This coin is quantum resistant and has huge potential. They are meeting with Google next week. Read their white paper here (theqrl.org/whitepaper/QRL_whitepaper.pdf), this is definitely an investment to make if you believe in fundamental analysis. Strap on, we're going to the moon!

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it seems sketchy.....

lol if you dont get in this now. going to be at 50000 within a few hours

i dont know man, why you say that?

Buying 200 of these and forgetting about them until 2027.

The team behind this is amazing. Check their website (theqrl.org) and join the active slack (slack.theqrl.org)

nigger what?

All coins will be quantum resistant as soon as they need to be. The cryptography is already worked out... This is just scammy.

This is cool. Bought em


its volume is already on the second page. will moon like BAT the second the world wakes up. scammy or not, it's going to moon today.

si its a no-go?

I miss when crypto was a /g/ thing

This guy is going to LamboLand

witness me.

hitting 30k right now.. feel sorry for anyone not buying right now

going in deep on this, dont fail me now shills

This is new tech. Are we going to 1 bill MC?


but its going up

would rather get myself a lambo, thanks though.

Don't miss out on QRL like you did with DGB and BitBean