How can the tools sociology and philosophy be used to help the western world with the modern women problem?
How can the tools sociology and philosophy be used to help the western world with the modern women problem?
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Sociology is part of the fucking problem you mong
What's the women problem? That they don't want to fuck you?
All women are whores yet none of them want to fuck OP.
inb4 some autists start screaming at OP calling him a virgin or whatever because he recognizes a problem that leads to almost universal dissatisfaction.
Sociology is just the science of social dynamics, it's neither inherently good nor bad
Wew, couldn't even type out my post before two of them showed up.
The problem is that they want to fuck people
>he still hasn't defined the problem
I assume that by OP's image choice it has to do with the devaluing of sex and romance, but if that isn't the case fuck me I guess.
They can help shut reactionary dipshits(You) up.
>ohh no things r change
>gosh darned degenerate feminazi nu-make cucks
>tfw no subservient housewife gf
It's just sad, it's like you live your life in the image of whatever you belive the social ideal is. Fucking cringy, women should be able to do whatever they want. A disdain for individualism, but too odd to fit in, typical asspie
and btw network science and evolutionary game theory is the best way to manipulate the masses, but you need to be very intelligent to apply it, so lol good luck.
>things are changing just accept it xD
When will this pathetic redditor mindset go away? Indicative of a low test mindset for sure.
you're a fucking idiot and ironically more reactionary than the reactionaries
>surely, the status quo is always right!
the problem is the faculty... which means pretty much the entire institution at this point. You can't realistically save it this stage in the game
Your whole argument seems to stem from that
1. Because it's more "liberated" it's better, no matter the emotional and societal wounds it causes
2. That the only reason OP is disillusioned with the idea is because he is one of only a few that are harmed by it
When the truth is that the modern sexual dynamic is hurtful all around.
There's nothing wrong with women Doing what they want. There is also nothing wrong with not wanting a relationship with someone who slept with strangers every weekend.
The problem is most women find more happiness and fulfillment by being subservient housewives. Judging by the bitterness of your post I imagine you would too.
If all change is good, why don't you just kill yourself and make the biggest change of your life?
If that were the case then wouldn't this "problem" be self-resolving?
Whores have always existed, OP. Modern women are just more honest about it.
>>all these people calling OP a virgin
Nice arguing there guys. Even if he were, that doesn't make him wrong.
>There's nothing wrong with women Doing what they want.
What a childish idea.
There can ALWAYS be a problem with anyone doing what they want. The problem here is that the sexual "liberation" has led to greater dissatisfaction across the board.
>The problem here is that the sexual "liberation" has led to greater dissatisfaction across the board.
News to me.
Unless, like the socially-conforming animals we are, we push ourselves into this bullshit because we all try and reinforce and applaud this self-harming dynamic.
And then, the self-solving you speak of might be this argument and push-back we're having right now.
No because society tricks them into thinking wagecucking and public education is key to happiness. Plus an economic system which makes having a household where only the father works difficult.
The problem will solve itself when you die out or Allah conquers you desu
newsflash: people dont act in their interests
these women have no clue what they are doing. they sleep around and think everything is dandy and that they will just settle down eventually, but no self-respecting guy will marry a slut
Women normally don't enjoy one-night stands. It's not in the female nature to get fucked without any social benefits.
Sure, we can derive a bit of sexual-gratification from it, bit overall sex is a social tool between the sexes to create a partnership.
You just listed the causes though.
Reminder humanities are not science they are just a bunch of opinion and muh feels people come up to explain statistical data
They can't prove anything cause the observer is used as reference instead of 2 external objects like hard science use
I'm not really a bible thumping traditionalist type but I do see some real harm coming from our modern society.
Levels of marriage and nuclear family are at all time lows (and continuing to fall). Single motherhood is at an all time high. This will not register well, as fatherless homes produce worse-off children across the board. These are the people who inherit society.
This has come about alongside the state taking a bigger and bigger role in the family, having a stranglehold on marriage and divorce proceedings, doling out welfare and enabling more single moms, and undermining the authority of parents in general.
I don't know if there is anything we can do to stop this trend at this point however. Things like this tend to progress, gradually and gradually, and only re-calibrate through some kind of radical societal backlash or upheaval, not discourse and remediation.
It's pretty typical as humans. You figure out a great system and then fuck it all up out of greed and complacency.
Except it isn't because there isn't any actual social incentive to continue being a whore. In fact, there's still a social stigma about it, particularly when pertaining to women, and though liberation and the freedom of choice does lead to more women choosing to be sluts, there are still women who choose to be "subservient house wives" who are in fact more satisfied in doing so because it was by choice. There is no societal expectation for women to have a cock sucking quota.
If anything this is merely the growing pains of a group of people not used to personal liberty and are having fun. They will grow out of it.
