the periods when it didn't exist as a state.
Poland is one of those pointless states that only exist when either no European great power is capable or willing to lay their claim on the area inhabited by bunch of Russian catholics or they need a buffer state between them and their enemies.
>hooray the franco-prussian war's over
>now what to unite germany into...
>ah! why don't we create a state that hasn't existed ever!
was it autism?
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth =/= Poland
>let's create a nation-state that represents the national, cultural, linguistic and historic values of the people that inhabit the area, the poles
>"oh my, what an odd concept"
t. jebediah kacizkczcnski
poles are west russians
'''''''polish'''''''' ''''''''culture'''''''' is just russian culture
Other than the fact there simply was an area inhabited by a Polish majority, the important thing is it wasn't decided to create a Polish state out of thin air when the war was over.
Germany had already created a Kingdom of Poland as a puppet state in the later years of WW1, mostly to solidify their control over the land torn away from Russia and to get Polish recruits for the war effort from those areas.
With those structures already in place and even having a military of sorts (the aforementioned recruits) it was not necessary to create an entity from scratch. It was just a matter of supporting the existing Kingdom's efforts to become independent and secure/expand its borders.
Literally one of the oldest states in Europe and one that had been,in existence more recently than all the other new nations created by WW1 that being said it did go to far east.
They've kicked commie butt back to Eastern steppe, so no.
>t.Steve that hasn't met a pole and/or a russian in his whole life
Of Poland's so lame, then why is it always the best faction in Civilization games?
t. Gengis Rudovik
Russian are west Mongol.
""""Russian"""""""""Culture"""" is just mongol culture
They've only been in one so far.
i had a 1/4 polish friend
so 100% west russian
>1/4 Polish
I bet you are an American. How retarded do you have to be to think that having ONE grandparent from Poland makes you Polish?
Besides, I doubt you would even be able to tell a difference between France and Germany if you are not trolling
france: big red wines
germany: little foamy beers
Poland is much older than Russia, if anything it's the Russians who are eastern Poles.
Poles > Russians
t. ivan cykatzky
russians are east poles
""""russian""""" """""culture""""" is just polish culture
>was it autism
there was literally no other option.
Austria and Germany were the 2 powers with a territorial stake in Poland, and you're not giving out territory to a defeated party and an empire that no longer exists.
and you're sure as fuck not gonna give Poland to the Bolsheviks who were fighting allied intervention armies at the time.
So Poland was created as 1. Stripping Germany of its near monopoly of power in the East with Russia keeled over. and 2. be a land shield against the Bolsheviks should they actually succeed in taking over.
because there was a fuckton of Poles in lands of defeat countries
large groups of single entities = country
>what is CiV
>they've only been in one
not him but fuck youre an autist
Naming the one version of civ in which Poland has existed does not refute the statement "they've only been in one".
they are in civ 5 and 6 atleast
Yeah its so fucking autistic to give an ethnic group their own fucking coutry....
the kurds
>implying they didn't try to give kurds and armenians their countries
Blame Ataturk and Lenin.
t. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanovka
More autistic than Germany annexing a province that had been French for 300 years in 1871?
More autistic than kikes chasing away inhabitants of a land that apperently had been theirs some 3,000 years ago to "reclaim it" after WW2?
>trying to limit both the power of Russia and Germany and create a buffer state between the two
Why do people who never even pick up an International Relations theory book try to talk about global politics as if they're geniuses?
>deleting your own post
>If you made a typo that completly falses the sense of your post, you must let it as it is instead of correcting it as soon as possible because its "le epikk Veeky Forums kulturz"
>proudly being a newfag
This. A Polish state was already a thing when the war ended and it just went for independence as German control collapsed. The Entente only needed to guarantee its independence and support some of its territorial claims for events to take their course. Germany was defeated and in crisis so they couldn't stop it.
There's even a twisted sort of poetic justice since that's very similar to how Prussia broke off from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the Second Northern War.
So the shitty ones?
>37 posts
>Nobody mentions how ridiculous Czechoslovakia is
Protip: It had NEVER existed before 1918.
Only if you're a tall defensive bitch
Your post is autism. Just because Poland wasn't drawn on a map doesn't mean it didn't exist as a nation. You think Poles stopped existing just because they were conquered?
What is Bohemia?
Calling something autism just because you disagree is a pretty autistic thing to do
>hooray the shoah's over!
>now where to put the jewish peoples...
>ah! why don't we create a state that hasn't existed for 2530 years!
Modern "Poles" are a just bunch of Catholics from Russia we wuzzing desu.
It has literally never existed.
>Poleand not on map how now exist???
OP can't understand simple concepts such as nations. He definitely is autistic.
A Czech kingdom.
For clarity, I meant having Czechs and Slovaks together in the one independent nation state was never a thing. Czechs existed. Slovaks existed. Czechoslovaks did not.
israel is judea to the jews
>Poland is much older than Russia
No, it's not
>Catholics from Russia
This board is getting dumber by the day
Glad you clarified, it was never viable and luckily they split without any violence.
Poland was founded in 1989.
Russia was founded in 1990.
Russia didn't exist before 16th century.
Poland has not always been independent but it has existed in some form since the Kingdom of Poland was founded. Meanwhile it took Russia until the 16th century to unite and even then they were mostly just rejects from the Rus.
t. Vatnik Vatnikowich Vatnikov
giving Poland all that German land was the key mistake.
The bigger mistake was Czeckoslavkia.
Benes literally told the peace council that Czeckoslavakia couldn't survive without control over the Sudeten germans and their industry.
When they annexed Sudetenland the Germans became 20% of the population but responsible for 60% of the economy.
The Czech and Slovak regions were actually pretty prosperous when they were in union with Austria because the Austrian empire was designed very intelligently in order to give each region a vital and unique role to play in the economy.
Benes and others wanted independence but the area couldn't exist independently as it was designed to function with an economic union between the AH states. Its food came from hungary and its exports and raw materials came through Croatia. Finance and travel was located in Vienna.
The allied power didn't even want to break up AH and weren't planning on it until all the nationalist trouble makers agitated while army was away. These nationalist groups essentially destroyed their own people's prosperity.
Czechoslovakia couldn't exist independently and the whole AH empire could have enjoyed the economic benefits that come from being a world power. Instead they broke apart.
They got what they deserved from Germany. Nobody evne questioned Germany's right to the Sudetenland because the new diplomacy of Woodrow Wilson dictated it should have been in Germany.
The state was brought into existence by sweet talking and foolish radicals and broke apart naturally as the state made no economic sense, no ethnographic sense, and no geopolitical sense.
It really was only allowed to exist because Clemenceau wanted to cut apart Germany as best he could and Czechoslovakia created a situation to remove a chunk of german manpower, remove a chunk of german industry, and create a hostile enemy on the other side of Germany that could attack Germany should the need arise.
>giving Poland all that German land was the key mistake.
The Poles didn't receive any larger areas without a Polish majority (though there were some smaller isolated German majority areas like Bielitz).