Why do people get SO triggered over homosexuality? Will we see less asshurt Christians in the future? Or will they continue sperging out over meaningless stuff as always?
Why do people get SO triggered over homosexuality? Will we see less asshurt Christians in the future...
Are you upset when people are born with cerebral palsy?
Gayfags are weird, it's hard to take them seriously outside of the context of a Broadway play or as a bartender, when I realized my new dentist was very obviously gay I noped the fuck out of there, sorry that's just the way I feel, deal with it.
As a homosexual I'm gonna say it's hard not to be triggered when 90% of gays are literal trash. I mean it's one thing if there's just a couple that likes it up the ass but is otherwise normal, but homos on average are walking catastrophes.
>STD bags even if AIDS isn't accounted for
>drug addiction
>alcohol addiction
>all sorts of assorted mental illnesses
All in much higher rates than straight people
lmao, they're already triggered OP.
Many religions deem it immoral; however currently I believe most people are bothered by they flamboyant behavior, but what bothers me personally is how many members of the LGBT community request "special" rights.
My wife and I have some lesbian friends; we went with them to a Pride festival/parade.
My wife and I seemed to be the only happy people there.
>anything besides enthusiastic support is considered triggered.
I literally never went to a Pride parade but knowing the sort of people who attend it I'd probably have to kill myself if I did.
yep, lol. it's so easy to upset these people. perhap they're insecure about something?
Dentists and AIDS have a long history; they were typically the first people to notice people had HIV. Plus, lots of drills and bodily fluids everywhere.
No one cared about gays until they alligned politically with socialists.
If you make your sexual preferences an oath of allegiance to the revolution, then anti-revolutionaries will oppose you.
One funny moment. Bunch of really burly gay dudes dressed in Scottish clan clothing stopped by, we started drinking with them. One of them said "you got any Scot blood in ya?"
I said, "Yeah, English, Irish, Scotch, Dutch and Welsh."
He said "Do you want some more?"
Some of them pretend to be what they think the people they despise act like so they can push their agenda through like with So easy to say "I'm an x, but FUCK X!!!!"
Stormfags have resorted to using Poe's law to make their point. It's sad.
I'm not a Stormfag, nigger. You don't live around this trash you don't know them as much as I do.
>gay people who despise gay culture simply can't exist it HAS to be a /pol/io masquerading as a gayfag to get across some shitty contrived point
yeah whatever
i bet you shit on black people who considered BLM iffy for not being black enough too
no need to tell me about it man. These retards infest every board.
Didn't people sperg the fuck out and kill them for being homos in pre-modern times pretty often though?
>Bitches about bigotry against the gays
>uses the term butthurt as a pejorative.
>butthurt as a term mocks anal sex, and implies that gays are lesser for partaking in it
Irony abounds
We will see more pedos and gays in prison. The pendulum is already starting to swing.
okay sweetie. it's almost bedtime.
>sweetie posting
Is there a surer sign that one has been BTFO?
nice projection
If you were a cute lesbian no one would mind. Buy then you'd get the
>hey girl I bet I could prove to you you ain't no lesbian
But overall no one gives a shit about lesbians. It's nice to fade into the background a bit.
post tits or leave
The world need less of those gays and more like you man
nothing wrong with taking drugs. i guess if it makes a major impact on your life you should stop but drugs are fun.
They'll stop freaking out when gay people become a majority.
Oh wait that's never happening.
really makes you think
because some gays give most gays a bad image