But if you want more conservative female values, there are a couple of countries with Sharia law that I can point you to.
Not an argument.
Women are human beings who deserve to be just as accountable for their decisions and live with the consequences, a drunkard or a whore of either sex are equally pathetic
The change isn't inherently good or bad and I mentioned nothing about the value of the change, you spergs.
The problem is you don't like what other people are doing with their own lives and want them to stop, it's authoritative and autistic. Do you also throw a tantrum whenever someone else mixes their peas and carrots? stop meddling in other peoples personal affairs and get a life.
Why are you trying to coerce people to do what you believe will make them happy? None of your business.
That's fine, why are you whining about how it must be stopped? Just go find some dumb church lady to pork.
This, there's a very reasonable secular argument against this.
Why the fuck anyone EVER thought single motherhood was ever a noble or respectable thing is beyond me.
The figures for criminals and fatherless homes if astounding, and is probably the center of the black community's woes.
>That's fine, why are you whining about how it must be stopped? Just go find some dumb church lady to pork.
this is excessive individualism. the social contract is being dissolved and everyone is behaving like soft-sociopaths. it's not as simple as your hippy daydream where everyone is free to do as they want. peoples' life choices affect others and this is the backlash
I don't think the nuclear family is viable. It was born of a unique Anglo-Germanic individualism and a social reality we don't have anymore.
Extended family is the way to go. Fathers, mothers, children, grandparents, uncles and cousins all living together is time tested and eternal.
It is the center of the black community's woes. 70% rate of fatherless homes, it's astounding. This registers as a lack of direction, responsibility, discipline, ambition... everything necessary to cut it in modern society. The girls have no male role model to use as a guideline in dating and the boys are completely out of line, and will be so until they die.
I lived in that environment and I know the score. Respect/fear for my dad set me apart from all of the little future criminal shitheads around me.
This disaster is slowly encroaching upon the rest of society.
The Nuclear family has failed, what needs to happen for the economy's sake and the sake of children is to have a multiple generation household, that way when parents fail in raising, grandparents can step in and provide emotional stability, discipline, and a financial cushion through Social Security and pensions.
Modern feminism has spearheaded the women's sexual "liberation" and the figures of women and relationshipless-sex have gone very far up recently, and this has led to much higher levels of dissatisfaction.
And while of course the idea of being a whore is bad, but men love the idea of stringless sex and feminism rewards the idea of sexual "liberation".
And you don't need Sharia, please leave the reductio ad absurdism elsewhere.
The Anglo-Germanic individualism that produced the greatest/most affluent human societies to date?
Yes, let's cast that aside for tribal chaos.
Is anyone encouraging single mother households? I've seen celebrations of single mothers who beat the shitty odds laid against them, but I haven't seen anyone encouraging single parents over two, barring abuse.
>everyone is behaving like soft-sociopaths
That's not true at all.
What goes on in your brain that allows you to make such retarded statements?
Positivists go and stay go
Grandparents are feckless and out of touch. You either have a good father figure or you are fucked barring other unique circumstances or personality characteristics.
The nuclear family worked and we are leaving it, but don't act like it wasn't the best system we've made to date.
>The problem is you don't like what other people are doing with their own lives and want them to stop, it's authoritative and autistic.
Because it's overall a harmful societal trend, and if a society can push sexuality one way, society can push it the other way too.
I never said we should put on jackboots and go beating up sluts.
It isn't really encouragement as much as acceptance and normalization of it. Which is essentially just as bad. Along with divorce being common.
Not everyone can live like the boomers, and living in clans doesn't mean the nation falls apart
>there are social stigmas that discourage promiscuity
>proceeds to point out that these social stigmas are steadily being eroded and mocks those that are attempting to stem this erosion
>But if you want more conservative female values, there are a couple of countries with Sharia law that I can point you
Thank you for creating a world where the only options for the future are self destruction and Islamic theocracy, because you destroyed Western civilization, jackass.
Maybe he lives in a neighborhood with high crime.
Your grandparents, maybe. Not my experience, and not my wife's. Grandparent support when rising children is a sanity saver.
>Grandparents are feckless and out of touch.
If they live with you are they less out of touch than your single mother who has to work two jobs in order to keep the house?
>inb4 some autists start screaming at OP calling him a virgin
to be fair this is usually what the problem boils down to
People shouldn't be able to do anything that hurts other earth as a consequence, this shouldn't be regulated arbitarly but at a systems level, ending """""""property rights""""""" and ect.
Social injury, not included. Even if you were capable of understand the complex dynamics of a society, normative rules like yours are complete bullshit and hurt feelings are part of life.
Parents divorce usually against the child's interest
ever heard of the 7 year itch?
>The Anglo-Germanic individualism that produced the greatest/most affluent human societies to date?
