Post sexy uniforms of the Napoleonic era, aka THE aesthetic era. Bonus points for obscure or unique regiments if you have any.
Napoleonic era
>"the aesthetic era"
>not "the trying too hard era"
you're a couple of centuries too late for the aesthetic era buddy
Go back to your tasteless containment thread
>ywn join the army and get a bright red uniform
>tfw all uniforms today are the same camo shit so that you dont get bombed from space
when did war get so cucked?
You mean my vastly superior thread, surely?
Silly Napoleboo.
Camo can be super aesthetic tho
yeahhh sureeee buddy
>Camo can be super aesthetic tho
almonds are really activated at this point
Half the armor images in that thread are from my 1500-1700 armors folder.
Let's see my Napoleonic era threads.
French combat engineers
A foreshadow of WWI when steel helmets and armor were reintroduced against shrapnel.
You have confirmed that you are a plebeian
Nice, please continue.
Napoleon should be the lodestone for which we base all fashion desu.
t.generic mcgenericson
why the fuck does a sapper ever need a horse?
No black brunswicker yet? Let's change that...
Finally a thread where people have great taste.
Why is there a picture of Napoleon in the background when that soldier is fighting against Napoleon?
Maybe it's his palace and marie-louise just got blacked
Why did engineers wear breast plates? wouldn't it be uncomfortable when digging?
isn't that a courasier?
Probably a Sappuer/Pionier/Genie of the cavalry
They had to dig trenches while being under artillery fire. The British introduced shrapnel shells in that period.
>isn't that a courasier?
Yes, and i was going to call him out as a faggot until i noticed the patch on his arm.
THE eternal anglo strikes again
Mounted grenadier from the South American wars of independence. 1810s
Truly unsurpassed ingenuity
I like it, got any more? Revolution era Latin America is quite interesting to me but I don't know much about it.
The second from the right HNGGG, where did it all go wrong?