Was there a more autistic event in human history than WW1?

Was there a more autistic event in human history than WW1?

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Yes , WW2

Khmer Rouge

French Revolution. All its value is contained in how people later on picked up the good parts and learned how not to fuck up like French did. The event itself was a sperg fest.

Fuck off reactionary scum. You and your kind deserve execution.

Russia U.K. France and Italy all against pretty much Germany and two dying empires, surprised it wasn't incredibly one sided

Very liberal of you.

The Crusades, not necessarily due to their motivation, but rather their execution. They're a 100 year cavalcade of poor decisions, backstabbing, bad luck, and a whole lot of corpses.


*tips fedora*

Right now.

I see someone has had his education done by youtube videos.

Silly crusaders, holding hostile territory for over 200 years and ushering the European dominance of the Mediterranean that won't be stopped until the Ottoman century.

Hating neo-reactionaries and alt-right does not a fedora make.

It seems stupid because allmost nobody knows real reasons and goals of WWI.

You posting on Veeky Forums.

So can you explain WW1 without making it sound hilariously stupid then?

>Hey guys, let's do it again! see you in 20 years!

I'm by no means a WW1 expert so pardon me if I get something wrong but I believe it to be way more autistic than WW2.
>bunch of empires pissed at each other because they want to colonize even more territory
>Austria-Hungary bullying Serbia
>Germany teams up with Austria-Hungary to bully Serbia
>The UK, Russia and other powers are like "WTF? Why you pick on Serbia?"
>war between entente and alliance
>all because people wanted to pick on Serbia for some reason

WWI was triggered by 1911 revolution and further division of China.
Russia, Britain, France had good basements and were absorbing nearest regions (north, west, south), while Germans had only some towns like Tsindao and their expansion was blocked by Beijing region with remained Imperial and international troops.
So they decided to fight directly. Price of quastion - 350 millions of Chinese, 1/4 of world population.

>Implying that the French British and Russians where not dying empires too

Taiping rebellion

And now you pretend that protecting a liberal society from those who want tyranny is not liberal.

lol, they lost most of their land by 1200. The First Crusade was the most successful one, and they never got close to that success again. The biggest loser of the whole thing was Byzantium; the people they were originally called to protect. The Crusades are a fucking meme.

To be fair, Austria-Hungary was really threatened by Serbian nationalism and the very existence of the Serbian state was a bleeding wound in their dual monarchy system.

>hating buzzwords

The Protestant Reformation

American Revolution

Another very austist moment in history was Vladimir Lenin allowing Joseph Stalin to be his seccessor, although he was dead he should've never allowed him to have any power over the USSR.

The Crusades were pretty autistic desu

Is this a meme now? I've seen this irony too many times for it not to.

> Being this uneducated.

They retook most of it during the third crusade and the 1197 crusade.

They even retook Jerusalem in the Sixth Crusade.

Here is their borders in 1241;


"They're a 100 [over 100] year cavalcade of poor decisions, backstabbing, bad luck, and a whole lot of corpses."
How is that not an agreeable statement?

>Poor decisions
5th Crusade leadership the most laughable of many errors by the higher-ups
ERE, nuff said
>Bad luck
Diseases, greatest commander of 2nd Crusade drowns in a bath
>A whole lot of corpses
Self explanatory

Refute any of these points without Wikipedia and I'll stop laughing at you.

The Italian hate-boner for Ethiopia easily

What was that happening in China where a whole shitload of people wound up being killed over the price of bamboo or something?

>t. Robespierre

1) What was poor about the leadership decisions of the 5th crusade?

They gambled on taking Cairo before the Muslim army reorganizes and that gamble cost them the crusade.

Campaigns fail, especially in enemy territory.

By your idiotic standard we should all be making fun of the Ottomans as retards because of their disastrous campaigns in Moldavia or Rhodes.

2) How is it backstabbing if they allowed the ERE to exist?

You do realize that the Muslims were at Constantinople's doors by the time crusader came and that after the first crusade the ERE had most of western Anatolia in their hands.

3) Using bad luck as an argument

> being this much of a cumstain

4) War results in corpses.

1. Cardinal Pelagius absolutely ruined the 5th Crusade by refusing to attack and rejecting a truce from an Arab warlord. I never said make fun of them as retards, just that leadership in the Crusades, especially clergy leadership, was a shitshow.

2. I was actually referencing the Byzantines backstabbing the Crusaders.

3. I'm not using bad luck as an argument, simply defending the original claim that was berated for no reason.

4. I know, which is why I found the person disagreeing with this point ridiculous

>Ulster Unionism

Is Belgium an event?

So why did the Krauts join the two sick men of Europe and expect to win? I'm a burger pls explain


Why'd you have to throw civil discussion out the window user?

China's 1966 cultural revolution.

"As Chairman Mao's wife, I've been offended by some of the things his old friends from the revolution days have been saying. So it's time to tell everyone between the ages of 15-25 to get off of their asses and murder party officials- especially the ones loyal to those friends of my husband that shit talk me behind my back!"

Cue the death of two generations of intellectuals, artists, engineers, scientists, etc..


Ignoring the fact that they would lose Jerusalem again to Khwarezmian forces who massacred the Christian population. They held Jerusalem between 1229 and 1244 and that was only because the muslim world was fragmented again and getting fucked by the Mongols.

Bullshit, if anything the Crusaders were the ones who backstabbed the Byzantines multiple times, they purposely sabotaged the Egypt expeditionary force so they could have all of Egypt to themselves and Antioch raided Cyprus. When Manuel saw this and marched an Army to fuck Antioch in the ass, the Prince of Antioch knelled before Manuel with a rope around his neck LMFAO.

Was there a more autistic organization in human history than this?

>was there a more culturally diverse fighting force in history than this?

Wounded knee. The white people got spooked because a weapon that they traded to the indians malfunctioned, so instead of taking the blame they slaughtered the lot of em.

It was incredibly autistic, but the most autistic? not a chance
just to name a few more autistic
>The Monophysite controversy (or any early Christian schisms, good fucking god)
>a dispute over Christs nature that got so ugly the heretics in Egypt and the Levant welcomed the Muslims just to spite their former Greek overlords
>Khmer Rouge
>Lets forcibly depopulate our own cities and kill at least a quarter of our population in the name of a batshit insane ideology
>Taiping Rebellion
>30 million people dead thanks to the revolt sparked by an insane memer who claimed he was the brother of Jesus
>Mao post WW2

If you're gonna mention Mao, you should mention Chiang Kai Shek and his autism and how his son was better than him in literally every way

Are all these "autistic" threads made by one guy?!?

I swear, I'm being triggered with how many times I see OP use the word!!

French Foreign Legion

>Implying allowing some liberal fag like Trotsky wouldn't have led to the downfall of the USSR and the conquest of Leningrad and Moscow by the Nazi

The tulip bubble was objectively the most autistic event in human history

The Byzantines started sour relations after the dishonest way they acted during the siege of Nicea.

Go back to plebbit

Roman Auxiliaries

WW1 was a proud and dignified war, the only autistic event here user, is you.

By not letting a bunch of Franks loot and pillage a city that was almost entirely Christian? Say it ain't so!

>he believes the meme that Trotsky was a peaceful and not some violent degenerate warmonger assholes that was probably more dangerous than Stalin

Christ those Marxists tricked you good.
Trotsky would have invaded the moment Hitler got power.

Why the fuck was Germany willing to fight Russia and France just so Austria could piss on Serbia?

It's not a meme, it's an earnest sentiment.


Yes, Alexiis can't have his cake and eat it too. If he wanted the city wit out a scratch he should have commanded the chistian forces.