"greatest" is debatable. Affluent is true but how much of this was from usury and other somewhat questionable practices?
Its not about whether its good or bad though. Its just that world doesn't exist any longer.
not an argument and i don't think you know what that means
>Thank you for creating a world where the only options for the future are self destruction and Islamic theocracy, because you destroyed Western civilization, jackass.
Nothing lasts forever
>Extended family is the way to go. Fathers, mothers, children, grandparents, uncles and cousins all living together is time tested and eternal.
And how the fuck is that supposed to happen in a future of single mothers and $900 a month basement "studio" apartments?
>haha xd just go live in somalia wow i sure showed that virgin lmaooooo
Well, start a platform for forced marriages or removal of children from single parent households. Texas is also trying to renove no-fault divorce.
I'm probably not going to vote for either, but you have paths available to you.
It always comes back to "heh just accept it and move on" with you fucks doesn't it?
>removal of children from single parent households
fucking lol
It's like pushing against a wave lmao, you can't change this shit arbitrarily.
No one knows enough about social networks to reach the conclusion that this harmful to society either, that's just how you feel and it's based on emotion and not empirical evidence.
You are going to die one day
The Chinese made it work when they moved into shitty New York apartments way smaller and more disease and roach filled than the lowest rent pos apartment today, this gen has no excuse
Living in the same neighborhood, within walking distance, works pretty well.
>not empirical evidence
i dont know the source personally, but i've seen evidence supporting his claims. someone show this retard why he's wrong
You mean I have to suffer a reduction in living standards just to raise a family? You ask too much.
You have to accept that first
We made that world not exist any longer willingly. We can go back. I don't think we will though, not peacefully at least.
Those shitty New York apartments were still cheaper than the modern housing market.
Every kid I know who was primarily raised by their grandparents was a shit who was raised leniently.
They're old, ready to die, and aren't about discipline anymore
I was raised mostly by my grandparents and I'm not a shit. Go to hell.
>You mean I have to suffer a reduction in living standards just to raise a family?
Any way you decide to raise a family that is the case. It isn't cheap.
>someone confirm my bias please
Don't anyone go and try to push some bullshit sociological study on me either. Network science is the only way to find a causal relationship here and I know for a fact that evidence doesn't exist because science isn't even able to obtain it yet.
That's not the way renting in urban areas works. Entire neighborhoods don't suddenly become vacant just so you can move your extended family in.
> Goes from involving grandparents to raised PRIMARILY by grandparents
Can you just tell me where you want the goal posts to end up? It will save both of us a lot of time.
I don't see what my eventual death has to do with me being uncomfortable with western women sleeping around only to end up with one child in their mid 30s while Abdul moves in down the street with his four children and his mid 20s pregnant wife.
>Every kid I know who was primarily raised by their grandparents was a shit who was raised leniently.
So what, you met like 2 people? Amazing. Why the fuck do you even bother typing such unadulterated shit? Find a filter for your brain.
He's passively suicidal and wants you to die with him.
Because compared to your death it's completely unimportant.
>involving grandparents
So what exactly did you mean by this. Some babysitting? Because I don't think the traditional nuclear family prohibits this, ffs. You're being confusing.
Mad about my anecdote but not the one I was responding to? Top selection bias buddy
/R9his strikes again
Pretty much every hoodrat is raised by his/her grandmother, it is known.
It means being there to help out most days of your life. Having their support and supporting them in return.
>Top selection bias buddy
I told you to find a filter. You keep spouting nonsense. Do you want attention? Sounds like you had shitty grandparents and didn't get enough attention as a child.
Surely you cand find 1-2 apartments within a 3 square mile diameter. Barring that, something within 10 square miles with adequate transportation.
Did you see that in a movie or something?
>I'm the only one that matters, me, me, me, me!
Good fucking grief.
We need another Hitler or something to get rid of people like you.
No I just live in an urban area and interact with hoodrats all the time.
I will croak in the future, my neighborhood will become Somali and Arab infested far before that happens and it overall also be cause far more suffering and bodily harm than my death.
Yes you are ultimately the one life in your life that actually matters. Stop wasting it by being concerned about the sex life of the woman down the street.
> So what exactly do mean by this
In my experience, weekly to bi-monthly baby sitter to maintain sanity and strong ties betwen generations. Emergency day care in case both working parents are unable to get time off on short notice. Financial and emotional support in times of sickness or bad fortune.
I would have none of these if my wife and I moved away from our families due to work.
But that won't matter to you because you'll be dead.
>No I just live in an urban area and interact with hoodrats all the time.
thanks for the anecdote, but it means nothing
No., and having relatives ten miles away is not an "extended family" social model. If it were then we've all been living in extended families the entire time simply by occasionally visiting grandma's house.
No. It already matters now. As we speak. It will only become worse and worse.