How different would the 20th century be if Trotsky had succeed lenin instead of stalin
How different would the 20th century be if Trotsky had succeed lenin instead of stalin
Stalin put infiltrators, spy's and agitators in our governments out of pragmatic reasons.
Trotsky saw it as an ideological imperative to stir up class struggle. No way in hell he wouldn't have gone overboard with it.
Atomic war.
at least Stalin was a pragmatist with his head screwed on. Trotsky was a lunatic.
Faster collapse of the Soviet Union. Trotskys blatant ideological war on the world would only lead to utter defeat.
Soviet Union collapses earlier.
It's a meme that Stalin was the "brutal" one and Trotsky was some sort of humanist. It is literally Jewish propaganda.
Trotsky believed in constant and unceasing international revolution, he would have set the entire world on fire.
Daily reminder that he was sympathetic to Zionism too, fucking hypocrite kike faggot.
Only gods knows
Well he wanted to turn the USSR into a literal slave state with militarized labor and he also wanted to invade India. Nuff said.
>Daily reminder that he was sympathetic to Zionism too, fucking hypocrite kike faggot.
Only in his teen years, dumb /pol/ack. He became an atheist and didn't even considered himself as jew when he died.
racism is against global rule 3, please cease using blatantly racist epithets
>tfw I've been on Veeky Forums long enough to witness this complete Reddit/newfag takeover and words like kike, nigger or faggot are now considered unacceptable on mother fucking Veeky Forums
I guess it's time I left for greener pastures, this place became completely pozzed. Not even the guy y'all are replying to btw.
Desperate to stop the bolshevik onslaught, UK and france give hitler their full material and military support in response to invasion of finland, and the invasion of romania, and the invasion of persia, and the invasion of poland, and the invasion of the baltics, and the mass murders in spain
the worst excesses in the red army during 1941 were what Trotsky (and Lenin, actually) had been doing for the entirety of the civil war.
Stalin, contrary to what one would expect of the guy, actually caved to military pressure to get rid of barrier squads and such.
Trotsky, in response to bad news on the front, gave orders to double down on barrier squads, with Lenin saying "the solution is to execute all prostitutes for lowering the morale of the red army!" against objections by lower ranked officers.
So, Stalin is simultaneously the worst thing and the best thing that happened to the red army.
For every person killed by Stalin or as a result of Stalin's actions, 4 more would've died as a direct result of Trotsky, he was a dribbling retard who would've thrown all of Russia into a fight against the entire world
>How do things stand with the blocking units? As far as I am aware they have not been included in our establishment and it appears they have no personnel. It is absolutely essential that we have at least an embryonic network of blocking units and that we work out a procedure for bringing them up to strength and deploying them
This. Stalin agreed relutantly with collectivization of agriculture, which was Trotsky original idea. He even wanted to "militarize" industrial labour, basically instituting slavery in Russia.
Nikolai Bukharin was the actual moderate. He could have been the Deng Xiaoping of Soviet Union and saved all of Eastern Europe, and the world, a lot of needless deaths, had he won.
He met with a female zionist when in exile and spoke with praise of the movement.
Ethnostate for me. Multicultural empire for thee.
I'm willing to bet that barrier squads were present at Kronstadt, if only because the only way I can imagine doing a frontal charge on a fortified position over breakable ice with no cover is if someone threatened to shoot me.
Putting Trotsky in charge of the red army was the worst mistake that could have been made.
Bukharin also wasn't a Jew.
It's because Racism is passe and old hat, but mostly because it's easy.
If you say nigger or faggot no one actually cares.
If you say it, and act like that's supposed to be impressive, then no one hates you for the racism, people just think you're an uncreative lazy /pol/tard fishing for (You)s.
If you're gonna hate, put some goddamn effort into it. Epithets are like whipped creme on a cake. If you can't imbue your text with inherent digust, then sprinkle your insults on top, then you have learned nothing from this website.
So shut your shit hole you filthy nigger.
He would have started WW2 before Hitler had a chance and Russia would be even shittier and communism would have died out faster.
He was a pretentious retard who got played like a damn fiddle by some retarded yokel
>if you say nigger or faggot nobody cares
>but if you say kike you should be banned
why were the goyim always anarchists while the Jews were always statists?
really boils my baloogas
Because Jews want to be in control.
I never said you should be banned, nigger and faggot have the quality of rolling off the tongue better for insults.
Outside of nigger and faggot, using other racial slurs just gets you more immediately labeled as uncreative.
Look at this newfag trying to lecture me
Not my fault your bant game ain't on point.
The real question is how the fuck did he get it up over Kahlo.
Does an artistic soul really trump good looks?
(((Pure cohencidentz)))
We'd all be living in a utopia by now.
the Menshaviks were the jews though user.
/pol/ meme history needs to end
Both the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks were Jewish.
I was thinking about this the other day, specifically "son of a bitch" and how insulting it must have been back in "the day" and how meaningless and toothless an insult it is now.
