Buy the dip now. Printing money at it(s finest
DGB 30% cheaper
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High risk, small reward
bought at 1500 allready 1620 again. Hurry. To the moon.
No way. Whales love this coin. Its like fisshin
>buy $10 worth of DGB a few days ago
>decide to sell tonight because fuck it there are better things to put it into
>put up sell
>check back in 20 minutes
>still hasn't sold
lmao I guess I'm hodling
Wasn't this coin supposed to be making money about this time because minecraft server tomorrow?
Where should I put my buy orders for the night time dips?
I'm not sure I'd call this a dip lol. More like a catastrophic collapse
I'll probably buy it when it goes below 1000 sats lmao
Lol. Jesus. I'm glad I didn't buy in on that shill then. Digifags getfukt.
Do you think one private minecraft server with no official affiliation to anything justifies a coin to be worth 400m market cap?
Yes. I bet you haven't even played Minecraft before.
If you look at the order books, its whale manipulation.
They drive prices down and weak hands sell and whales accumulate more. Then when it rises normally whales make tons of money
>muh whales
Apparently people still don't understand the concept of BUY THE FUCKING RUMOR, SELL THE FUCKING NEWS! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I could see this collapse a week previous. I continuously warned everyone, but they kept going on about "muh shills" and "muh moon".
People panic sold. This is how you make money. It had strong support between 1800-1900.
I bought it at the lowest 1500.
I haven't actually cuz I'm not a faggot and I enjoy getting laid.
What news friend?
You spout stock trading 101 tips but have nothing to back it up...
The results aren't revealed until july
>3DPD even once
Lmaoing at your lyfe 4reel.
The rumor was the upcoming CITI conference, hence the 500 sat price pump in the days previous to the event. I bought a week ago.
The news was the conference itself and everyone like me got out before it tanked.
Then if you're a competent investor you buy and sell the dip. I've already made 1BTC just off buying and selling this dip, and you should be watching it too for price deviations. Look at the ETH and XVG charts for comparison of what this period should have in store.
Is there something wrong with preferring to shoot guns for fun, go to the bar with your buds, and chase girls? Is that really so bad? I don't even own a game console unless you count a laptop from 2012 and a smartphone.
Any good online resources about reading market trends and tips and things to look out for etc but more focused around crypto instead of general stocks and shit?
Im still early on reading various books but no real luck on indepth texts focusing or with a crypto emphasis
>People panic sold. This is how you make money. It had strong support between 1800-1900.
>I bought it at the lowest 1500.
I'm not touching it until 600-1000 sat or it clearly reverses it's downward trend.
Get off my board normie.
1625 - will go back to 18-1900 easely
have fun holding those bags retards
They are just an exaggerated version of tech stocks. Only difference is the smaller values make it easier for large players to manipulate the market and it's filled with inexperienced traders that panic faster than people who own shares.
>sell the dip
Are you listening to yourself? Are you drunk?
I'm sorry I can't be as special as you are. Forgive my common sense and respect my right to think you're a faggot. Lmao. I'm gonna crack a beer and stand by to make fun of you.
No honestly the two most important things are chart time and an intensive university level course on trading where you'll learn technical analysis, various market holds, how to effectively arbitrage, etc ...
You can find Yale/Harvard/Stanford/MIT video lectures on the second, whereas with the first you just need experience. Try to recognize patterns, draw lots of lines on the charts, and look where those lines intersect.
Where do you honestly see DGB going in the future? Back up or this is a done deal.
My guess is back up.
I said buy and sell the dip, Tyrone. "Dip" as in this period where it's violently fluctuating. Enjoy being poor though.
Or you could just develop an understanding of economics, statistical data analysis, and read news regarding your investments. It's not fucking hard.
1650 allready n00bs
I think it is going up right now, but there's a lot of uncertainty too. I could easily see it hitting a floor of 1400 over the next 1.5 days.
Lol. I'm not even poor. I like you. Grade 1 Autist. Enjoy your piles of money my friend. I'm sure you're wealthy AF. Please, tell me, what color is your lambo xD
Newfag pls. Look at pic related. It exactly mirrors DGB's price movement so far and is the most likely outcome going into the near future.
Oh! So maybe DGB could still be a good buy? I'm gonna look into that. Thanks for posting something that could be actually useful.
where was this posted user?
digibyte's telegram, Jared himself said that
look man, DGB took off on a rocket ship on nothing but speculation. It hit the top numerous times and dipped a bunch more. It went into a correction and idiots sold. The whales are just going to get bigger and this shit isn't going away yet. It won't happen this weekend but price is going back up. Most people just joined too late when it was over 1800
Thanks buddy. Putting down $5k and seeing what it does for the next month if I can find that myself. ;)
jesus christ you might as well just light the money on fire. its going down to 300sats look at the sell walls
Fair. I came here for good information. It appears you could be right. Looking into what user posted about talking to companies.
Feel free to join digibyte's telegram, but you need an invitation link i think
i sold all my digibyte for 1337coin and made really good profit already
If you don't have the money to lose, why are you playing this game? I've seen the same thing said before many times. Worth the risk depending on what I can find about partners.
those who listened, congrats,1700 allready and were going way higher
There's also a significant possibility that it peaks around 1700 before resuming a downward trend. Since it's already at 1691, I would wait just a little bit before buying.