Thats why I think "cuck" is such a cutting insult. Its newish and due to the response of the people that usually get labelled it (anyone on the left) its very biting. Or something like "dindu" Its creative because not only does it make fun of ghetto culture, it just soounds like some racist african term. Even if someone has no idea that its making fun of the phrase "he didnt do anything!=ghettoized=He dindu nuffin!" they can tell right away dindu is a slur for a black person
So what Im saying is that shitposters on /pol/ are more creative linguist than anyone else.
No they werent. The Mensheviks were primarily jewish. You know, the minority group that was oppressed by the tsarist regime and may have wanted provisions in the new government to protect minority groups.
They should've fucked outta Russia permanently if they were so oppressed, nobody would miss them.
Did you get diddled by a rabbi or something?
Half the world got diddled by them in way or another
>get proven wrong
>"yeah well fuck them anyway!"
youre a child who needs a boogeyman to fulfill your juvenile "cops and robbers" tier role playing world view.
Better to get diddled than get your weiner ritually sliced I suppose
>got proven wrong
I've yet to see a proof, all I've seen are baseless claims so far. Bolshevik leadership was disproportionately Jewish relative to Russian population.
The Russian people might have revolted against Bolshevik tyranny sooner.
>all I've seen are baseless claims so far.
>its a "stormfag starts autistically demanding proof after he gets called out despite posting nothing to back up his claims"
try reading literally anything about the Mensheviks at all. Better yet, learn what "Menshevik" means
>Bolshevik leadership was disproportionately Jewish relative to Russian population.
no it wasnt. Youre just a stupid 22 year old who thinks hes smart because youre "in the know" on some retarded Illuminati tier conspiracy theory
>illuminati are not real
please go, then i can say ive been here long enough to see /pol/tard leave this site forever
>the bukharin meme
>not choosing rykov
bukharin at the end of the day was a pansy who surrendered to the party line
he lived in a small town not the countryside and then spent most of his later teenage years in the city
Liberating the exploited masses is a good thing, dumb shit.
Revolution leads to liberation.
>"liberated" by a Jew
We all saw where that leads people.
Trotsky is a piece of shit bureocrat socialdemocrat who drank cum for a living
They really aren't lmao
>a proof
Only these anons are right, everyone else is either a fucking retarded memer from /pol/ or I didn't reply to them because they are arguing about something else.
The beginnings of a chaotic time beyond our imagination for sure.
Stalin's primary goal was to stay in power. That meant minimizing risks, and staying out of international conflicts if possible.
Trotsky's primary goal was to create a United Soviet World Republic. Which means more interventions. This could lead to two scenarios, both I believe to be equally possible. Scenario number one, the Soviet coffers are drained due to unsuccessful foreign interventions and discontent grows among the ruling class, Trotsky is deposed, and the now divided Soviet Union breaks up like what happened if our modern timeline. Scenario number two. Germany falls to communism with the help of continued Soviet support. With the largest industrial power now on the side of the Soviets. A domino effect occurs and many mainland European countries succumb to communism. The rest is to hard to say to be honest.
This, desu and I say that as a fucking Nazi
The shifting of soldiers to fronts other than the polish front during the lead up and the actual invasion of Poland was something Trotsky had veto power over, and he didn't exercise it. Had the soviets wanted, they could have threw all they had at the poles after the loss at the vistula and overwhelmed them by sheer size, but instead they negotiated peace.
The reasonable explanation is that the soviets were already off world revolution and were more concerned over properly ending the civil war in the territories that they could still control. This all happened with Trotsky's implicit consent.
The relevance of such is that political positions in this era for the left were in a lot of ways exaggerated. Trotsky and company spoke about world revolution as the best thing ever, but slightly contradicted themselves in actions. To pose permanent revolution against Stalin's socialism in ones country can be understood less as a matter of opposing principles and more as rivals who want to differentiate themselves from each other.
Look at it this way: Trotsky figures that there's plenty of folks who would prefer aggressive foreign policy against stalin's isolationism. So, he proclaims it as permanent revolution, sharply differentiating him from his rival. If he comes into power he doesn't have to deliver on permanent revolution, just throw a few bux at baltic or finnish revolutionaries, throw some engineers at the CCP, and he keeps up appearances while retaining the support base he got from saying he would go to war with everyone.
If Trotsky can get Germany on his side, then it would be a major turning point. The communists in Germany where quite powerful at their height, without the threat of Nazi Germany, it would be unlikely for there to be any force large enough to stop the Soviets at least in Europe. And also keep in mind of the domino effect, if Germany fell to communism, then what would prevent prevent the rest of Europe to follow?
The point was the Trotsky was, circumstantially, probably down with not pulling Germany. Part of the reason Weimar Germany was so friendly with the Soviets is that the administration after the civil war made it clear that they weren't going to try anything funny. Supporting the Communists in the 30's would have meant social democrats, instead of constituting themselves as an independent political group, siding themselves with the nazi's, since nobody at the time was quite aware what the nazi's would do in power and the SPD were pretty authentic in their anti-bolshevism. Like they were willing to trade on the down low, but only because they couldn't get a good deal with the allies and only because they had assurances that the bolshies weren't trying to muscle on them.
cuck is such an emasculating insult though and it obviously has an effect since people use it so much.
>implying the jewish question has anything to do with religion
its about race retard