Yeah. I went half in of the price I said above. Until I can find this telegram invite, I'm taking that tip with a grain of salt. Happy to see a quick gain already though. But really, why was that minecraft server shilled so hard? It's not even a partnership.
I'm not risking anything I can't afford to blow. I promise. My favorite coins are sideways at the moment. So I was bored. Lol.
Should have listened to me instead. I said to watch the price around 1700 before buying. Look at pic related.
Maybe you'll get lucky or maybe you'll get fucked. It's really out of your hands now.
I'm very much not worried about $2500. I can analyze data as well. This money is from my fuck around fund. I won't come bitching if I lose.
8% gains allready and volume is 30% higher then yesterday. MOON
lmao the bottom was 1500 senpaitachi
> Having friends
oh shit its rising from the dead! like a phoenix out of the ashes!
look at the daily chart. i don't see a floor until 500
if 1500 doesn't hold, 1000 is your last hope.
Quads willed DGB yesterday. DGB is fine nubs
at this rate, might reach ath easy. eating trough those walls like its nothing
> thinking today's girls are worth chasing
Clean your room
I'm losing patience with this shitcoin. It's dipping again now ffs. It's now a pump and dump.
>it's pnd
>gee it has it top at 2300 now is dead
there are rules in this randomness:
1. people who bought earlier and cashed in at 2300 are gamblers, and they did well,
2. people selling now because of weak hands are newfags and imbeciles
3. people holding are long time business man that see complete picture, that is - there is a great time developing this story for more than 2 years, contacts has been made and the future is bright. Not talking about meme July events, but a hard work invested in this business which you can transparently see in activities by digibyte team and their leader.
4. latest top was selling news and current low is what happens after bad news
TIP: If you have dgbs, keep holding, it's a long term, check your wallet in a year.
others fuck off
Once I saw the shit quality of their powerpoint "presentation" I knew without a doubt that this shitcoin had zero potential.
>Huge dumb boat picture taking up the whole slide
>No design flair whatsoever, just text on a white background, shit copy
Literally middle school level. I would lose my job if I tried to show something like that to a room full of my superiors.
The sign to buy is hammered into the face of everyone now. The hype will come back in a week and then we will see again the 2100 or 2200. Not a new ATH as this was too heavily pumped but a stable 2000 is absolutely possible.
Reactionary market is a joke lol.
Because dgb didn't WIN a peer award people got a serious case of the FUDs?
Still up $5k with DGB.
Agreed that Jared needs a good media team to help him out. Real business people see the genius potential in how far he's come on his own with apparently little real help from professionals. When there's an actual Digibytes team handling the different aspects and bringing ALL of the planned projects to life this baby will rival any other coin for ease and speed of use in several different markets.
Jared is a genius, can't make a powerpoint slide for shit but is a genius at what he's good at and that's blockchain technology.
Over the next 3 weeks you'll see a snazzing up of the website and everything. Remember that just a week ago this coin was 500sats.
Only weak handed gamblers are being shaken out right now. Real business people know the potential if they give Jared the opportunity to lock himself in his crypto dungeon and do what he's good at while a PR team handles everything else.
You won't see it coming.
rumor my ass. Digibyte's official twitter account retweeted this just the other day.
"We are going to start to actively talk and work with several ofthese big companies" is not substantial.
But it starts rumors.
"Visacard now accepts digicoin" is substantial.
That's a fake account. Here's the real one.
for fucks sake i know that account is the real one and that said account retweeted this guy's tweet
>25 minutes and BTC transaction still unconfirmed
Looks like I'm not buying the dip. How the fuck can anyone expect BTC to be 10k?
Don't worry, user. You'll have plenty of time to buy this "dip"
fucking lol
Smartest man in the thread right now.
Go back and read the archives if you must. Those of us in at 80 sats got in for a reason, and all of our threads acknowledge the coin as a very good long term investment.
I am in this for the millions, not a few thousand dollars off a quick jump up and down.
"We have made several great connections with several people at Citi, MasterCard, PwC and Microsoft. As well as some government authorities. We have several meetings setup.
They will continue to introduce us to new clients and future partners."
Anyone who does not buy in this weekend is a fucking idiot.
>BTC transaction
Are you legitimately retarded? Why would you ever perform a BTC transaction as opposed to transferring it via ETH or LTC?
>have BTC
>don't have ETH or LTC
>buying BTC
>not converting it if you somehow do have it
At one of these points you goofed.
I can't buy ETH with cash and in order to convert it, I have to wait for confirmations as I'm doing atm
Who gives a shit?
>June 10th, 2017
>Buying DGB
Use coinbase.
How low can we go ?
The only thing that keeps me from dumping this piece of garbage is that I bought at 700 sats, but these bags are getting increasingly heavy.
If it falls under support at mid 1400's it's pretty much free fall.
Would you rather gain now or cut your losses later?
Does Coinbase accept cash?
Yes. It accepts bank transfers and debit/credit cards.
"Cash" as in physical bills.
Yep. Just insert your bills into your CD drive or disk drive. It'll take your bills that way.
Right there with you brother. Feels bad man, but strong hands will be rewarded down the line.
Tell me this bullshit isn't going to get pumped again.
>price now 50 sats under 1500, none of the bids from your screenshot were executed
>large quantities are still being dumped
It will get pumped. Whales play all day long with it and the wallets are growing and growing.
-100 sats in 20 minutes
So many people selling at a loss right now haha
I don't even understand.